• Random Merch: Balloons, Bikes, and Messanger Bag

    A bunch of completely random pieces of pony merchandise have invaded the world over the past few days.  We start this one off with a set of balloons found in Finland by Hanzki.  We have had a few of these for years now, but I haven't seen either of those designs before.

    Head on down below the break for a bike, and a new Doctor Whoof Messanger bag as well!

    Pony Bike

    I have to admit, I've never seen this type of bike before.  Is it a new thing? Or just a Russian thing?  Anyway, they were found at a toy shop over in Russia by Mihail for those interested. 

    Doctor Whoof Messanger Bag

    Found at Hot Topic by Heavy Xo, find the story page here.