Last night, Lauren "I Do What I Want 'Cause A Pirate Is Free" Faust of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fame posted a journal entry on her deviantART account regarding a fundraiser for some friends over at the Wildlife Learning Center in northern Los Angeles, CA. She's promised us some interesting perks for our money, starting with the chance to give four very lucky animals names from the show.
- At press time, the campaign has raised about $7,000 of its $48,000 goal.
- At $10,000, we get Angel, a bunny.
- At $20,000, we get Tank, a Sulcatta tortoise.
- At $30,000, we get Owlowicious, a great horned owl.
- At $40,000, we get Gummy, a victim of ironic naming when the center skips the multiple tooth extractions.
Pretty neat, huh? This is our chance to immortalize a part of Friendship is Magic in big, obnoxious name placards for all the WLC visitors to see! But the fun won't stop there if the money doesn't! I'm gonna hide this next part beneath the break, 'cause the reward for helping the WLC meet its campaign goal is huge:

If the campaign reaches its goal, Tara Strong and Lauren herself will host a thank-you party at the WLC specifically for the bronies! How's that for finishing things with a bang?
Head over here to read up on Lauren's journal entry, and go here to donate! There's 13 days left in the campaign, so spread the word to your friends and family and help the WLC overcome their shortfall! No donation is too small, so long as there's lots of them!