Nightly Roundup #727
by Calpain
Tonight is sort of a screwy night as this Roundup might as well be just a merch post considering how many pieces of merchandise are up for sale tonight. News has been rather quiet lately, but I think BronyCon has a little bit of something to do with that.
Anyhow, check what we do have after the break!
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Animation: Sweetie Bot - Fear Me
by Calpain
This animation is sort of short, but it's really cool! Besides, you don't want to make Sweetie Bot upset, do you?
Find it after the break!
[Adventure][Sad] "Heartwrenching, beautiful, and utterly awesome. I'll never look at Spike the same way again." – Pre-reader Amacita
Author: The Descendant
Description: Once upon a time, Spike went for a walk.
While on his walk, he was judged by an ancient alicorn, lodged with griffons, parlayed with air pirates, charmed a maiden of a mystical race, and dealt with the scourges of hate, fear, and racism while deliberately drawing the armies of myriad nations to the brink of global war.
Once upon a time, Spike went for a walk, and did all of this so that he could keep a promise to the one that meant the most to him... Twilight Sparkle.
In the first of three books, Pillars of the Sun (Chapters 1-15), Spike is devastated by Twilight's fate and grows more and more despondent as he attempts to understand what has happened to his dearest friend. A gentle nudge from a pony he trusts sends him looking for answers. When that nudge becomes a push he unravels ancient secrets... and risks losing himself before his attempt to rescue Twilight can even begin.
Zenith (New Part 14!)
Additional Tags: Spike goes for a walk.op 8:00 PM
Labels: Author: The Descendant, Celestia, Fanfiction, Incomplete, Sad, Spike, Star-Needed, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
Artist Training Grounds Announcement!
by Calpain
It's that time of year once again everyone! The Artist Training Grounds is ready to start its third year here on EqD this coming month and we'd just like you all to know so that it doesn't come and hit you out of the blue when it starts. Currently we are aiming at an August 16th starting date so get your pens, pencils, crayons, tablets, and lasers ready for another month of drawing ponies! Can we beat the records we set last year? Let's see!
As to who will be leading the event it'll be me, Calpain, along with help from members of the Training Grounds Alumni group. Unfortunately Phoe can't participate this year and I have asked her permission to continue the event this year in her stead, but hopefully she'll pop in to say hi or drop an awesome prompt on you all!
Anyhow, that is all. Catch you all for the event in a few weeks! -
The world of TF2 is completely flooded in mods. I remember just a few months ago playing it with piles of pony stuff. No one ever sends them though! Luckily we have some Fluffle Puff dancing on rainbow to share with you all, because that right there is the epitome of TF2 pony mods if I do say so myself.
Now I just need an excuse to get back into playing it. We totally have servers for that too.
Anyway, get your Fluffle Puff over at Gamebanana. -
I think I'm losing my mind, either that or someone slipped something into my grape juice. For those of you aware of something called "Second Reality", this is a remake of it with pony. If you can last past the first swarm of flashing swirling lights without going insane, I'll applaud you. A good amount of these scenes are super impressive though videowise. They even throw some 3D animation in at the end.
Anyway, check it out below the break!
A couple of those 24 hour flash sale tee sites have pony stuff available today. For those of you that are fans of Pacific Rim, Ript Aparrel has a "My Little Kaiju" shirt (and hoodie) up for a few more hours. And over at Teebusters, Applejack is eating cereal. I wonder how these sites get away with selling this stuff?
Thanks to Yoshimon and Candygram for the heads up.
Alright, no Trixie header this time I promise. Lets start with something even more controversial! Is that an OC pony shipping with my Rarity?! Blasphemy I say! You're lucky that background is incredible!
And onward to more art below the break!
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Rare Flowers
[Shipping][Slice of Life] Aww, serious dash completed. What will I cover Story Update posts with now?
Author: Bronius Maximus
Description: My name's Rainbow Dash. I'm Equestria's fastest pegasus, I'm the Element of Loyalty, I've saved the whole kingdom more than once, I've laughed in the face of danger, and I'm a coward. That's right, I said it. I'm a coward. I've always been sure I could do anything. Win any race, beat any opponent, complete any job. But this is something I can't outrun, outsmart, or outlast. What's causing me; the most awesome pegasus ever, so much trouble? You wouldn't believe me if I told you.
The Sky Is Falling (New Part 12!)
Additional Tags: 1st person RD, Twilight, shippingop 3:24 PM
Labels: Author: Bronius Maximus, Complete, Everypony, Fanfiction, Normal, Rainbow Dash, Shipping, Slice of Life, Star-Needed, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
When I first saw this, I actually didn't realize it was for dogs. The internet truly has completely corrupted me. Not that dog collars are bad or anything. (please don't send me angry emails!)
Anyway, find that over at Thinkgeek, and more random merch below the break!
BronyCAN has announced Vincent Tong for their ever expanding list of guests. It's starting to look pretty busy up there!
Head on down below the break for all the information on it, including their extention on the coupon code we posted a while back.
The Singapore division of Hasbro has an event planned for all you people up in the area this Saturday (August 3rd). On top of loads of friendship, they will be giving out MLP themed stuff to the first 1000 people that attend. What exactly this stuff is, we won't know until it happens. Hopefully it's cool though! Hit up the break for the full press release.
Hot Topic has released their variant of the 10th issue ofthe MLP main series. Head on over here if you want to pick it up! Thanks to Dean for the heads up! -
Woah, where did this come from? Hopefully you late-night crew, European/Australian/Asian/Non US timezone folks are around, because this is a full on 4 and a half minute long Daring Do animation that is amazingly well done. They even threw some 3D effects in there. I for one welcome our new AlStiff animation overlord.
Head on down below the break to check it out!
Both Doctor Whooves Adventures and The Vinyl Scratch Tapes released new episodes today! Open those ears of yours, and go listen to stuff!
I'm kind of curious on how many of you are Doctor Who fans at that. Might be time for a poll or something.
1.) Doctor Whooves Adventures:(Goodnight ep3) Good Show Goodnight Prt1
2.) The Vinyl Scratch Tapes Season 2 - Episode 1: Back in the Saddle
The first 3 seconds of opening that second one made me think I was being Rickrolled. Luckily it's far from that. We start off with an awesome B.B.B.F.F. remix from Stormwolf, and finish with a 90's style Spitfire dedicated song from Psychgoth. It's kind of refreshing to escape the "Win the Crown" remixes for a bit. Check both out below!
1.) BBBFF - StormWolf Remix
2.) PsychGoth - Spirit of Fire (ft. Nowacking & Mysterious Bronie)
You know what the biggest challenge for every cartoon villain is? Pulling off that smug ass sinister/planning/evil face. Know who does it best? Trixie. You might be thinking "but what about Chrysalis! Her villain face rocks!". Unfortunately, she cheats. Fangs are the biggest crutch in the evil mastermind world. It's almost like using an aimbot in a FPS. You aren't actually good, you are just being carried by something that makes you look good. Trixie doesn't have fangs, and she doesn't use an aimbot in TF2. Would you be friends with someone who aimbots? I would hope not. They ruin games.
Have some art!
[1] Source
A new spell for real magic
There isn't a whole lot of new here outside of a teaser clip to the bonus features that have been floating around on Youtube for a while, but I figured I'd make a mention of it anyway. Entertainment Weekly has tossed an article up about the upcoming Equestria Girls blu-ray. Head on over here to check it out!
Thanks to everyone that sent it in, and Masem for reminding me to post it! Derp. -
The Hub has uploaded a short little promo for their election event going on right now at Hubworld, this one dedicated to Pinkie Pie and her crazy shenanigans. It has a few neat lines near the end that are custom to the commercial. Head on down below to check it out!
Remember that amazing Flutterwonder SFM Video? The creator of that one, Ferexes, has released a second one dedicated to Applejack and the old Pinkie Pie Swear song "Sunshine and Celery Stalks". Expect awesome animation and atmostpheric effects, along with the usual PPS lyrical Gibberish that rocked the fandom back in the day.
I'll stop blabbering though, because you need to go be amazed for four minutes. Get it below the break!
The Artist Spotlight continues to impress as I now have about 120 emails with suggestions for me to go through, but that doesn't mean stop folks, keep sending them in! Tonight we've got some more artists you might never have heard of, but do some incredibly impressive work. Check after the break for all our spotlit artists!
In similar style to the Tumblr Spotlights, a group of 3-4 artists will be spotlit each entry along with a small short description along with a small selection of their artwork! In order to make this feature work though we need people to suggest artists to us so make sure to send artists you think need some exposure to [email protected]. Please also include a short biography I can work with as well as what medium you work in most.
What sort of artists count? Suggestions should follow these criteria:
- No clop or extensive gore galleries as those typically violate our content guidelines. If the artist has a safe for work gallery separate from their not safe for work stuff they or their fans can submit the safe for work gallery. If there is a mix of SFW/NSFW on a gallery the decision whether or not to include them will be judged on a gallery to gallery basis.
- Those with below 500 faves on their most popular pony picture on dA or similar gallery (Furaffinity, ect) will take priority consideration in posts, but those who have above this number are still welcome to submit or have their fans submit.
- Don't be afraid to spotlight yourself as well as others!
- Artists of all types accepted -vector, OC, traditional, digital. As long as it is pony and of quality it has a chance of being spotlit.
Coming in right after those two earlier, we have five more toys from various ebay auctions out of Hong Kong. That Chrysalis especially has my interest. Unlike the Thunderlane and Smarty Pants from earlier, All of these are in expected sets coming up, and I think a few were even at the last Toy Faire. Hasbro needs to start sending more of these to Target so I can actually get some. I still can't find the Manticore one to save my life.
Anyway, have some links:
Silver Spoon
Lemony Hearts
And Rarity was found on Taobao.
Thanks to Kirara for the heads up again!
The world of blindbag style toys appears to be expanding once again! Either that or some factory workers in China got a hold of a machine and copy of a 3D Design program to sell stuff on Taobao/Ebay. We have a Thunderlane and Smarty Pants popping up here. There isn't any confirmation if these are actually real yet, but considering the past track record of turning background/side characters into collectables, I wouldn't doubt it.
Thanks to Kirara for the heads up!
(Update: Smarty Pants was at the Toy Faire) -
"You know you want me~"
And the full list for those collecting these:
F35 Pinkie Pie - was given out at Big Apple, Cutie Con, Trot Con, EQLA May, My Little Pony Fair
It's kind of amazing how much some of these go for on Ebay.
F36 TBAF37 Rainbow Dash - gift with tin purchaseF38 TBAF39 Fluttershy - gift with Deck Box purchaseF40 Derpy - Fiesta Equestria, Everfree NWF41 DJ Pon3 - gift with poster purchase, MLP FairF42 Twilight Sparkle - BronyconF43 TBAF44 TBA
Thanks to everyone that sent it in!
The marketplace for Xbox Live has been updated with the pictures and themes side of the My Little Pony line. It's looking like the mane 6, Luna, Cadance, and Celestia are available right now. The theme itself runs for 240 MS Points, and the picture pack at 160.
Head on down below for a video showing it all!
Thanks to everyone that sent it in!
Chapter 1
Lots of second parts to comics today it seems! It's nice to get something other than one shot pieces from time to time don't you agree? The one linked above goes to the start of chapter 2 which came out some time ago, but has quite a few pages added since then so make sure to find the rest in the description.
Click for full!
We Love Fine has finally revealed the winners of the Ponies Vs. Villians event they ran over the last few months, or at least the first round of winners. They still have voting available for the final battle. Head on over here to check out the villians, here for the good guys, and here to vote on which of the finalists should win the 2500 dollar cash prize! -
GalaCon's Music At The Gala
by Calpain
With just a few days away, GalaCon has a quick announcement about their Gala Evening event detailing what you can expect this year. Check it all out after the break along with a cool song serving as GalaCon's official theme this year!
Reminds Me of Hotel Dusk
by Calpain -
New BUCK Announcements!
by Calpain
With the big conventions in America winding down our European friends are picking up the pace! BUCK has some new information on their Summer Sun Celebration as well as some really cool T-shirts they have made for the event.
Check it out after the break!
Nightly Roundup #725
by Calpain
Hey again everyone! I'm back from vacation and back on Roundup duty as I settle in after my trip back from Michigan. Much merriment was had and as you can probably tell some game playing went on (love Dust!). Finally beat both Arkham games too! At this rate I'll be caught up with my backlog in about 5 years.
Anyhow, onward to the Roundup! Come on AJ!
Convention Compilation - July 29
by Calpain
Convention news everywhere tonight! Chrysalis can't contain the love for pony these conventions have planned. If only changelings in the show had access to the internet, they would never want for love again.
Anyhow, on to our list of convention news! Check it all out after the break.
- DerpyCon South Promo
- Midwest Brony Fest Wrap-Up
- Sac Brony Expo Promo
- EFNW Post-Con Wrap-Up
- BronyCon Mini-Print Project
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