I wanted to head the drawfriend with this earlier, but someone convinced me to use Zecora instead. It's only natural that this portal style pony gets some love elsewhere.
Onward to roundup stuff! Check it out below.
Good Ol' Days on Floppy Drives
Glorious Lyra Graffiti
Ponify everything!
Ponies Invade Wrestlemania
Wrong generation though sadly!
More Top 10 Brony Songs of 2012
Find it here!
MLP and Hero's Journey
Copy Paste:
It's a three minute long presentation about a literary technique present in My Little Pony seasons 1-3. Hope this gets through.
Find it here!
Pregnant Stallion Radio Epispode 1
"Pregnant Stallion Radio; Comedic banter, fandom reviews, special guests, and philosophical nonsense."
Cantercast Seeks Sound Producers
Hello Bronydom!
My name is Lou Gagliardi, I am the owner and mane host of the only nightly my little pony podcast, Cantercast. My sound producer and co-host left the show for greener pastures. Now I'm looking for someone that can do a google+ hangout with me monday through friday, really at any time but night is preferable. 18+ only. You must have experience running a sound board, though some training can be provided. You must also want to be on air, talked to on air and actively participate in the show.
Not only will your face, and voice, be on youtube but you'll be on iTunes as well! You'd also be apart of a great network in geek-io.com, that is Geek I/O Studios
email show@cantercast.net with a brief email, using the subject CANTERCAST PRODUCER, explaining who you are, what experience you have and things like that (if you say best pony is rainbow dash and not Trixie, you get bonus points :P )
I'd like to get someone ASAP. Go to youtube.com/cantercast or cantercast.net to hear what you'd be getting yourself into.
Brony Show 92
"The Brony Show 92 - Back to where it all began
Hello everypony, it's another week and our host is suffering from post pony con delerium, so you know we have to have another show this week! This week Circuit will be talking all about the events of Crystal Mountain Ponycon over in Salt Lake City, Ut. What swag did he pick up. What awesomeness happened. Was there really a drinking panel? you'll have to tune in to find out and hear.
Also we're going to be talking about oldies but goodies in the brony community. old fun images and comics to music that can still be enjoyed even now. Behold the treasurechest waiting for you on this show. We also have news and videos to keep you laughing all through the week.
Be sure to join us at www.thebronyshow.net at 6PM PST/ 9PM EST. You can also join us an hour early for the Brony show preshow and get your brony show starting early. Also be sure to stay after for Crimson's oatmeal galore afterparty. if you want us to email you about events going on with the show, just email tbspluggedin@groupmail.com and ask to be subscribed. If you want to be part of the show, let us know! Email Circuit at bronyshow@gmail.com and ask for a spot. They fill up fast so be sure to reach us quickly. Also be sure to tune in to our affiliate Ponyville live for the show and more fun things after the show at www.ponyvillelive.com"
Successful Meetups
Charleston Meetup
The Charleston Brony Meetup Group hosted a successful meetup at the James Island County Park. We had a wonderful picnic with great food and awesome people to share it with. Our next event is in two weeks where we will be hosting a Paintball meetup. Check our website for more details at www.meetup.com/Charleston-Brony-Meetup-Group/
Northern California Meetup
Santa Cruz Beach Boardtrot
On Saturday, the Bronies of Northern California invaded the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk to party it up Pinkie Pie Style. We had 12 people come out and we hit the arcades, played some insane mini-golf, and accomplished our mission of singing pony songs on all of the rides that we went on.
This was my very 1st meetup, and I had an absolute blast! It was amazing getting to hang out with people who share my love for the show and I would definitely recommend anyone to check us out :D
Find us on our Meetup & Facebook pages down below:
Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More
Barcelona Meetup
This Saturday 13 will be a Meetup at Barcelona, Spain, linking with the "Salón del Cómic" at Plaza España. The meetup will start at 4.00pm at the outsides, at one side of the ticket service. We'll try to do a group photo and find the MLP comics at the Planeta stand and the Joso's MLP drawing workshop that will be organized during the event.
More information can be found at our blog http://www.spaniardhooves.com/tag/barcelona/ and at the forum's topic http://www.spaniardhooves.com/foro/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=1370
This Day in Pony History
April 8th 2011: A Bird in the Hoof Airs, April Foals voting begins!
April 8th 2012: Ponies invade League of Legends, with shoutouts and art contests.