It's finally Friday which means another work week has passed and a relaxing weekend is just around the corner. Why not spend some time with some cute tumblrs to start off your weekend?
As always, if you have a tumblr you would like to share, whether it is your own or someone elses, please make sure to send it my way at [email protected] for review and filing. Now, on to the tumblrs!
Ask Filly Rascal Twilight
It's been quite some time since we featured a Korean based blog so why don't we fix that shall we? Ask Filly Rascal Twilight stars a fillied Twilight after an experiment went wrong in her lab. Now that she has been reduced to her younger self again she is up to all sorts of mischief and is in general, well, a rascal! While the translation to English by the author isn't perfect, it's still enjoyable with adorable art draw in a traditional style. Check it out!
Ask Filly Rascal Twilight - Current Page
The Ponyville Dairies
Fillies everywhere in today's update! In The Ponyville Diaries we find an alternate timeline starring a filly Rainbow Dash as she makes her way to Ponyville from her hometown after her house blew up. Told from her perspective we follow Dash's adventure as she tries to cope with not only a new town but new friends as well.
The Ponyville Diaries - Current Page - First Page
Ask Palette Swap
I've actually gotten a few suggestions to feature this tumblr so here we go! Ask Palette Swap is an example of an OC tumblr done right! Starring Palette Swap, the tumblr is presented in a typical ask blog style that follows the life and adventures of this creative pony who paints with her tail. Featuring a well developed character, beautiful art, and fun responses this tumblr is worth checking out.
Ask Palette Swap - Current Page - First Page
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