I love Halloween. Not because of the holiday itself, but because of the art that goes along with it. Pumpkins, ponies in costumes, the color combination... I can't get enough!
Anyway, have 15 non Halloween related tracks. Hopefully we get some good ones as we get closer to the day!
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Another version of Pony Maker has been released by The Hub, this time with loads of costumes to celebrate the spirit of Halloween. Head on over here to play it! Bonus points for pirates in the comments.
Thanks to everyone for the heads up!
Ponies need more steampunk. -
Dziadek1990 on Deviant Art has released another screentime analysis graph, showing off the exact amount of time Big Mac, Cheerilee, The CMC, and Granny Smith have received in season one and two. Head on over here to check out the entire graph. And if you are curious about the mane six across all seasons but have never heard of this guy, hit that up here. -
It was January 28th, we had just survived a mini-break from episodes, and EQD was born out of the fires of boredom. The chain of pony threads on the Comics and Cartoons 4chan board was nonstop, and keeping up was near impossible with the huge amount of stuff being created. We needed a place to spotlight the best (and back then a 300 word fanfic was the best), and blog style seemed like a good way to do it. Who would have thought it would grow to the level it has today?
On to the episode! Rainbow Dash and Applejack never really did a whole lot of interacting outside of a few skits across the last 12 episodes. An upgrade to their friendship was inevitable, thanks to their shared interest in physical activities and competition. Fall Weather Friends really shined in this area, and showed just how good the comedic chemistry between the two really is.
We saw a few Looney Tunes style moments throughout the season, but this one took it to the next level. Everything from sticky pools to sign spinning was used as they cheated their way to victory. Classic cartoon fans everywhere rejoiced.
And who could forget that Twilight Sparkle is the answer to the ultimate questions of life, the universe, and everything?
Get the episode below the break, and toss your first time reactions in there!
Oh hey, General Mumble is back to the world of pony. It's about time! He definitely makes some of the most interesting music out there. In a sea of trance/orchestral/metal it's refreshing to get something wild every once in a while. Find his new Chrysalis/This Day Aria remix in the first slot!
And number two stars some Vinyl Scratch, this time with vocals. That's a rarity for her. Get both below the break!
1.) General Mumble - Perfect
2.) Sim Gretina feat. Nowacking - When The Bass Drops
Ask Stoned Trixie is actually one of the oldest pony tumblrs I can think of. It's been around since September 2011, or at least that's what the wiki says. Considering the first post is labelled as "Posted 2 years ago," I'll take it! It's also exactly what it sounds like. Trixie is constantly stoned and constantly angry. Throw Snips and Snails in there and it ends up being a hilarious look at Trixie bumbling around daily life. It's bound to make you smile, so I suggest giving that link a click and checking things out!
Now, uh, look after the break for the upsetting part.
I wonder if these two are buddies now? They seem like they'd make a good duo.
Get some art below!
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A Date With Mr. Magnet
[Sad][Slice of Life]
Author: Bad Horse
Description: Twilight tries to reconnect with Ponyville after becoming a princess
Long Distance
and moving to Canterlot.
Additional Tags: Magic isn't friendship.op 1:00 PM
Labels: Author: Bad Horse, Complete, Fanfiction, Mayor Mare, Sad, Star-Needed, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
I can't decide on which Luna I like more. Tall with flowy mane, or short with normal mane? Either way, she looks great.
It's time for wallpapers! Get them all below!
And reminder: Click the source links to get the full size versions!
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Wuvable Pwincess of the Night
Nicole Oliver Signed Poster for Charity!
by XyroTR1
Nicole Oliver tossed up a post on Twitter about an item she signed for charity! So if you want to help out some sick kids up in Canada, check out this auction on eBay. All proceeds are to go to IWK Children's Hospital.
Another episode of Junk Town Pony Peddler has been released for all you radio play lovers. Get it below the break!
And if you want to catch up on the last seven, head on over here for a playlist.
by XyroTR1 -
Applejack needs a straight up solo cowgirl episode. No other mane 6 ponies or Derpys to steal the spotlight, just her in the Wild West doing cowgirly things. She could be off searching for a lost crate of gold, or running a group of bandit mules out of town.
The only rule? No apples the entire episode. In fact, lets just axe fruits and vegetables entirety. Hay only. This plan cannot have any holes in it!
Anyway, get some roundup stuff, much longer than usual!
The march of progress on our mobile app ticks on! I've come to the conclusion that I'm not sure how our developer Leon does it- having a full-time job coding things (which we both do) only to come home and code something else would probably kill me. So go tell him he's neat.
As many of you have noticed, iOS 7 has been officially released, so what better excuse for an update to both versions of our mobile app? The Android version and the iOS version have been bumped up to version 1.2, and as of this post both are available in their respective stores. In this version you can expect changes like these:
- Android 4.3 compatibility
- iOS 7 user interface support
- iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C support
- 64-bit support for iPhone 5S devices
- Support for iOS 5 dropped (the iOS version of the app can only be run on iOS 6 and up from this version and onward. iOS 5 users (which is 2% of all iOS users) should still be able to download a older version from the app store
- Spoilers filter has been changed to a Season 4 filter
- Non-fanfiction category has been removed (because of the removal of the button from the site)
- Segmented post navigation. So no more popups to reach the comment or info section (iOS , Android )
- Reload buttons have been replaced with a "Pull down to refresh" mechanism for the post lists
- Bugfixes
As always, if you have any suggestions or problems with this latest update, leave a comment below. Leon will be going through everything and making notes for fixes and features, like he always does. We want to make this app awesome, and this is how you can help!
Author: Vimbert the Unimpressive
Description: Princess Luna is the guardian of the dreams of all the ponies in Equestria. She takes great pride and great pleasure in this duty, but when the dreams of Applejack and Rainbow Dash keep forcing themselves upon her, she finds her waking world tinted by the nightly passions of two ponies who can't quite seem to admit to each other what they want.
Get Thyselves a Room
Additional Tags: Appledashing dreams bother Princess Lunaop 9:00 PM
Labels: Applejack, Author: Vimbert the Unimpressive, comedy, Complete, Fanfiction, Luna, Rainbow Dash, Random, Shipping, Star-Needed, Story -
Bobby Curnow has returned after a few days break and answered a boatload of questions over at the IDW comic forum. More information on season 4 scripts, official comic continuation, and of course, the ongoing Twilacorn drama has been touched on.
Thanks to Robert for compiling it all for us! Head on down below the break to check out some major points, spoilers included.
We are almost to the point where EQD started up! It looks like the break between January 7th and the 28th was the big boredom point. I'll get into that in the next one though.
Call of the Cutie was a... weird one. Up until this point, the entire series was focused on six ponies we definitely weren't sick of. Apple Bloom took center stage for once, and reactions were... mixed. I think this was the first time people really jumped on Hasbro for it, especially after Lauren Faust mentioned that they wanted some kids in the show to go along with the mane cast. There wasn't a whole lot of love for the idea of the Cutie Mark Crusaders back then.
Aside from that though, the episode did a good job of explaining how the whole pony destiny system works. Some of these ponies really got shafted! What if you end up changing your mind later in life and have a super specific mark? Doomed!
What was your initial reaction to the CMC? Do you prefer mane 6 episodes still 3 years later?
Hit up some Call of the Cutie below the break!
USA Today did a quick article on the pony phenomenon, with Mike Vogel, vice president of development for Hasbro Studios, in attendance. They cover the usual stuff, but It's kind of interesting hear one of the higher ups over there comment on what he sees from his position. One of the more interesting lines is probably this one:
We have had very long meetings where we argue about things like what exactly might happen if a pony were to make fun of a Pegasus that can't fly.
Who could he be talking about I wonder?
Anyway, get it over here. Thanks to Whatshisgame for the heads up. -
Dash looks pretty good all dressed up. She'd probably headbutt you if you told her that on a whim though.
Onward to art!
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Dancing of the leaves
Guess who the most under-appreciated pony is? This pony right here. Who acts as both the trainer of future generations, and the babysitter for busy parents everywhere 5 days out of the week? Cheerilee deserves your love and admiration!
And we have two songs dedicated to her, one from Sim Gretina, and one from Mandopony. Get them both below.
1.) Sim Gretina feat. Emily Jones - Cherry Tree
2.) Follow in Your Footsteps - by MandoPony
Vinyl Scratch is back in stock at Hot Topic! If you pre-ordered it before and had a cancellation, you can call up their customer support line and have it re-applied to your order with Octavia to preserve your Hot Cash discount. According to person I talked to over the phone, there was a derp while doing inventory and the pre-orders were cancelled.
If you haven't grabbed one yet, Vinyl can be found here, and Octavia here. The Hot Cash codes expire tomorrow for the discount if you want both, which you can find over here.
Thanks to everyone for the heads up! -
The My Little Pony Facebook Page has tossed up an announcement/teaser about this upcoming addition to the Gameloft game. I'm going to guess that the stage thing is her included decoration. As of right now, no exact date has been announced.
Thanks to Whatshisgame for the heads up! -
Someone going by the name of Gwommy has spent the last month creating a giant maze titled "Chaos is Amazing" out of an image of Discord for all of you puzzle enthusiasts to solve. I have a feeling this one is going to take a while, but you all have surprised me a few times before. Who can master it the fastest and drop the path down in the comments? Clock is ticking!
Whaat. Like Unicorns aren't the best race ever. You guys are crazy. Technically Luna lost this poll though. See what I did there? Get dunked.
Next poll: Who has the best house? Hit the poll up on the side bar.
Author: Obselescence
Description: Princess Celestia, in her infinite wisdom, comes to the conclusion that she doesn't have anywhere near enough time to do everything on her busy schedule. Not a problem for her, though. The solution to having no time is obvious: just make some more.
A Breakfast of Time Loops
Additional Tags: Celestia is a Time Travellerop 11:00 AM
Labels: Author: Obselescence, Celestia, comedy, Complete, Fanfiction, Luna, Star-Needed, Story -
Celestia! Luna! They were born alicorns, but Twilight and Cadance have strolled in shaking up the lore! Are these new ponies equal when they aren't born this way? BronyCurious/Tommy Oliver hopes to answer that, with a new video dedicated to the two princesses. Head on down below the break to check it out, and feel free to battle it out in comments.
According to a reddit post and later a CNN article, ponies apparently got someone fired from their job! CNN censored his rant a bit if you want something with less swear words, otherwise go get the original one here if you want the full story!
Since we are on the subject anyway, I'm kind of curious. How many of you bring the pony to work with you? If you don't have a uniform, do you wear pony shirts? And if you work in a cubicle that allows toys and action figures, do you bring a pony toy or two?
Rain sure is getting a ton of love lately in the remix department, and a lot of these kick ass, this one included. It's too bad the original doesn't have many views! Go watch it or something! Get &I's take on the song in the first slot, and in slot number two is some good ol' fashioned Vinyl Scratch electronic dubsteppyness. Both below!
1.) JayB & Giggly Maria - Rain (&I Remix)
2.) DJ Pon-3 - Vinylicious
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