I can't seem to find any Luna in jean shorts. Last night's roundup seemed 5x more popular with Applejack in those, so I can only imagine how many people would flip if Luna donned a pair.
Anyway, onward to roundup stuff!
Ponies in The Gazette
A military brony article popped up over in The Gazette. Check it out here!
Galacon Ticket Give-Away
Want tickets? Head on over here to check out the give-away!
Equestria Uncovered - Lyra and Bonbon
Check the article out here!
Sweet Apple Acres Con Day 1
A video was released, so check it out over here!
Knockoff Ponies Invade Ashens
Toy Reviewer and famous Youtuber Ashens did a review on a bunch of stuff, including a knock off Pinkie Pie. Find it here!
Rainbow Cloud in Wilsonville
Looks cool! Check out the article on it here.
The MBS Show 71
In today’s episode of “The MBS Show” we have an awesome guest. He is a talented brony artist who can draw in digital and analog format, he is the mastermind of the “Best Pony” logo and is the artist for the “Ask Movie Slate” Tumblr page. We are proud to bring you James Corck, join us as we talk about why is Rarity so awesome, what inspired him to create “Ask Movie Slate”, how come Rarity is so cool, his blog on MLP episodes and why is Rarity best pony.
You can listen to the interview in the link below. http://www.thembsshow.com/2013/07/the-mbs-show-episode-71-ask-movie-slate.html
Successful Meetups
Orlando Equestria Girls Meetup Video
Check it out here!
Utah Meetup
The annual Utah Bronies summer meet was a complete success. It took place Saturday the 13th in Liberty Park in downtown Salt Lick City, and the total attendance was around 100 people. Everyone had a good time, some great barbecue, and passed the time with various activities such as 'Rarity's Scavenger Hunt', 'Zecora's Riddles', and drawing chalk ponies everywhere. There was also cake. Lots of cake. New Lunar Republic cake. And that other one.
Find the gallery here!
Rarity Scavenger Hunt/Zecora Riddles
Chilean Meetup
About 30 chilean bronies joined at "Parque O'higgins" to share and talk about MLP:FiM, all day hanging out and enjoying the company with the bronies that attend.

Merch/Ebay Stuff
Baby Discord Plushie
This one is from McTwiggyfication from Sins of Friendship! Pretty cool!