Nightly Roundup #673
by Calpain
I heard some calls for Iron Will over the past few days so how about a Wind Waker version of the minotaur? Gotta say, the Wind Waker style works pretty well for him!
Time for news! Check after the break for the full scoop.
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You've all done me PROUD, everypony! Well done!
Sorry, it's a good song. So! Memorial Day has come and gone. And there are a whopping TWENTY FOUR entries for this! Hoo rah, my brothers and sisters!
Here's all the entrants, sorted by *PRIMARY* genre tag. This will NOT be alphabetical. Expect edits to this post. Some of the writers had extenuating circumstances this week. Travel, a death in the family... yeah. Tricky stuff this week. Hit the break for story listings and next event information, recruits!
A computer virus has infected everything, the first of it's kind to travel via sun rays. All video games in existence have been completely ponified. Cloud wields a giant sword via his mouth, Kratos is a unicorn, and Tetris has ponies in different poses as blocks. Literally nothing survived the onslaught, your favorite game included. How does this effect it? Is the introduction of unicorn magic and controllable weather something that throws your best game of all time completely off balance?
Hit the comments up with how your game now works with hooves, horns, and wings, as opposed to whatever it originally used! -
We start off with a bit of good ol' country music collaboration between Tsyolin, EileMonty, and Haymaker, followed by two instrumental orchestral tracks! Check them both out below the break!
1.) Haymaker & Tsyolin ft. EileMonty - Honesty
2.) Radiarc - Shadows of the Lightning
3.) Baschfire: Conflicting Ideals (Pony RPG music)
We've got a cool event going on over at True Equestria Radio tonight! None other than Lee Tockar, the voice of Steven Magnet and Snips, is going to be joining the show and answering call in questions live. Take a look at the details below to find out how to participate!
Tonight, True Equestria Radio has a special guest! Lee Tockar, the voice of Steven Magnet, amongst many other voices from a long career in voice acting, joins us, and best of all, he'll be taking your live calls!
Lee is going to be talking about his career, and the launch of his new project, FanBuilt, which brings animators, producers, and voice actors together over the internet to create and promote projects. It's really an amazing thing!
You can call in toll-free by phone at 714-888-7471 or by hitting the skype button HERE. The call has a 50-caller limit at a time, but PonyToast will be cycling through callers, so if the call is full, don't give up!
You can also tune into the show over on Fillydelphia Radio and PonyvilleLIVE and follow along with the discussion over on Canternet (irc.canternet.org) in the #PonyvilleLIVE channel!
Super dark header image edition! I blame Chrysalis.
Head on down below the break for art!
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Diplomatic Relations
I think we all agree that one of MLP's greatest strengths is its character-based comedy bits. In this video, SpikeyWikey breaks down all of the subtle jokes in The Ticket Master and talks about why he loves them. If you don't like having jokes explained to you, this video isn't for you—but I for one find it fascinating to see a breakdown of what makes someone laugh. Video after the break!
Why are you even surprised Luna?
Thanks to Fishinpro for the heads up.
Sold for toys, then forgotten the second another alicorn comes around =[
Ponified Trailers: Fast and Harmonious / Hairy Trotter and the Deathly... / Ponycraft 2: Vengeance
by Sethisto
Ponify everything. Find them all below!
1.) Ponycraft 2: Vengeance
2.) Hairy Trotter and the Deathly Shadows Part 2 (Official Troller)
3.) Fast & Harmonious 6 (Fast 6/My Little Pony Mashup)
Nightly Roundup #672
by Calpain
I'm a pony of my word so have some Sea Swirl tonight for the header! It's a shame there is such little art of her out there. Maybe that will change one day!
Anyhow, time for the news guys! Check it after the break.
We have a whole bunch of random merch for you all this time around, the first of which coming from Enterplay via a few new binders for the card sets, and dog tags. Each of these were teased in the series 2 tins that have been popping up around the USA lately. Thanks to Micheal for the images!
And below the break, the rest of the Random Merch! Go check it all out!
Discord has grown bored with his new "good guy" persona, and decided to randomly corrupt a few ponies for fun, six in total.
How would this play out though? That's up to you! Pick six non mane-cast ponies and throw them a big ol' heap of DISCORD. How do they cope with their newfound personalities? And what do they do to cure eachother?
Hit the comments up with your ideas! -
I love colors. The more colors the better.
Have some art filled with colors.
[1] Source
The Princess's Reign
Hey again everyone! I hope you all are well and that you're ending the month of May healthy and well. This afternoon I've once again got a bushel of tumblrs hand picked from the tumblr orchard for you all and we've got some juicy ones this time around!
As always, if you have a tumblr you would like to share, whether it is your own or someone elses, please make sure to send it my way at calpain@equestriadaily.com for review and filing. Now, on to the tumblrs!
We start this one off with an excellent vocal track based on The Life and Times of a Winning Pony and finish with more glorious orchestral dedicated to Princess Moonbutt. Head on down below the break to check them both out!
1.) Time Baby - Blossom
2.) Redemption (By TheDashDub)
You’re far too intelligent and trusting to believe in things like the Illuminati, aren’t you? A secret group of individuals- or perhaps a single person posing as a group- controlling everything you know behind the scenes, twisting reality to suit their equally twisted needs. Chemtrails, weather balloons, and swamp gas. If your best friend came to you with these kinds of accusations about something, you’d likely comment on their newfound appreciation for aluminum-based headgear. The world just doesn’t work that way. You’re sure of it! It would be far too distressing to consider otherwise.
Well, get ready to be distressed, because some worlds work out a little more conveniently for some ponies than others- ponies with a bent for power and the will to seize it. Ponies that you would never suspect would do things like...
As many of you have already pointed out, the fourth installment of the micro-series was released yesterday, with Fluttershy taking center stage. Hopefully most of you have received your copies by now. If not, you can grab it at the links below:
Physical Copies/ Variants (In order from top to bottom/right to left)
Comic A
Comic B
Retailer Incentive
Larrys Comics
Jetpack Comics
Double Midnight
Stormwalker/Cloudchaser Mystery Cleared Up
by Calpain
Thanks to Nayuki who works on MLP and can be found over on the Allspark forums, we now know the reason why the official MLP guidebook names Cloudchaser as Stormwalker! According to Nayuki, both are technically right due to some interesting circumstances:
"I know you guys have moved past Hurricane Fluttershy already, but there is something being discussed on other fansites that I'd like to clear up.
"The Elements of Harmony" an official MLP guidebook is coming out soon and people have been discussing a naming issue that has appeared in a photo of one of the pages:
As you can see here, Cloudchaser is listed as being named Stormwalker. Many people are assuming the book is in error, which isn't really the case. I was one of the artists directly involved in the mix up, so I figure I can clear it up a bit.
The name for the pegasus in our files at the studio is in fact Stormwalker, so how did she become Cloudchaser in the show? Well, in the script for Hurricane Fluttershy, there was both a Cloudchaser and Stormwalker. Stormwalker was cut before storyboards, and Cloudchaser was never designed. The storyboard artists used the Stormwalker design in the scenes where Cloudchaser was in the script and I posed them out in layout.
So yeah, the show and book are both right. Weird."
Interesting, eh? You can find the source for this information here. -
Comic: EqG - Our Nudity is Different / Lost Invitation / Evergree Cafe: The Revengeallozz / Blowing Bubbles
by Sethisto
Comics! We have a bit of nudity in the first one, but I think you guys can handle it. The third is the second in a two parter, so read the others before diving into that one. Everything else is pretty standard! Click for full.
Nightly Roundup #671
by Calpain
I've got a surprise for you all tonight! Now that you all have pelted me with stones of various sizes and hardness let's dig into the news tonight. Sort of short, but that fits Surprise's attention span just fine I think!
The next installment of the papercraft series from The Hub has been released. Rainbow Dash comes with gala dress, Wonderbolts vest, and shades. You can pick this one up over here.
And if you missed the last ones, all other mane six ponies can be found at the download page. Next in line is the fan favorite. Chances are you already know who is going to win that one! -
Convention Compilation - May 29th
by Calpain
More convention news you guys! While we only have two updates for you tonight, they are rather substantial as both Everfree Northwest and Nightmare Nights start to up the ante!
- Everfree Northwest Gaming Guests and Events Announcement
- Nightmare Nights Seeking Panel Submissions
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