How can anyone not like Fluttershy? Even if she isn't your top pony, she's still amazing.
Get some nightly roundup stuff below!
Is Fluttershy Cool?
You decide.
Top 10 Pony Video Voting - August 2013
Vote or die!
Why Discord is NOT Starswirl the Bearded 2
Description: KP tackles the famous Star Swirl/ Discord rumor yet again! Click for more details!
Find it here!
My Little Pony Monday #25
Hey guys! So, in this week's video I give you a little run-down on the final issue of the Big Mac story arc as well as talk about my excitement for the upcoming issues about Shining Armor and Princess Cadance! (n_n)
Find it here!
The MBS Show Episode 78
On Episode 78 of The MBS Show, She is no stranger to the world of fanfic writing, with the experience she has in writing fanfiction she has started to expand her horizon to the world of fanfic reading.
We are proud to announce Scribbler a fanfic writer and reader and also stealer of souls and vocal cords, join us as we talk to her about the world of fandom before ponies and her work as a fanfic reader.
You can listen to the episode in the link below.
Funny Theory About Octavia
Description: What do we really know about Octavia? How much of our knowledge is canon versus fanon? Has anyone ever connected the dots to this degree? I think not. Then again, this is just for laughs!
Successful Meetups
Chile Meetup
August 31st, 2013. La reina CineHoyts, Santiago of Chile
Bronies and Chilean pegasister attended in a group of nearly 100 people, to watch the premiere of the movie "Equestria Girls", in the Latin version.
We had a great time with the community of "Bronies Chile" singing and clapping every song from the movie, and also with some cosplayers.
Chilean Bronies facebook group
Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More
Public Safety Brony Group
Are you a police officer, firefighter, or EMT? Are you a brony? If you answered yes to both, then we would like to invite you to join the Code3 Bronies! We are a group for current/former/aspiring public safety bronies to connect and meet up. Come and share stories of memorable calls, find the latest news and goings on in the public safety world, even a place to vent and unwind after "those calls". Of course, there will be plenty of pony discussion to be had as well.
As we grow and expand, we will also be in need of additional staff members to keep things rolling smoothly. It will be on an as needed basis, but opportunities will become available.
If you wear your badge with pride and have a love for My Little Pony, we would love to have you aboard. Head on over to here to join up!
FMStorm and Meirno
Mexican Meetup Groups
Bronies Hidalgo
Pachuca, Hidalgo, Mexico
Bronies Aguascalientes
Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes, Mexico
Bronies Ensenada
Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico
Oban Scotland Group
Find it here!
Merch/Ebay Stuff
Derpy Thank You Card
Twilacorn Plushie