Tonight just feels like a mecha kind of night plus Fluttershy hasn't been in a header for awhile so why don't we just combine both?
Time for a short but sweet Roundup tonight guys so strap yourselves in and lets get to it!
Celestia Radio: Fallout Equestria Event
For you fans of FOE Celestia Radio has an awesome event planned for you all to partake in! Check out the details below.
Hey guys, Celestia radio is having a Ponyinabox event where they'll be marathoning all of the FoE: Tales of a Junk Town Pony Peddler episodes (That's five for them for more than an hour of Fallout Equestria Goodness) ending with a brand new episode this Sturday at 7pm est! If we could get a post advertising the event that'd be awesome, we even got this really neat poster from Madmax!
In anycase the info for the show and times are as follows:
Ponyinabox presents a new Fallout Equestria radioplay, with a new original story, Tales of A Junk Town Pony Peddler.
Prodigious Peddler is a trader in the Equestrian wasteland, going from day to day and sale to sale by his wits and his revolver, facing ghouls, slavers and raiders in the remnants of the world. But in his travels he comes across a strange mare in a cloak asking for passage out of Flank. After some convincing he accepts, But as they travel through the wastes and deal with its denizens, the pair finds they both have secrets of their own, and pasts coming to quickly catch up with them
Celestia radio will be airing every episode of this new show this Saturday 4/20/13 at 7pm est with a new episode premiering at 7:45. Come on by and Ante up!
Ponies in Comic Newsletter
Coming from my home State of Michigan a fan sent in this comic newsletter which happened to sneak in a little bit of pony on their front cover. Not too surprising considering how well the comics are doing!
Super Pony Picker - Season 3
The super pony picker is back, this time updated with season 3 episodes along with tons of bug fixes over the previous versions. Confused what pony picker is? Well, it's an easy way for the indecisive pony fan to pick an episode to watch of course! And with so much pony to watch now, it can get pretty hard to decide on exactly what episode you may want to watch. Take a look at it at the link below.
Super Pony Picker
Want Cake? How About A Wedding Cake?
A sweet story to go with this sweet cake:
"My lady and I were married recently and we agreed to have various (mostly) subtle pony references in our ceremony.
Along with having Princess Cadence and Shining Armor on our cake we had an instrumental version of "Winter Wrap Up" in our dinner music. Then, we had our first dance to a cello version of "Love is in Bloom". I was also able to reference most of the Elements of Harmony in my vows to my wife; fortunately, she enjoys watching ponies with me!"
Congrats you two!
Ponibooru Film Night
Copy Paste:
Poster artist DaisyHead here. This movie is complete Shift+insert numbers. My god do I not want to see this weeks movie. I dont even care that my computer
changed the poster file to a jpeg when it was set to be a png. This movie is an abomination and the people who made it should be ashamed of themselves.
Basically, this movie teaches you you should get the belt out when your kids overstep their boundries. It's about a car named sparky who lives in the middle
of the desert. He never listens to his father at all, and i can understand kids rebelling a bit against their parents but this, i'm surprised sparky hasnt been left in a ditch.
Also its a rip-off of cars. The story has nothing do with cars. The company was like, well disney will not get over the cars franchise even after nobody cares about
a forgettable IP, so lets make a movie about a car. People will like it. I want to say things but they are extremely caustic and filled with venom. #*^*&($%*&^%)&(*($%^$%&&*($(
Hosts for this week are:
Feral Socks
Harlequin Jester
I can assure you Feral Socks and I will provide entertaining commentary about how much we hate this movie.
Last Exit to Ponyville - Episode 10
Copy Paste:
Tap your foot along with us as Mike the Birdmann Dodd, Laura “Retail Feet Syndrome” and Trevor “that other guy” talk pony music! We ask the community what their favorite in show and fan made songs are and Laura amazes us with unique look into how she experiences music through the wonder of synesthesia.
Trevor brings along his guitar and puts the cherry on top another great episode of Last Exit to Ponyville – you won’t want to miss it!
A tremendous thanks to EQ for helping us out and watch their website and ours for new call in topics
Make sure you Interact with the show via:
Voicemail: 817 717 7202
Also be sure to vote for Mike to represent Bronies and Geeks on MTV at the link below. Only one week remains so get voting!
Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More
Song Visualizers for Free
PS3 Clan Looking for More
The Guardians of Equestria are looking for members to join our new clan on defiance for the PS3. All bronies are welcome, if interested please contact either AKDreadNaught or vikraal on the Playstation 3
International Brony Gaming Steam Group
A growing group of fun loving MLP fans looking to just chill out, game, and make friends! Join us today!
This Day in Pony History - April 19, 2011-2012
2011 - Lauren Faust's Derpy sketch goes on sale for charity and Weird Al comments on Pony Polka.
2012 - The Lego Cuusoo project reaches a new milestone and fans discuss how to celebrate the finale.