And over in the world of Conventions, PVL is streaming BronyCAN for all of you that can't make the trip up there. This one runs until 1:00 AM Pacific time and restarts again, with the convention, tomorrow at 10:00 AM. Check ti out over here! And of course, get the press release below the break.
Happy viewing!
Update: 24 hour Seeds of Kindness stream here.
Welcome to Seeds of Kindness 3
We have entered into a new era, the era which—with your help—will furnish the Another Hope orphanage in Uganda with a secure budget for medicine and school fees, and allow the Green Village project for street children in Burundi to expand and endow more children in destitute with new, brighter futures.This is the address, the portal if you will, to the new zeitgeist.
The Projects
The first of our projects has already been funded thanks to GalaCon! The second project is a guest house that will be built close to the Another Hope orphanage in Uganda so that tourists who visit the region—and they are already in contact with local tourism businesses—will pay for many of the running expenses of the orphanage such as the school fees and medical bills of the children. All the while, they will also save the costs of accommodations for their volunteers. The third and largest project is for Green Life: To extend their agricultural program, which they run for and with the street children in their care, they want to acquire another field and more animals, build a rainwater tank, and supply one of their buildings with solar energy. Another solar energy installation will benefit educational activities for the children—such as welding, music, and pottery. All these new or expanded activities are designed to meet the needs of the children and moreover yield a surplus, again, to cover such expenses as medical bills and school fees.
We still need a little under €28,000!
The Albums
If you read our previous revelation on our A Beautiful Heart release event, you will be well aware that every donor to Seeds of Kindness 3 gets to download the full lineup of
- A Beautiful Heart (from Seeds of Kindness 3),
- Soldat Pony’s Before These Mighty Skies,
- Soldat Pony’s Disharmony,
- Faithful and Strong (from Seeds of Kindness 2),
- Seeds of Kindness (from the eponymous fundraiser), and
- Smile! (from the eponymous fundraiser).
Stay tuned for our announcement of the top donor prizes!
About Bronies for Good
Bronies for Good, first and foremost, is you. We are the facilitators who organize service events worldwide and encourage individual, group, and social involvement to fostering the growth of a global community of caring, socially conscious individuals: you. (You can also follow Bronies for Good on Twitter and Facebook.)
About Your Siblings
Your Siblings is a nonprofit charity organization registered in Germany that provides 100% effective monetary aid to select Third World projects that representatives of Your Siblings have personally visited and assessed. The projects need to be themselves nonprofit, nongovernmental, run by locals of the respective country, and geared towards providing the most essential means and services to those most severely disadvantaged in society, all to ensure that the donations will have the greatest and most permanent impact. (You can also follow Your Siblings on Twitter and Facebook.)
BronyCAN Stream
Ponyville Live! will be providing live streaming coverage of BronyCAN 2013 in Richmond, British Columbia, Canada throughout the weekend of August 24th and 25th. BronyCAN is the premiere Canadian brony convention, and takes place right in the same area where our favorite show is recorded, animated and assembled, so they feature a number of high-profile guests, including Claire Corlett, Andrea Libman, Tabitha St. Germain, Rebecca Shoichet, Lee Tockar, Vincent Tong, and many more guests from both the show and the community.
The Ponyville Live stream will be running until 1:00am Pacific time (PDT) on Sunday morning, then resuming at 10am PDT Sunday and running until the closing ceremonies. Don't worry if you miss the live stream, as Ponyville Live! will again be recording the entire convention and compiling it into an archive for easy viewing later.
You can catch the stream on Ponyville Live's homepage (http://www.ponyvillelive.com/ ) or on the specially-created stream page on BronyCAN's web site: