How about two ponies for the price of one tonight? Besides, I was drinking orange juice when I saw this pic so it seemed appropriate, not to mention I love WizardWannabe's work.
Anyhow, sorry for no Roundup last night! News was a little slow so we decided to wait till today instead of posting 4-5 little items. Check out what we have tonight after the break!
Silly Pinkie Parody
I have no idea what exactly this is a parody of, but apparently it is a parody of this source material you can see in this comparison video. It has a dancing Pinkie Pie though so that is good enough for me.
LinusTech Mentions Bronies
A relatively big name in the PC tech world on Youtube has made mention of Bronies in one of his latest podcasts! LinusTech makes the mention of the fandom at the 1hr 24min 39sec mark for those of you wanting to find the exact moment.
MLP in MUGEN Update
One of the folks out there trying to get pony into the fighting engine MUGEN has an update for you all demonstrating the addition of Derpy as well as some tweaks that he has made to the characters he has already put into the engine. Check it out above!
Audio Books: Seeing the Pattern 2, The Lunar Rebellion, FOE: Project Horizons
The sequel to Seeing the Pattern has also received the audio book treatment, an entire 13 chapters worth! We also have a reading of The Lunar Rebellion and a FOE project that is looking for some feedback. so lots to listen to tonight. Take a look at the links below to check out the playlist as well as the original stories.
Playlist - Seeing the Pattern 2
Original Story - Seeing the Pattern 2
The Lunar Rebellion - Chapter 1
The Lunar Rebellion - Chapter 2
The Lunar Rebellion - Chapter 3
Original Story - The Lunar Rebellion
FOE: Project Horizons
Finally Some Cake!
Trotmania Update!
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Patch 1.60 is now out for TrotMania: Rhythm is Magic, adding 4 songs and a number of charts for existing songs! Find the full patch change information here and find the download information here. Have fun!
Bluescreen Bronies - Episode 23
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Greetings folks, the Bluescreen Bronies are back again to bring you your weekly dose of gaming news with a brony flair.
This week we present to you:
- Disney shuts down LucasArts
- Minuette vs Tardiness
- Several updates in the works for Borderlands 2
- Special guest host Techrat of the Equestria Inquirer
- and much, much more
We also bring to you an interview with the lovely and talented Kimlinh Tran who many will know from SKullgirls, Dust, and many more.
Podcast Review of The Brony Documentary
My name is Terry Blas. I'm a Portland based comic book artist and illustrator with Periscope Studio.
In addition to drawing comics, I do a podcast called The Gnerd Podcast
Our newest episode, which came out today, has a review by me of The Brony documentary which I loved. I get a little emotional in regards to how much I loved it and how wonderful it is, while also mentioning that I have been a fan of MLP since I was a kid in the 80's, and as a gay adult it is interesting to me to see so many straight and open minded young men who have embraced something I've loved for a long time.
You can download the episode for free on iTunes (it's episode 34) or on my website:
Cloudsdale Cafe - Episode 27
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Welcome to Cloudsdale Cafe, where we discover the epicness in some classic religious games. This week we have a very special guest joining us tonight, we have Warden, the writer of The Time Master blog. But before that we have a BUNCH of topics to talk about, a lot has happen'd in the last week, like Double Rainboom, Lucas arts closing and some legal issues!
So check out the episode here.
--------------------------------------------------------------The Brony Clubhouse Special - Beach Ball Comics
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The Brony Clubhouse returns where it all began at Beach Ball Comics. This time around it's for the MLP comic signing where we cover the event with a few interviews of those that attended and an exclusive interview with the Writer/Artist of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Micro Series: Twilight Sparkle, Thom Zahler, and the new Writer/Artist team for My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #5 and the newest story arc, Heather Nuhfer and Amy Mebberson.
Here's the Link:
Follow us on Twitter for the latest:
Beach Ball Comics:
Equestria LA 2013 is happening May 10-12!
Buy Tickets:
Hotel Info ($115/night!):
If you'd like to help out the Clubhouse, please send PayPal donations to, Thanks!
Successful Meetups
Beach Ball Comics: My Little Pony 2.0 Party and Signing
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BRONIES invaded Anaheim, California once again on April 6th 2013, for the 2nd Beach Ball Comics: My Little Pony Comic Party, Remember the 1st one, with Andy Price and Kate Cook? Watch the following coverage: (Beach Ball Comics: My Little Pony Comic Party 2.0)
I interviewed Special Guests: Amy Mebberson (Artist), Heather Nuhfer (Writer), and Tom [Thom] Zahler (Writer and Artist). (Actual Interview)
There's also extra footage (Coming Soon) from the event. Catch you all next time!
-Reporter Rainbow Dash (Dark Fantasy Films)
Event Photos
Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More
Friendship is Magic Roleplaying Board
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"My Little Pony, My Little Pony." We are a MLP: Friendship Is Magic RP. We have no plot, just ponies. Join, and create your own pony or grab a canon and enjoy yourself in the land of Equestria. But this advertisement doesn't do us justice, come take a look around. Because, Don't you know you are my very best friends?
Helping Hooves Megameetup
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A member of the Bronies of Southern Utah and the My Little Pony Club at Southern Utah University here! We are trying to advertise our upcoming meetup the 'Helping Hooves Mega-Meetup and Charity Drive'. This meetup is for everybrony ever that wants to come! Besides just being an awesome meetup we have decided to make it a charity event as well to help raise food to donate to a local Charity Organization called the Care-and-Share. There will be games and prize drawings and food and art and music making and food and ponies and anything else anypony wants to do! This meetup also doubles(triples?) as a college finals week/high school nearing completion party for anypony that is getting down from school!
Here's the link to the Facebook event page:
Contest for 2nd Series MLP Cards
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Hi bronies and pony fans alike,
I'm giving away five pre-release MLP cards in total (bought at Enterplay's pop-up shop) from the new set coming out on the 15th.
The theme is to convey a pony doing something they love. I invite music writers, fan fiction writers, artists, sculptures & Gmod posers to enter.
Click here for more information, prize specifications and rules:
The contest ends on April 11th at 11:59 am. Hope to see you enter :)
Wallpaper Contest
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Yup. Time to try this out once again!
The theme for this contest is Rainbow Dash.
You may only use her pony version, so no cutie marks, anthro, etc.
Cut off date is Sunday, April 21st, 2013.
1920 x 1080, or 1920 x 1200
Either .png or .jpg
You may only enter 1 wallpaper
The wallpaper must not have been made before this journal is posted or after the cut off date. It must have been made specifically for this.
Submit you entries to
Like before, a video will be posted with all the wallpapers that did not win. But this time, I'll get it done in time.
The top 3 (5 depending on amount) will get a journal post featuring them.
That's all guys. Good luck, and I look forward to seeing what you can do.
Any questions should be sent to me via note.
MLP Fan Booth For Ozinefest
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There will be an artist-centered Philippine MLP fan booth for Ozinefest 2013 at SM Megamall's Megatrade Hall.
- The artists there will be "Ponifying your Character" at the MLP fan booth
-There will also be funnerific funa fun fun activities at the booth such as a pin the tail on Pinkie Pie contest and MLP comic strips giveaways.
More details on Ozinefest
Entrance Fee: Php 100.00 ($2.5 more or less)
Venue: SM Megamall Megatrade Hall
Date: April 12 - 14, 2013
For more information visit
Also, feel free to visit us at our forums here
We hope to see you there!
Hoof bump :3
Scottish Brony Meetup
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Scottish Brony Meetup
Meeting at: Dundee Train Station at 10:30am,
Saturday 13th April
we'll be meeting up with the other bronies from
Edinburgh, Glasgow etc to attend DOJ-CON, Scotlands largest free-
admission convention
Website for more information:
Youtube Contest - My Favorite Pony
Merch/Ebay Stuff
Vinyl Plushie
Big Macintosh Fink Custom
This Day in Pony History - April 11, 2011-2012
2011 - A fan tries their hoof at making the infamous Baked Bads and EqD releases a vector compilation post.
2012 - MLP Online releases a development video and MAGIC.MOV is also released upon the public.