I'm gonna go ahead go do this now. I got my cupcakes and hot sauce, and some titan thingy people keep bugging me to watch. Hope you all like the GIGANTIC early roundup!
The Greatest and Most Powerful Graffiti EVAR
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Age of Empires 2 Posts Ponies
As many of you probably realize, Age of Empires II HD was released a while back, and the official website has tossed some pony up. Check it out here.
Beyond Her Garden Minecraft Blocks
Find it here!
Pony in a Box Show Auditions
Copy Paste:
Wanna be in Ponyinabox’s newest production, Mysterious Mare Do Well Adventures? Well give it go! Auditions are open, and there are both male and female roles available.
Send All Auditions in to [email protected] with your name and the name(s) of the character(s) you’re trying out for in the subject
Send your take as an MP3 doing some of the lines provided in the document below.
If you have a low quality mic, try not to breath on it, talk with your mouth next to it, or put a paper towel in front of it.
Try to record in a well carpeted or padded space to cut down on echo (One of our VAs literally records in a closet.)
Make sure to ACT. Just reading in a monotone won’t cut it. Character descriptions are provided in the document below, try to follow them and get into character. We’re not looking for Voice Readers, we’re looking for Voice Actors.
Listen to your take before you send it, make sure it sounds presentable. If there’s a high pitched whine in the background, or a tinny sound to the recording we really can’t use it.
If you submit and get rejected you can always try again, just have fun with it!
Send to [email protected]

Ask Rarity
We need more rarity right?
Ravecraft Maxed Out, Indigogo Launches
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We've launched an indiegogo campaign, and we'd really like to have the whole brony community to come in and help. The problem is that the server we're hosting on is getting overloaded with players, and we can't hold them all anymore. This money is to rent a server that can hold 60-70 players. Thank you for reading this, we can't thank you enough.
Indiegogo link: http://igg.me/at/ravegn/x/2751545
Youtube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J6tvfMTvjWI
Teenage Cutie Mark Crusaders Audio Drama Casting
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"Thank you bronies for your amazing response to my audio drama project! I'm very near to choosing some of the main roles! We still have more characters to cast though and I've compiled the ones I don't have many auditions for in a video:
Thanks again and I look forward to hearing more fantastic auditions! I've already cast two minor characters but the first major casting (Shiner) will be announced on May 4th (get any Shiner or Big Mac auditions in before then) so keep a look out!
My Little Fortress 2 - Too Many Heavies
Haven't a clue
Are you feelin lucky?
Brony News Network Episode 14
Find it here!
Carbon's Music Review 3
Find it here!
Babble With the Bronies #44
Here is the synopsis for this week's episode of Babble with Bronies.
Howdy y'all!
We're watching and critiquing S1 E21, Over a Barrel this week. Hope to see you there!
Time: 4:00 pm EST/ 3:00 pm CST (16:00 EST/ 15:00 CST) (GMT -5 / -6) (GMT -4/-5 with DST in effect)
Date: April 28th, 2013
Place: http://www.bronystate.net/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/babblewithbronies
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BwBofficial
Equestrian Music Podcast
Find it here!
The Brony Clubhouse
Build-a-Bear Special: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvUJ148WF4k
We visited a BaB & SoCal Bronies meetup so Cayci could make her very own Rainbow Dash, but it's more complicated than that. Who remembers that screaming Woot Monkey thing? Google it if you don't know what that is… Let's just say Cayci's Rainbow Dash is special (Hint: Stay until after the credits).
My Little Ties Promo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yU0pcqNKMoA
Hey Ocean!'s Make a New Dance Up Contest: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QsVXfFNjhWs
The Clubhouse is going to be at Equestria LA 2013, happening May 10-12! The Con is coming up fast so get your tickets now! We'll see you there! <3 br=""> Buy Tickets: http://bit.ly/YTrVPD
Hotel Info ($115/night!): http://bit.ly/Yc1J2x
The Clubhouse streams games on our Twitch.tv channel on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Follow us there and on Twitter to get notified when we go live!3>
Otaku Ascended
http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=tQU5nsPco24 ep 1
http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=xMw6Jm5TPp8 ep 2
http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=38dtFi5KWNA ep 3
http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=oXJKQgdJoHY ep 4
The Otaku Ascended is doing season 3 lets watches. I dunno if you
guys wanna put this up, but it could be good. They've been on EQD before
for these, but if you don't want to, that's fine.http://www.youtube.com/watch?
Brony Bookclub Episode 22 - Fluttershy
This week on The Brony Bookclub, we talked with Cold-In-Gardez about his fic "The Contest," as well as about Fluttershy in general. Sam basically ran the show, I was all quiet for a change, and Gardez was all knowledgeable and stuff. Watch the episode here: http://youtu.be/cKoHZUr5UqE
Successful Meetups
Phantasialand Meetup
Today, 61 german Bronies went to Phantasialand in Brühl near Cologne. We thought we should share the picture from the majority of the group. If I counted correctly you see 43 bronies in this pic.
greetings from germany,
Skyfire from bronies.de
Northern California Meetup
Greetings from sunny California! It was a beautiful day today as the Northern California Brony group explored spring time at Applehill. This weekend was the Apple blossom festival so we hosted an Apple Family Reunion! The day started with a picnic in a beautiful orchard with the worlds best cider, then on a hay ride with views of the valley orchards that were just unreal. From the hay ride we went up to the 2nd oldest orchard on the mountain and met one of the founding families (the apple family so to say), a quick stop at the fudge factory then back to the farmers market at our first orchard completed the day. We welcomed first timers to the herd and can't wait for another reunion at harvest time
Moscow Meetup
Copy Paste:
This meetup happened in april 28. There was 3 meetup groups that meeted all together in first Russian McDonalds.
Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More
Yorkshire Meetup
Greetings, us at the Yorkshire Bronies team are putting together a meet-up in Leeds.
We have put together a well thought out plan for the day of the meet-up. Let's get down to it then!
Here are the Details:
Any Questions please contact our E-mail or Skype:
E-mail: [email protected]
Skype: YorkshireBronies
A Yorkshire Bronies chatroom is available through Skype.
I hope to see you there!
Texas Meetup
Oh yea brony, whatcha gonna do when we Meetup after WWE brony? I'll tell ya Mean Gene, the Bronies Of The Texas Panhandle are running wild all over Amarillo brony! We got videos! We got food! We got games! We got cake brony! Big Macintosh won't be able to handle us when Bronymania runs wild!
Sunday, May 12, 2013
6PM @ Hastings Hardback Cafe (2020 S. Georgia in Amarillo)
Santa Clarita Monthly Mall Meetup
Greetings everypony! The Bronies of Santa Clarita are going to have May's monthly mall meetup on May 4, 2013 at the Westfield Valencia Town Center at 3:30 P.M. There're lots of shops and restaurants in the mall and in the surrounding areas to browse at, dine at, and to talk about ponies at. For more information please check out the event page:
Here's the Facebook event page:
And here's the SoCal Bronies event:
Merch/Ebay Stuff
Fluttershy Plushie
Fluttershy Dangerous Mission Custom
Trixie Painting