It's 4am here, and Scootaloo hasn't been at the top of a roundup in forever, so have that.
And the usual stuff below the break!
Pony Graffiti/Chalk Art
Source |
Ashleigh Ball Interview
Interview all the staffers!
Babs Seed
Another one of those "name a pony every time in 3 seasons thing", but Babs is a bit limited so shes hitting the roundup!
Radio Play Recruiting
If you have a voice acting ability, hit this video up for information!
The Brony Cast Episode 14
On this episode of BronyCast, Sneak Attack and Data Stream talk about the upcoming movie - Equestria Girls
It certainly has some mixed feelings from pony fans, and some people are quite unhappy about the whole thing, but Equestria Girls will be in theatres on June 16 2013. The hosts talk about their opinions and expectations of the movie, as well as a positive outlook on its potential.
Find it here.
KPNY Episode 8
The Inventory at KPNY Radio
The day that Air Waves has been dreading has finally arrived. Fairytail is finally cleared for work and back in the booth. So now Air Waves has deal with the most obnoxious and condescending on KPNY once again, and to make things worse, Air Waves is still preoccupied with the decision to keep the Brony messages a secret from the rest of the cast.
With the ponies presenting "In her Majesty's Royal Service by Sagebrush and a musical interlude of "Calm Before the Storm" by Jwoodony
-The KPNY Cast and Crew"
The MBS Show #67
On Episode 67 of The MBS Show, we have an awesome guest. He is a fanfic writer and has written stories like “White Box”, “Anno Domini” and his current project “Pinkie Pie is Dead”, also he is a pre-reader for Equestria Daily. We are proud to bring you Chromosome, join us as we talk fanfic, what goes behind the scene for an EQD pre-reader and pony merchandise.
Catch the show in the link below.

Successful Meetups
Quebec Meetup
It was a AWESOME day for the Quebec Bronies group, both at Montreal and Quebec City! Both cities enjoyed the magic of Equestria Girls!
First, Equestria Girls event at Cineplex Odeon inside Pepsi Forum, Montreal. A meetup was organized, over 30 Bronies were expected to show up. But it turned out that about 50 BRONIES assisted to the screening of Equestria Girls! We watched the movie, among with kids and parents. We did ALL LOVE it! Then we went to dinner at Five Guys, we had a good time to draw and pin our drawings to the message board.
What a record! This is the BIGGEST meetup of Quebec Bronies ever!
Second, 20 Bronies showed up at the Cineplex Odeon of Saint-Foy in Quebec City. All came to see the awaited film of their favorite show. Optimistics, all Bronies applauded at the beginning and at the end of the representation. The critics where unanimous, the public was charm, and even the few surprised mothers and daughters joined the party.
All we could say, Quebec had an enjoyable day! =D
DC Meetup
We, the DC Bronies, decided to have a Welcome Back Meet Up for one of our great brony friend who has just returned from the service Engie, and who better to have a welcome back than the DC Bronies! We had a huge count of 68+ bronies for this gigantic celebration. First was the huge cook out then onward to the amazing pool/hot tub and ending it off with a bang with a sweet rave party! All arranging from the amazing pool party to the sweet epic rave, we each had our special way to welcome back our great friend! Lots of cosplay were done and even had Queen Chrysalis and Fluffle Pony join the fray, also some sweet free stuff were given to anyone who wanted them, also 6 amazing prizes were given to 6 lucky bronies and we might make this a thing! All in all this was an amazing way to say Welcome Back to our very own Engineer Brony! More photos here
Florida Meetup
Central Florida Bronies: Orlando Division had a meetup outside of Steak & Shake this time: a Buffalo Wild Wings spirit night. It was to help a local cause, Team Helping Paws for the benefit Pet Rescue by Judy, a local nonprofit (501)(c)(3)no-killing animal shelter in Sanford, Florida, as part of the UCF Cornerstone program. 20% of the customer's final bill (no tax) will be sent to PRBJ.
The group hopes to raise $1,100 by July 4, and they still have a bit to go. If you'd like to donate to an animal shelter today, they have a GoFundMe here. Look up Pet Rescue by Judy, they're registered and well known.
Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More
The Lunar Guard
What we do: We provide Brony Convention quality security, while in a Lunar Guard cosplay uniform.
We have provided the security for Las Pegasus Unicon, and we also have a VIP team of which the VA's love, and have been personally requested to provide security for Lee Tockar and Tabitha St. Germain to name a new.
Our social media are
you can also check us out on our website at
Idaho Group Recruitment
Check out the video!
Merch/Ebay Stuff
Zippo Luna Lighter
Rainbow Dash Painting
Fluttershy Moasic
Gummy Plushie