• Newbie Artist Training Grounds III - Day 2

    Blink. Blink blink. Greetings, everyone! Welcome back! My name is Phoe, and this is the Newbie Artist Training Grounds. Yes, I, me, myself, and Phoe, your once and future overseer for this grand tutorials. After much waffling, I have come once more from the shadows to be your personal cheerleader and commandant for the remainder of the training grounds. Accept no substitutes! Except for that Calpain guy, he's pretty cool (and will be a very large part of the event still, so keep an eye out!)

    We're staring, we're glazed over, we're motionless, and most importantly we are on this day 629 ponies strong! So let's talk for a minute about how wonderful that is. The decision to step into the NATG is not an easy one, nor is the process I'm asking you to move through very easy. It's long and it's tedious and you've got schedules to keep up with, and all of that makes every single submission you choose to send along a spectacular accomplishment. I look at each and every one, and I always, always, always love you for taking the time to do it. 

    Now then, down to brass tacks. You've taken the first step on a long road, and it's time to think about some ponies doing the same. But let's get one thing straight here - although I say 'pony' for tradition's sake, anything and everything from the FiM universe is fair game. OCs, minor characters, backgrounders, gryphons, dragons, it's anything that appeals to you. I urge you to think creatively and bend the theme to your will. Drawing is creativity! Make it your own. And so! Today your task is to Draw a pony walking OR! Draw a pony on a journey. Submit all entries to this compiler by 12:00 AM Pacific Standard time tomorrow (August 18), and show me you've got what it takes to follow this road where it leads.

    For now though, let's enjoy our sweet snacking, glazeariffic gallery. Featuring, yes, many a donut. Delicious!