• Nightly/Daily Roundup #632

    I completely forgot to do the roundup, so have it now instead!  Onward to roundup stuff!

    The Brony Infographic

    Click for full!
    Covering just about everything demographicwise! 

    Ponies Invade Evoland

    It's subtle, but pretty damn pony.  Thanks to Dragoncrystal for the image.

    Short Algonquin Pony Documentary

    Document all the ponies!

    Ponies Invade Dofus

    That reminds me, I still need to go watch Wakfu season 2...

    This one was found in Dofus

    Thanks to Jona for the heads up!

    Rhyming Zecora - Swarm of the Centry

    I need to run another Zecora day.

    Have some rhyming!

    Wreck it Spike

    I actually just recently watched this movie for the first time...

    Kansas Star Article on Brony Doc

    Check it out here!

    Ponibooru Film Night

    Copy Paste:

    Poster artist DaisyHead here. This weeks movie is called Nemesis. It's about a loose cannon cop who doesn't play by the rules. He's called out of retirement
     to take on his former partner on the force who is smuggling data to a terrorist organization. Also, they're all cyborgs. And he's an L.A. cop. From L.A. They
    should have put an In n Out in the movie. I think he's in Mexico at one point. I can't figure what the hell is going on in this movie. Underworld ripped off this movie, 
    and it's like if Michael Bay used guns instead of explosions.

    Hosts for movie night will be:
    Harlequin Jester
    Feral Socks

    LOCATION OF OF THE MOVIE WILL BE HERE: http://www.livestream.com/derpiboorumovienight?t=958481

    TIMES WILL BE  FRI 4/12  4PM PST/ 7PM EST/ 11:59PM GMT

    Successful Meetups
    Suusa Club Meetup

    Today the My Little Pony Club at Southern Utah University was honored as finalist for TWO different club awards. The first award was to "The Club with the most Heart" the second award was "The Best NEW club on campus". There was food and lots of other clubs from around campus that we had the fun of introducing ourselves to! There were also 'Minute to Win it' games held between clubs that offered prize money to participating and winning clubs. Our MLPClub@SUU earned over $130 for our club funds!!

    Over all we are glad we got to have fun and shed some positive light on the Bronies of Southern Utah University, not to mention getting some great free publicity about our up and coming Charity Event!

    Hit up our Facebook group page to see pictures of the Awards Ceremony!


    Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More

    Brony Hangout Forum

    BronyHangout is a forum which has been running for over a year now, originally starting as a pony only forum it has become more of a place to hangout with the users in general and talk not just about ponies but about life, gaming, music, anime, anything you want really. The community there is very friendly and welcoming, any poor behavior is dealt with as soon as possible.

    Find it here!

    Glasgow Meetup

    When: Saturday 11th May 2013, waiting for attendees between 1230 and 1300.

    Meetup Point: The Police Box at the corner of Queen Margaret Drive and Great Western Road

    What: We will go into the Botanical Gardens and have a Sit Down/Picnic.
    Then later on we take the train from Partick to Queens Street and go to Forbidden Planet (This is for those who want to do that)

    This event was arranged by James Hodge of Glasgow Bronies. Please visit our event page on UK of Equestria or visit our Facebook Page!

    Midwest Bronyfest Meetup

    Midwest Bronyfest KC will be hosting a party to celebrate the Brony Documentary being at the Kansas City Film Festival. The party will be on Friday, April 12th at 6 p.m. at Snow and Co. downtown in the Crossroads Arts District just off site from the festival.
    Visit https://www.facebook.com/MidwestBronyFest to RSVP. This event is fan run and at no charge, but bring money for food if you're hungry.

    Camrose, Alberta Meetup

    Several bronies from Camrose, Alberta are making a trip to West Edmonton Mall on April 14th for general fun. Current goals include Galaxyland, raiding Build a Bear for ponies, window shopping/actual shopping for shirts and other merch (including the Rainbow Dash Fizzy Cherry Splash drink, they were at a hobby shop last time!), and probably a nice supper on Bourbon Street. We welcome interested persons from Camrose, Edmonton, and the surrounding areas and will endeavor to provide rides if needed (convoy time!). Current plan is to meet at the food court at noon, we will cover a table in blind bag figures or something bigger if we can get our hooves on something. Toss an email to [email protected] if you're interested, curious, need a lift, want to join but can't be there at noon, etc.

    Bronynet Revamp

    BronyNet just got a BIG upgrade that adds lots of features and makes the whole site a LOT cooler, like by a certain percentage around 20.  ;)
    The new BronyNet sports a brand-new look and is loaded with tons of new features, including  all-new profile customization and privacy features, an embedded brony radio player (featuring Everfree Radio, Alicorn Radio, Celestia Radio, Cloudsdale Radio, and more in the future), real-time live updates of posts on the News Feed, a snazzy, compact new menubar design that seamlessly scales from your desktop down to your smartphone, and more!  All of this is now available in addition to the preexisting features that already made BronyNet great, such as both a thriving brony community AND a very active and healthy roleplaying (RP) community.

    Everypony is encouraged to at least check BronyNet out, and give it an honest chance.  Join our community today… I PROMISE you won’t regret it!  :D

    Fox Valley Mall Meetup

    Info here!


    Merch/Ebay Stuff
    Luna Painting
    Mr and Mrs Cake Painting
    Pony Business Card Holder
    Luna, Celestia, Twilight, Cantdance, Etched wine glass