Story updates! We have four of them this time around. Check them out below.
Story: The Eternal Song (Update Part 9!)
Author: Stereo_Sub
Description: Hey, wanna hear a story?The Eternal Song
'Course you do. It's me telling it, after all. When has Vinyl Scratch ever let ya down?
All right. Sit your flank down and listen. This one's gonna be good.
It's the story of a night of hard drinking, an old record shop, and the fate of a world I never knew existed. A story of ancient songs, angry gods, and weird and terrifying creatures. A story of a certain white unicorn and her mostly-willing quest to save the universe, with the help of a snarky piece of sentient jewelry, some sweet magical powers, and a host of strange and interesting characters.
And it's about friends, too. And love, and promises made and broken, and the endless beat of the eternal song that runs through all of us.
... Jeez, that got pretty deep, didn't it? Well, anyway, yeah.
This is that story.
Story: Flash Fog (Update Part 15!)
Author: Kwakerjak
Description: When Fluttershy received her certification as a fog specialist, she only wanted a plausible excuse to write off the expenses associated with her ground-based house on her taxes. However, when an accident in Cloudsdale sends a blanket of industrial-grade clouds rolling towards Ponyville, Fluttershy suddenly finds herself in charge of coordinating the response, mostly because she's the only fogFlash Fog (New Part 15!)
specialist in the area. Can our heroine step up to the challenge at hoof, or will she risk facing the wrath of the Equestrian Revenue Service?
Story: Inner Glory (Update Part 59+60!)
[Adventure][Progressively Grimdark]
Author: Erindor
Description: After doing some research into the history of Alicorns, Twilight finds a dead end. When she chooses to pursue it against Celestia's wishes, she finds herself entangled in a messy history that some want forgotten. An Alicorn's position comes with sacrifice. And when given power, one will always be in want of more...Inner Glory (New Part 59+60!)
Story: On the Line (Update Part 6!)
[Sad] [Adventure] [Random]
Author: Big Bob
Description: As a Royal Princess, it is Luna's responsibility to watch over the subjects in her kingdom. One of the ways she helps the common pony is to inhabit their nightmares, helping them to overcome their fears and anxieties in order to live stronger the next day. However, one night Luna steps into the dreams of a young filly and finds out that the pony is dying. With nopony else able to help the child, the Royal Princess realizes that she has no other choice but to help. Can Luna save the filly walking the line between life and death?On the Line (New Part 6!)