Sweetie Belle is very much a theme pony for me. On her own, shes not the best on the planet, but toss a robot voice in there or dress her in a pirate costume and shes suddenly way more interesting.
Anyway, have some nightly roundup stuff!
Japanese Opening English Syle
Why not!
The MBS Show #69
On Episode 69 of The MBS Show, we have an awesome guest. We have two military bronies from FOB Equestria on and they are here to tell us all about FOB Equestria and more. We are proud to have on Captain Saunter Hoof and Captain Miche, join us as we talk about how is it like to being a military brony, how peer pressure can make someone into a brony, military bronies at conventions and why you should put a black tape on your webcam.
Catch the show in the link below.

Successful Meetups
Nashville Meetup
On June 30th, a large group of the Nashville Bronies went to the park for a picnic and fun games! People brought delicious food and board games to play! The weather held for much of the day, and when it rained we already were under a picnic shelter. One member even brought their own rendition of My Little Pony Monopoly in which blind bag ponies were used as play pieces. The game lasted for HOURS but was a blast, and left Applejack last pony standing. There were a lot of new faces this time around and we'd like to say thank you to everyone for coming out and making it such an awesome day! We hope to see you all again, and hopefully even more new people at future events!
Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More
Grand Galloping Galah Utah
Hey Pony lovers! Bronies of Southern Utah is sponsoring a "Grand Galloping Gala" ! Held Saturday, July 13, 2013. Best Dressed Required. It will be held at the Washington County Hurricane Library at 8:00 PM. Fun will be had by all...There will be lots of "Pinkie Pie" fun... dancing, delicious pony food, games & prizes. I know I will be "Soarin' on in for all the Fun! Come Join Us!
2 Croatia Meetups
Brony Dance 2 Meetup, Zagreb City
After successful, Brony dance 1 meetup, we're making 2nd brony dance meetup.
There will be singing and dancing with Just Dance 2 Japan Wii and when we drain out all our energy, we can play a game of pictionary.
Meetup will be held at Yeti and Aisha's place and it will last till Sunday morning.
Meeting place: 16th meridian (Vukovarska street and Držićeva Avenue junction (in front of Mazda car dealership))
Meeting time: 17.30pm, Saturday, 6th of June.
for all further info, or if you'll be late, or if you'll come straight to Yeti and Aisha's place, call on: +385977739001 or mail at [email protected]
meetup 2:
Cinema Brony Meetup, Zadar City
First brony meetup in Dalmatia.
Meetup plan: Meeting up on Zadar riviera on Pozdrav suncu where after meeting up and getting to know each other, we'll go to Cinestar Zadar cinema where we'll go watch Pacific Rim. After the movie, we'll hang out and see what people want to do.
Meeting place: Pozdrav Suncu, Zadar City
Meeting time: 17.00h, Saturday 13th of July.
Note: Meetup time may vary depending on cinema schedule which isn't published yet for date of the meetup.
for all further info, mail at [email protected] or call on +385977739001
Bakersfield/California/United States Group
Bronys Together
La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico
"Un lugar donde no importa sexo ni edad, solo el que respetamos los gustos y que amamos a los ponies :3"
South Florida Meetups
Equestria Girls Meetup at Sunset Place
July 13th at AMC Sunset Place starting at 9am
5710 Sunset Drive, South Miami, FL
Post-Supercon Picnic/Nerf War with Urban Ronin Stunt Team
July 14th at Tropical Park from 1pm to 6pm
7900 SW 40th St, Miami, FL
I need this event mentioned sometime next week
UltraCon of South Florida
July 20th to July 21st at the Ramada Inn from 9am to 5pm
1950 W 49th St, Hialeah, FL
$5 admission each day
Merch/Ebay Stuff
CMC Customs
Aloe and Lotus Plushies