Wouldn't pony tails, especially Fluttershy's overly long one, pick up a ton of dirt dragging on the ground all the time? It must be a huge pain to keep those things clean.
Have some roundup stuff!
Minor Pony Articles
We have a few minor articles popping up around the the internet for pony.
The first is a new one on WTVY noting the MLP DVD that released yesterday, and the other is talking about that Derpy Flavored Ice Cream from a few days ago. Have both:
Pony Ice Cream
Pony Swag Prime Megamix Project Update
Find the video for it here!
Cloudsdale Cafe Episode 29 - Ethan Pow
Hey folks! once again another episode of the Cloudsdale Cafe creeps up to the again, so its time for another for more interviews and wacky antics. This week we are having Ethan Pow, the owner of Alicorn Radio. Also our very own streamer Nick is running the show this time, so its gonna be an episode fill'd with canadian awesomeness.
Check out the episode right here.
Successful Meetups
PIFA Meetup
Hey EQD! Bravery here from the Philly Bronies to tell you all about our meet-up we had this past Saturday at the PIFA Street Fair! PIFA is the Phildelphia International Festival of the Arts which is a big event going on over the course of the next month or so and includes everything from orchestra, to dance, to cabaret, to puppet shows, to trapeze lessons. We all meet up at LOVE Park then headed over to Broad street where the PIFA street fair was taking place. There we saw the Back to the Future Delorean, hugged some dinosaurs, and even feed my own Vinyl Scratch plushie to a dinosaur before heading to Applebee’s for lunch. After that, we went down South Street to Atomic Comics and bought some MLP Comics before going to the Gallery Mall for pony merch and before splitting off. All in all, a very good casual meet-up.
Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More
RPG Forum
Copy Paste:
The community is funny and fun. Also witty, and friendly. Almost all the characters are open. Come on in all Pinkie pies, Twilight's, and Apple Jacks :3. Cannon characters are allowed! We need background ponies to! If your character you wanted is taken, make a cannon Family member or something similar! A wedding is happening this weekend so come and get an account!!!! Website
Yorkshire Meetup
Greetings, us at the Yorkshire Bronies team are putting together a meet-up in Leeds.
We have put together a well thought out plan for the day of the meet-up. Let's get down to it then!
Here are the Details:
Any Questions please contact our E-mail or Skype:
E-mail: Yorkshirebronies@hotmail.co.uk
Skype: YorkshireBronies
A Yorkshire Bronies chatroom is available through Skype.
I hope to see you there!
Zagreb Meetup
We got a lot of bubble wrap, so why not make a bubble meetup? We are gonna meet up at the clock tower and when everypony is there we will get some supplies and go somewhere depending on the weather. Maybe we dont have a solid plan for this one but we have bubble wrap and that's what counts!
Place: Jelačić Square
Time: 4th of May 2013, 2.30pm
event link:
group link:
University of South Florida
Find it here!
Merch/Ebay Stuff
Plushie Rainbow Dash
Filly Granny Smith