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Story: Ballad of the Two Sisters (Update Part 3!)
[Sad] "A unique take on a relationship, told in a unique way." -PreReader 13
Author: SuperGiantRobot
Description: The Princess of Equestria,Ballad of the Two Sisters (New Part 3!)
The one known as Celestia
Ruled over the sun and moon for untold years
She spent all this time on her own
Solitude being all she'd known
And then one night somepony new appears...
Story: The Sword Coast (Update Part 11!)
[Adventure][Crossover][Dark] Finally a Baldurs Gate crossover!
Author: AdrianVesper
Description: When a dark enemy begins hunting the young wizard Twilight Sparkle, the walls of the fortress library of Candlekeep cannot protect her. Not even her mentor, the archmage Star Swirl the Bearded, can keep her safe. With a price on her head and the shadow of death on her heels, her only hope for salvation is the Magic of Friendship. Perhaps, with powerful allies at her side, she can find answers and uncover the truth about her destiny.The Sword Coast (New Part 11!)
(This story is inspired by the Baldur's Gate CRPG series by Bioware, but you do not have to be familiar with BG to understand its events)
Story: Strive (Update Part 5-6!)
[Slice of Life]
Author: Croswynd
Description: Appleoosa was created by the sweat of earth pony brows, stubbornness and more than a few bits. Now that Braeburn’s seen his dream come true, the investors have sent a pony representing their interests.Strive
Turns out, Appleoosa ain’t the money maker they were looking for and they've come to Braeburn with an ultimatum: pay back their investment or lose the town he worked so hard to build.
Story: A Storm of Chaos: A Dr. Whooves Adventure (Update Part 24!)
Author: Shotoman
Description: Discord's statue has vanished from where Celestia had put it in the royal dungeons, but it doesn't seem to be because Discord himself has escaped. Rather, somepony has stolen it. Now the Doctor and is loyal companion Derpy will search time and space to find the culprit. Bring on the drums!A Storm of Chaos: A Dr. Whooves Adventure (New Part 24!)
Story: Freeze Frame (Update Sequel Part 7!)
[Adventure] [Slice of Life]
Author: ToixStory
Description: “If you can make it in Fillydelphia, you can make it anywhere,” or so the saying goes. When a young mare comes to the big city with dreams of being a reporter, she is instead thrust into a world of corruption and squalor where she will need the strength of friends to survive.Freeze Frame
Story: The Last Human (Update Part 12!)
Author: Patchwork Poltergeist
Description: Reader, in ancient days, the old lords of the world numbered in thousands. Then hundreds. Then even less.The Last Human: A Tale of the Pre-Classical Era (New Part 12!)
Now, they are found only in tapestries and fanciful ballads.
The creatures are all vanished. All but one.
Rumors say there are more of him, somewhere far away. A young and supposedly gifted mage called Star Swirl, and Heartstrings, a gentle spinster join him on a journey to find the rest. But between the searchers and their goal hangs the question: "Should these creatures be saved at all?"
Story: Flash Fog (Update Part 21!)
Author: Kwakerjak
Description: When Fluttershy received her certification as a fog specialist, she only wanted a plausible excuse to write off the expenses associated with her ground-based house on her taxes. However, when an accident in Cloudsdale sends a blanket of industrial-grade clouds rolling towards Ponyville, Fluttershy suddenly finds herself in charge of coordinating the response, mostly because she's the only fogFlash Fog (New Part 21!)
specialist in the area. Can our heroine step up to the challenge at hoof, or will she risk facing the wrath of the Equestrian Revenue Service?