• Week In Pony / August 17th, 2013

    We're lucky, in a way. Some fandoms don't have the benefit of such an active community when the show isn't airing. You can check in on our community at any given moment and find something to inspire you, something to make you laugh, or something to drop your jaw. The amount of news to filter through can be overwhelming at times, and at Equestria Daily we've had the privilege of showing you what we think is exceptionally neat, even if we get some flak for our selection process sometimes. I would call it a labor of love, but when we love this stuff as much as you guys do, it's hardly labor. Keep making neat things. We love it.

    That's only sort of an intro for this week's video- and hell, I've said it all before- but I felt like saying it again anyway.

    Check after the break for today's Week In Pony. As promised, this series will continue. I've incorporated a few suggestions from you guys, and hopefully you like the result and this turns into something that you guys can catch every week and be well-informed.