I saw a few people mention that we were a bit lacking on Rarity and Sombra headers for the roundup in that last post, so let's fix that! Have some Sombrarity.
And the usual roundup stuff below the break!
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Starting with cake!
Scootaloo Does the Chicken Dance
Why not?
Fighting is Magic Mugen Project Launch
Hi Everypony. Ra lord here! I've started a new Project for the free fighting game 'MUGEN', more Specifically, 'The Fighting is Magic' MUGEN Project, where we are to recreate the game 'Fighting is magic' Mane6 started awhile ago, before they we're denied by Hasbro later on. As much as this is a tribute to the original creators of the FIM, this can hopefully be turned into a community project and even try finish what they started.
A specific Twitter account has been made for this group where you can find the currently made Characters and they're updates, news and even some competitions.
You can currently download the %90 completed Twilight Sparkle there to, which works for Winmugen and Mugen 1.0
you can also contact me at theFIMmugenproject@hotmail.com personally
The more support we get, the more we can recreate this marvelous game.
Your truly Ra lord"
Season 3 Heading to Poland
According to MiniMini, Poland will be airing the third season of pony in a bit here! Hope you guys are ready!
The Lightning Round
This is the 43rd episode of my My Little Pony podcast The Lightning Round. I'm gonna tell you the biggest news of the last week and highlight some of the best media. This week we have an interview with Jan from JanAnimations, to talk about his past and upcoming projects. Special thanks to Joel Linsk for the wonderful opening theme and Mytho for the new title card.
Ask the Crusaders tumblr: http://ask-thecrusaders.tumblr.com/
JanAnimations YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/JanAnimations
Canterlot Radio Episode 8
Find it here!
Voice of Equestria Episode 32
Whee, more aggravating delays! We got this episode recorded a couple of weeks ago, but sometime between handing it to our new editor (love ya, Cho’Angath!) and him delivering the final product, part of it got bugged and he had to start editing all over again.
Anywho! Fairly short episode since we’re in the long and not-quite-so-ponyless summer. News, fan media spotlight, cool things, you know the drill. Come check it out!
The Brony Show 97 - The Feels and the Best
Hello everypony. We're still relaxing and getting ready for D-pad's return next week. So this week we're going to talk about things we found in the community that gave us the most Feels and also what we thought was the best. Come and join us and share your feels and awesome community stuff with us! We also have news and videos to relax a long testing week.
Be sure to join us at www.thebronyshow.net at 6PM PST/ 9PM EST. You can also join us an hour early for the Brony show preshow and get your brony show starting early. Also be sure to stay after for Crimson's oatmeal galore afterparty. if you want us to email you about events going on with the show, just email tbspluggedin@groupmail.com and ask to be subscribed. If you want to be part of the show, let us know! Email Circuit at bronyshow@gmail.com and ask for a spot. They fill up fast so be sure to reach us quickly. Also be sure to tune in to our affiliate Ponyville live for the show and more fun things after the show at www.ponyvillelive.com"
Successful Meetups
Cincinnati Meetup
Description: The Cincinnati Bronies spent all day sketching up ponies and other cute stuff. Meanwhile others made pony felt pins for charity. And along the other chaos that was going on we made time for pony sports. Which was either catching an assorted amount of Fluttershy plushies in a net, or playing putt putt with Rarity. Then we all decided Rarity was worst pony and so we tied her to a tie and spun her around on a ceiling fan. (3 people were taking videos of it so it will be on youtube.) That went on for a good 20 minutes until the only brony there who thought Rarity was best pony took her down. Then we made amends, agreed that Twilight was best pony, and went home. https://www.youtube.com/watch?
Texas Panhandle Meetup
Ok, so, how did things go for a brony meet up that was scheduled on Mother's Day, and was planned for after a WWE Live Event? Actually, better than expected. Though there were less of us this time around, we still had a blast! Though no cake, we enjoyed some nice coffees, and chatted about Equestria Girls, Trae's awesome Vinly hat and shirt combo, which teachers at Amarillo High were bronies, and even wandered the store to see their pony selections (Spoilers: It was few, but a nice selection, except the G3 stickers!).
And, in case Trea sees this, he can vouch that, as of tonight in Amarillo, "The puns have been doubled!!!"
Candy Hero Meetup
"Usually at the YB meet-ups in Leeds we will pop round to a shop called Candy Hero, they sell verious sweets & goodies from the USA & around the world. Everytime we come in we always fill the shop up and buy quite a lot. Few days before the meet-up I gave them some warning just to let them know that at one point it's going to be a bit mad. They then went and found our meet-up thread on UKoE and made an account and made a pony image of all the employees who work there letting us know that they are ready for us. The guys there are awesome and if you ever pass the Candy Hero in Leeds I would recommend you guys swing by and pick yourself up some lucky charms or somthing.
TL;DR: Candy Hero in Leeds has some Bronies who work there & ponified an image of their employees for a meet-up." - via facebook
Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More
North Carolina Meetup
Do you like camping? Do you like great outdoors? Do you live in the Carolinas? Then join Team Brony North Carolina in a two night camping experience up in Mount Morrow. We'll be sharing a group campsite that can fit 35 peoplep and we'll be also sharing the bill. We ask that you bring food to help feed all the bronies and some extra money just in case. Bring your fishing poles, bathing suits, coats, etc. Join us on Team Brony North Carolina Facebook and you'll receive an invite to the event and other events as well.
Gen Con Event
Gencon, a gaming convention in indianapolis, there will be a my little pony role playing game run at the convention, here is a link to the event here
Merch/Ebay Stuff
Vinyl Scratch Custom