Looks like Daring Do won out! Was there ever any doubt? I really hope we get to see another adventure of Daring Do's as it was cool seeing an adventuring pony such as herself getting into all sorts of mischief. Maybe next season, eh?
News hot off the internet presses! Check it after the break.
Swedish News Reports on Ponies
The Swedish news site Dagens Nyheter has recently released an article on the fandom which has been kindly translated from Swedish to English for us by the submitter, Nick. Thanks a bunch man! You can find a link to the original article as well as the translation below.
Original Article
Ponycraft Minecraft Texture Pack Released
As a big fan of the pony models for characters available for Minecraft I'm excited to see that development of more pony themed mods continues as we see the release of this new texture pack over on Planet Minecraft. Check out some of the features below and pay a visit to the official page if you're interested.
- Accurate, aesthetically pleasing textures that stay true to the show
- Pony paintings
- Themed GUIS
- Mobs modeled after creatures from the show
- And, of course, chocolate rain.
Mine's Got Rocks In It
As an earth pony I can understand being overlooked a little bit in favor of both pegasi and unicorns alike, but earth ponies can still be pretty neat too as is demonstrated in the fanzine Mine's Got Rocks In It. Check out the full details of this cute zine below.
"Mine's Got Rocks In It is a high-quality earth pony themed art zine! With submissions ranging from comics and visual art to poetry and prose, it covers a wide breadth of artistic endeavors, with something for everybody. Produced a seriously talented bunch of well-known pony artists, this book is the ultimate MLP art piece. The professionally printed book features over sixty pages of glorious full color for you to enjoy. MGRII is debuting at Equestria LA with a high quality limited print of 100 copies run ready to buy at the convention. Several of the artists will be attending as well, so make sure to say hi and get your copy signed!
The book will be offered at a convention special price of $20, and a special copy signed by the contributors will be available at the EQLA Charity Auction. So make sure to head down to EQLA Dealer table H3 (Ponywise's table) to get your copy.
After the convention, you will be able to order it online for $25 per copy. For now, you can email ponyzine@gmail.com to ensure a spot on the waiting list for online orders."
Pony Reference in Jimmy Two Shoes Cartoon
That sure does look like a pony with a cutie mark at the 1:22 mark. Heh, ponies everywhere!
The Brony Bookclub - Episode 23
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This week on The Brony Bookclub was the first in our new format. We had an extra cohost, and we interviewed Ten Speed, author of Fancy Mathematics. We talked about Twilight, moe, and a certain mad scientist. Listen here:http://youtu.be/
End to End - Episode 8 An Interview With MEMJ
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In this episode of the show we interview MEMJ... as stated on the cover... She is the voice actress for the (in)famous Ask Princess Molestia tumbler and the voice of Celestia for silly filly studios! Plus she sings! But can she explain why kids love the taste of risque jokes about a deviant Celestia? Watch the show to find out!
Episode Link - http://youtu.be/vB1BsCpVF9Q
The MBS Show
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On Episode 61 of The MBS Show, we have an awesome guest. He is the co-host for one of the most popular brony show on EFN, he helps the manliest brony in the world with questions from the community and ask them to the guest. We are proud to bring you Screwball from Stay Brony My Friends, come and join us in the fun and craziness as we drop all the SBMF reference!!!
You can catch out the episode in the link below.
Successful Meetups
Spaniard Hooves Meetup
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Last saturday 4th of Mach, some members of the spanish brony community "Spaniard Hooves" went to an exposition of some My Little Pony artwork promoted by "Casa del Libro". The artist was Veganya (the girl with the blue hair), an student of "Joso" school of visual arts.
She was about to teach some little girls how to draw ponies when our little herd silently appeared. We took a seat and started to draw and have fun.
After this event, she gladly spent about an hour talking with us about her work and other MLP stuff.
The drawings were lovely, you can see them at her deviantart: http://veganya.
And either you live or not in Spain, you will be gladly welcome in our community: http://www.spaniardhooves.com/
Stay tuned to EQD if you want to know more news about us.See you soon ^_^
Stay tuned to EQD if you want to know more news about us.See you soon ^_^
Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More
The Paper Pony Offering Do-it-yourself Class
You know those awesome shadow boxes that have popped up around here on EqD and elsewhere? Those boxes are created by none other than The Paper Pony and he is looking to offer a class so you can do them yourself! But time is running out to register for the class so make sure to sign up by the end of May 8th to get in on the action!
The class will be held on May 22nd. You can find full details at the link below.
Journal Link
Therapist Visit Audiobook Auditions
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Hello there, I am currently holding auditions for an audiobook of Therapist Visit. The characters needed are Princess Luna, Princess Celestia, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Sweetie Belle, Applebloom, and two Original Characters. The Voice Actors Alliance thread is linked below, along with the Google Doc. Have fun and good luck!
The Attack on Canterlot Audiobook Auditions
Copy Paste:
My name is bobby165324. Now, you may know me as the host of the game
show My Little Millionaire, but that's not the reason I'm here today. I
am working on an audio fanfiction (or a radio play as some call it) and I
need some voice actors. Here's a basic summary of the story:
Your name is Cobalt. Your business has finished their bi-monthly team meet up in Canterlot, and you are flying home to Manehatten. You've just finished going through security at Canterlot International Airport, and you are waiting for the tram to arrive to take you to your gate. Meanwhile, at the Canterlot Castle, the wedding of Shining Armor and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza is about to start, and the airport is decorated with wedding stuff. But, unknown to you or anypony else, Canterlot will soon be thrown into a state of chaos, when the Changelings break through the shield.
Your name is Cobalt. Your business has finished their bi-monthly team meet up in Canterlot, and you are flying home to Manehatten. You've just finished going through security at Canterlot International Airport, and you are waiting for the tram to arrive to take you to your gate. Meanwhile, at the Canterlot Castle, the wedding of Shining Armor and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza is about to start, and the airport is decorated with wedding stuff. But, unknown to you or anypony else, Canterlot will soon be thrown into a state of chaos, when the Changelings break through the shield.
Want to audition? Then read this document for instructions and audition lines.
Open Album Music Requests
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Are you Australian? Do you make music? Do you want to see your music on an actual CD album?!
Sign up to join The Wonderbeats today!
Merch/Ebay Stuff
Vinyl Scratch Painting
Braeburn and Soarin Plushies
Mane Six Custom Set
This Day in Pony History - May 8, 2011-2012
2011 - Lauren Faust announces that she is no longer executive producer on the show, one of the first dark periods of the fandom. Fans responded the same day with a letters to Lauren Faust campaign.
2012 - Official looking new pony toys are leaked and Cinefamily has MLP screenings with some of the VAs in attendance.