Nightly Roundup #755
by Calpain
I heard Lyra was the fan favorite in the last Roundup, right? So have some Lyra (and technically some Scoots and Bon Bon)! Sorry it's a little late tonight, was playing games with a friend that was feeling a bit down lately.
Anyhow, on to the news! Not too much and not too little tonight so check it out after the break.
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Rainbow Dash and Twilight floating on magic glowy cubes in the middle of space. That's pretty damn wallpapery right there.
We have a shorter post this time around, but these guys have been sitting in the submit box forever, so lets get them out there for all of you to use! Head on down below the break for wallpapers!
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The Other Side | Impala99 + Romus91
Spotlight Music: Sisters at Heart / Between Fairytales and Happy Endings (Aviators Remix) / Elements
by Sethisto
We start this one off with a new soft vocal track with Feather and TheDashDub, followed by an Aviators remix of Between Fairytales and Happy Endings, and finish with some Symphonic death metal with an awesome backtrack. Get them all below!
1.) Sisters at Heart (TheDashDub ft. Feather)
2.) PrinceWhateverer - Between Fairytales and Happy Endings (Aviators Remix)
3.) Secret Metal - Elements (396 sub special)
MLP Birthday Bash!
by Calpain
We've had a lot of birthdays this month and you've all waited patiently for this day, sending in all sorts of artwork for our hardworking MLP:FiM staff! Today we celebrate the Birthdays of Raven Molisee, Cathy Wesluck, and Anneli Heed! Happy Birthday to all of you, especially Raven whose Birthday is indeed today!
Head on down past the break for all the celebratory images!
I remember watching a korean version of this. It was even better than the real one. Can you imagine it with ponies though? Overwhelming awesome.
Head on down below for art!
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The Good, The Bad, and the Ponies
Livestream Saturdays
by CalpainHello again everyone to a new edition of Livestream Saturdays! We've got a new banner to kick this off thanks to regular streamer Drawponies. Thanks man! Anyhow, check on after the break for today's streamers!
We posted a flash version of this the other day, but not a whole lot of mobile devices support flash, so have a version specifically for the phones and tablets out there. If you find yourself at a store and need to choose a favorite pony out of a box of blindbags quickly, this is a good way to do it.
Point your phone over here to grab it. -
Live near Bristol? Forbidden Planet is running a my little pony event for you all on the 14th of September. The following activities are planned for this one:
• MLP Quiz - You could win the GIANT Pony on display. Ask at the till for an entry form.
Head on over here for all the relevant information on it!
• Cosplay Catwalk - Free goody bag for anyone in MLP costume [while stocks last]. Be there at 1:00pm
• Paint A Pony - Ticketed event at 12:00 and 2:00. £5.00 entry ticket gets you a goody bag of a MLP blank figure, paint & brushes. Compare designs and painting tips with other fans and our in-store expert.
• MLP Colouring - Colouring for children.
• MLP Cupcakes - All day - or until they all get eaten! -
Without episodes, we need to aim for what we can get! Equestria Girls is airing on The Hub this Sunday, and Bronystate is streaming it for nostalgia sake. They also have a marathon leading up for it, because marathons are always fun.
Hit up the copy paste below or the poster above for all the relevant information, and find their website up here.
Hey all you ponies! This weekend is going to be explosive here at Bronystate! First and fore most, we have our Brony Movie Night line up starting with Holes (yes the one with Shia La Beouf) followed by Attack of the Killer Tomatoes, with a side of pony in between. All starting on Friday at 7pm EDT. Don't be late!
And then on Saturday at 12pm EDT, we have another new episode of Bronystate Presents! We will be joined with the animators of a few of the most well known fanmade animations! Featuring Robin Gosswiller of Project Interlude and Dusk's Dawn, Zedrin of Snowdrop and Fall of the Crystal Empire, and TehJade of Double Rainboom and I Am Octavia! It's going to be hot!
And to finish off this weekend, We will be showing the bane of all bronies, Equestria Girls! There will be a marathon of ponies starting at 10am EDT, leading up to the movie, which shall start on 12pm EDT. You are definitely not going to want to miss this! -
Newbie Artist Training Grounds III - Day 16
by Calpain
Greetings from the lab fillies and gentlecolts! Calpain here tonight to allow our great host Phoe take a little break and get some much needed rest now that we are past the halfway point of this wonderful event. I've been watching from the shadows and you've all have been doing a fantastic job, so keep on pushing the envelope and go for the gold. The finish line is on the horizon and you guys just keep going strong as we have 270 excitedly charged ponies in tonight's gallery putting out total to 6387 images! Wowzers!
Of course it would be nice to see these lovely picture ponies, eh? We've got you covered with a link to tonight's gallery located here. Go on, click it. You know you want to!
To kick off this Labor Day weekend we've got something for all of you heading back to school that I think you all can relate to. Continuing with our idea of expression and tone for this week's focus our prompt for today will be: Draw a nervous pony/ Draw a pony on the clock! As always you can submit your entries here and you have until 11:59pm Pacific Time on Saturday, August 31st to submit. Phoe will be back tomorrow and I'll be rooting for you guys in the background (cheer leading outfit optional)!
Once again, the Great and Powerful Twilight Sparkle has accidentally summoned you to Equestria. As a way of saying she is terribly sorry for ripping you out of your dimension and into hers, Twilight, in all her princessly glory, has offered to gift you with a single form of magic. The only catch? You have to have prior knowledge of it, so it needs to be something that has happened in the show.
The best part? It's not limited to unicorn magic! Have some examples:
Want it Need It
Single or Mass Teleportation
Giant City Barrier
Bolt of agony
Gem Finding
Cloud Walk
Butterfly Flight
Chocolate Rain
Summon: Hedge Maze
Body Part Removal
Gravity Reversal/Removal
Summon: Tornado
Cloud Manipulation
Earth Pony:
Apples Apples Apples Apples
There are of course, loads more. As long as it's in the show, you can learn it. After one week, Twilight will return you to Earth, and you will keep the ability to use for whatever purpose you wish over here. Choose wisely!
Oh yeah, we're SO on! Year Three is upon us, fillies and gentlecolts, cheeselegs and featherbrains and all the rest of you lot!
Here's the run-down on NaPoWriMo, for those that haven't ever done something like this, or haven't participated in National Novel Writing Month (which this is based off of).
The goal: 50,000 words. Don't be scared off by this, either. I'll take drabbles, poetry, haiku, or the ponified Epic of Gilgamesh. The 50 K is just something to shoot for, not a requirement. If you decide to write three one-shot fics totaling 7,356 words? That's just as awesome as the writer who cranks out 118 K. Do not be discouraged because you don't have the wordcount somepony else does. Everybody that participates gets listed at the end of the whole thing, no matter if you're a prolific writer or this is your first time writing.
The time limit: One month, from 12:01 a.m. September 1st to 11:59 p.m. September 30th, pertinent to your local time zone.
The special note: Unless you plan to submit to Equestria Daily properly after this event, the rules are more or less out the window. Kissing and fade to black scenes are a-okay, explicit content is not. Same goes for the gore levels. Don't be trying to impress the 'Hostel' creators or something, here.
If you have questions, comments, suggestions, or goodies you'd like to donate to the event like last year: e-mail knowledgeabounds@gmail.com.
Anybody have questions? want to get together and brainstorm? Do so, please! Make fimfic groups, have a huge Skype chat, whatever it takes to get the creative juices a-flowing!
That'll do 'er! Let's go, folks! Make me proud!
Parody all the Youtube series! If you have never watched Screen Junkie's "Honest Trailer" stuff, you might want to grab some context first, otherwise, dive on down below the break for Honest Trailer: Fallout Equestria.
Go home moon pony, you're drunk.
Have a bunch of art while we stop Luna from colliding the moon with the sun.
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Silly Luna
The voice actor behind Prince Zuko from Avatar: The Last Airbender has tossed these two shirts up in celebration of his birthday. I wouldn't mind a real crossover of these two series. Clearly Nickelodeon and Hasbro need to get some deal signage going.
Head on over here if you want them! They will only be available for 1 week.
With Equestria Girls airing on Sunday on The Hub, Entertainment Weekly has released a live action music video of the main song they keep using for everything.
Head on over here to watch it! Thanks to Kein for the heads up. -
Hot Topic is running a giveaway for the Vinyl Scratch Comic Con exclusive pony over on their Facebook page. All you need to do is "like" their page for a chance to win. Head on over here to do that! Good luck!
Thanks to Katherine for the heads up. -
Alternate title: Seth on the Beach. Goodness, do you feel that wit, or is it just me? Oh, that's what I thought. Well then! How about this? We've reached the halfway point of the NATG! Get out your noise makers, blow your party favors, throw the confetti and sip a refreshing beverage of your choosing. You have earned it! We're hitting the way point strong, netting another 304 drifters, shifters, and sailors to our growing menagerie! I... lost control of that metaphor somewhere, but look! Is that a total of 6117 images? I think it is!
Jumping straight into the thick of things, let us swim up to shore and gaze upon the majesty and the wonder of the glorious ocean of our gallery. Do you feel alone? Don't! Feel at peace. It's relaxing to float about, sometimes. Or to drive and bank super hard around a turn, or to hop aboard a Jaeger and fight some Kaiju. Hey, it's all in there. Enjoy it!
We're starting our third week now, and with a new week comes new things to think about, practice, and get pumped up for. This week's major focus is going to be expression and tone, and as a wonderful launching pad to that effect I present to you tonight's theme: Draw an excited pony/Draw a pony charged up! As ever, submit all entries here by 11:59 PM, Pacific time on Friday, August 30. Let's go, ponies! I want to see you smile!
You'll notice the general flow of today's post is a little bit different than usual. I'm as aware as anybody (perhaps more so) of how much monotony and routine can make a drudgery of any activity, even a really really fun one. And I can sit here and keep typing whatever pops into my head to keep making it feel fun and fresh, but after a while I think it all starts to seem a little bit flat. So with that in mind I tried to prepare something special for tonight. If you wouldn't mind, please click below the page break and hear what I have to say:
Nightly Roundup #754
by Calpain
Some of you wanted Derpy and Doctor Whooves, well have them and some more! Now onwards to a rather short roundup tonight. Afterwards we can hit the hay or get going with our days depending on where you are in the world.
Seeya tomorrow everyone! Oh, and I fixed the numbering on the Roundups so we should be back to the normal count now.
Sombra may be an underdeveloped character, but was he a bad antagonist? In this video, Texeirax explores the idea that Sombra's possibly, "lawful evil," alignment makes him a more compelling villain than first thought. Check the video out after the break (though be warned: it has a lot of swearing in it).
[Sad][Slice of Life]
Author: LunaUsesCaps
Description: After another stunt gone wrong, Rainbow finds herself cooped up in a hospital room again. But when she ends up getting roomed with a nine-year-old colt, her stay at Ponyville General takes a turn that's worth just a little more than reading a book about an archaeologist.
For Every Answered Prayer
Additional Tags: Rainbow Dash Meets A Kid
op 8:00 PM
Labels: Author: LunaUsesCaps, Complete, Fanfiction, Normal, OC Ponies, Rainbow Dash, Sad, Star-Needed, Story -
Artisan Pony Crafts Compilation #23
by Calpain
Now that is one heck of a sculpture! It almost looks like Chrysalis here popped right out of a video game or something. You've got to be impressed by the amount of work that must have gone into making this turn out just perfectly.
Hey all, some crafts coming your way for today!
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Queen Chrysalis
Ponies in the Media: Global News - Toronto on Ponies / Huffington Post Pony Resume / Tara Strong Heading to TableTop
by Sethisto
Global News did a quick four minute long report on the MLP phenomenon up in Canada. Loads of people were interviewed at the Canadian Pony Fan Expo that happened last week. They grabbed Tara Strong for a few little blurbs as well. Head on over here to check it out!
Huffington Post - My Little Pony Resume Belongs To Either The Least Or Most Employable Person Ever
TableTop With Tara Strong
The guys at TableTop on Youtube have Tara Strong on next week. I'll post that video when it pops up, but for now, you can find the announcement video, as well as TableTop's Youtube channel here.
Thanks to everyone that sent all of these in! -
Michelle Creber is included in a list of 20 semifinalists for the Rock the Rog contest at the Canucks main website. If you want to help her vote, head on over here to toss your choice into the pot, and read the rules on their main website.
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