• Fiesta Equestria Panel Archives

    Unable to attend the recent Fiesta Equestria convention and want to catch up on all of the panels that went on? PVL has set up a huge archive displaying all of them.   Head on over here to dig through it all, and below the break if you want to read the details via their press release. 

    Ponyville Live is proud to announce an exciting new format for distribution of the huge volumes of footage that we collect from every convention we cover: dedicated archives that follow the schedule of each convention and allow visitors to relive the con experience panel-by-panel.

    If you were a presenter or guest at a convention, relive the memories and check out the panels you weren't able to make it to. If you didn't get to attend the convention, browse through the archive and get a sneak peak of what the convention experience is like, so that you can start planning for next year!

    We're debuting this new style of convention coverage with our dedicated page for Fiesta Equestria! 2013, which took place last weekend in Houston, TX:

    We've already uploaded dozens of panels, and we're still processing the last of over 250GB of HD footage we collected from the convention. In the spirit of collaboration, we've also included footage from the Everfree Network and our partners at Brony Radio and FOB Equestria, to help give you the most complete picture of the convention possible.

    As the pony world's newest and fastest growing media network, we at Ponyville Live! look forward to launching many more full convention archives just like this one in the future, and continuing to serve the community by providing thorough and high-quality event coverage, along with 24/7 pony radio, video, podcasts and more.