Another month means more staff birthdays on the horizon! This month we have a trio of singing ponies with Michelle Creber, Kazumi Evans, and Shannon-Chan Kent celebrating another trip around the sun. Since holding a Bday bash for everyone at the end of the month worked really well last month we're going to be doing that again this month, giving you all plenty of time to craft some cheer to send our hard working staff!
But that doesn't mean you shouldn't wish a happy birthday to them all on their special days. First off is Michelle with her birthday on the 7th of September followed by Kazumi Evans on the 14th of September with Shannon-Chan Kent rounding out the month with her birthday on the 23rd of September. Find their Twitters below!
As for the artwork, you can send finished pieces into [email protected] with MLP Birthdays as the subject header followed by who the picture is for!
Michelle Creber's Twitter - Voice of Apple Bloom and Singing Voice of Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle
Kazumi Evans' Twitter - Singing Voice of Rarity
Shannon-Chan Kent's Twitter - Singing Voice of Pinkie Pie
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