Elemental edition! I always preferred ice, but fire is cool too.
Have some nightly roundup stuff below the break.It's a shorter one, but PS4 fans should find something to enjoy in there.
My Little Playstation 4
Yeah, pretty much that. I know I already pre-ordered mine!
Looking for Ponyscope Voice Actors
As a side project to the Zodiac ponies tumblr blog (http://zodiacponies.tumblr.co
Our promo video:
Cutie Mark Con Interviews
Have a list!
Andrew Francis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6Ib8I76m2w
Richard Ian Cox https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6z-EDIr1jA
Kimlinh Tran https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cMdqt0Kdcx0
Dennis Daniel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7RjzbmJ-TwU
Brynna and Brian Drummond https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zOn8RzrT6dY
Kira Buckland (Rina-chan) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G30Eq2bbaYs
Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More
Michigan Meetup
Come one and all! The Michigan Bronies/Pegasisters cordially invite you to the premiere of Equestria Girls on June 16 at 10:00 AM at Cinema Hollywood in Birch Run.
Experience with your brothers and sisters the shocking story of our beloved ponies as they become humans! Will it be a horror fest where we can hardly keep our eyes directed at the screen, or will it actually be a good, possibly amazing story? Either way, I am sure that we will all have a good time as we experience this together.
Information for the event are here: https://www.facebook.com/events/255925854552132/
We can't wait to see you there!
NC Equestria Girls Meetup
Hi, TBNC Admin here wanting to remind and inform the awesome bronies of North and South Carolina about our Equestria Girls meetup this sunday. After the movie we'll be going to stores, lunch, and possibly a park. The weird thing about this theater though is that they don't accept cash, only credit cards. So if you have a credit card, bring it. Of not bring cash and pay one of the bronies there with one and they'll pay for your ticket. Don't worry about sounding rude we've discussed this over at the page and they all are happy to help their fellow brony get into this moment of MLP history. All information can be found below and at our facebook page Team Brony North Carolina. Brony on EQD!!!
Date: 6/16/13
Time: 10:00 am (movie starts at 11, but aim to come at 10 so if you get caught in traffic or
have trouble getting your ticket you don't miss a second of this movie)
Location: 9630 Monroe Road Charlotte, NC 28270
Ticket Price: $7.50
Michagan Oakland County Equestria Girls Meetup
[June 22 10:30am] A group (4+) of bronies are going to watch "Equestria Girls". Does anypony else want to join us. We are going to meetup around 10:15am at the theater.
For future changes please check out my intensedebate at http://intensedebate.com/people/pkkotlar
Address: EMAGINE NOVI, 44425 W 12 MILE RD, NOVI, Michigan, 48377
Merch/Ebay Stuff
Fleece Pony Hats
This Day in Pony History
2011: FiM Dating Sim?! Guess it never actually happened!
2012: 8 Bit Hub Commercial