Everfree Northwest has tossed up the deadlines for pretty much everything involving the convention. If you have been procrastinating and need some incentive, nothing works better than good old pressure! Check the press release out below.
Greetings, Everypony!As you know, Everfree Northwest rapidly approaches. In order for us to solidify our schedule and make sure we bring you the most fun-packed weekend possible, we’d like to remind you all of these important deadlines for anypony who is thinking of attending or contributing to our programming and publications:Monday, April 15th: Last day to submit an event/panel to the con! Email events@everfreenw today!Sunday, May 5th: Last day to submit stories, artwork, or advertising for our conbook. Email publications@everfreenw.com today and be sure to read our submissions guidelines here:Monday, June 3rd: Last day to book your hotel room at the Hilton at our special convention rate (though they will likely be sold out much sooner!) Visit www.everfreenw.com and book your room ASAP!Saturday, June 15th: Last day to get your badge at our pre-registration rate, after which badges will only be available at the door for an additional $5. Pre-reg now at:Interested in volunteering at our event? Be sure to fill out a staff application at:We also have some extremely exciting news coming this weekend, so stay tuned! Be sure to follow us on Twitter, Like us on Facebook, and tell your friends you’ll see them at Everfree Northwest 2013!