Conventions! Have some headlines:
Derpycon South Convention Updates
Fillypiñana Announcement
Brony Fest 2014 Announced
Cutie Mark Con Announcement
Cutie Mark Con Earth Week Sale
And full press releases after the break.
Derpycon South Convention Updates
DerpyCon South in New Orleans just finished overhauling their website
with a new look. They also made a couple of announcements:

- The first early bird rate of $30 is about to end on Sat, Apr 20th at
11:59pm CDT. After that, Standard Membership will be $35 for the weekend.
- We're offering a promotion right now that automatically upgrades the
first 50 people to book in our hotel room block (at the Hilton New Orleans
Riverside) from Standard Members to Sponsor Members. Check the website for
- We also released a new promo video:
Fillypiñana Announcement
Fillypiñana is an upcoming fandom fair in the Philippines, dedicated to fans of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Targeted for December 2013, Fillypiñana promises a full day of wholesome pony fun, friendship, and bubbles!
Speaking of bubbles, we'll have a bubble station as one of our initial list of activities, for everypony to blow bubbles (and everypony else chase them), as well as dedication booth, coloring booth, and a photo booth. More booths will be announced soon, as well as the confirmed merch sellers and artists. Exact date and venue will be announced soon.
If you're in the Philippines and you like to get updates, check out our FB page here:
See you all soon, everypony! :D
Brony Fest 2014 Announced
BRONY-FEST March 28th- 30th in Lewisville, Texas, will be celebrating its second year running by taking DFW area pony fandom to all new limits! We are back at the Hilton Garden Inn & Lewisville Convention Center & rooms will only cost $69 a night with 2 free breakfasts per night, & parking is free. Our guests this year include the Wonderbolts Matt Hill & Kelly Matzger among others industry actors and fan guests like Neil 'drawponies' Double sized vendor room, platinum event with a limo ride to Dave & Busters with our guests, Dance presented by PONYVILLE LIVE! plus lots more! Find us out on Twitter and on Facebook for news, more guests as we add em, & updates on everything Brony-Fest!
Cutie Mark Con Announcement
Cutie Mark Con, the Greater Cincinnati Area’s premier My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Convention has just received some great news. PackBreakers will be at Cutie Mark Con! They will be showing off new My Little Pony cards and new special My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic card products from Enterplay. You read correctly, new My Little Pony Cards and Card Products! Currently, we can only wonder and speculate as to what signature promotional My Little Pony card might be released. Nevertheless, for now make sure you register. Because, as Rainbow Dash might put it, "Cutie Mark Con has everything you're looking for in a con. Cards, crafts, panels, style, coolness, awesomeness, and radicalness." Cutie Mark Con is going on May 31st through June 2nd at the Crowne Plaza North in Cincinnati, Oh.
To register and get more information about Cutie Mark Con please check out our website at:
Cutie Mark Con Earth Week Sale
Paperwork is a tree's greatest nightmare, so in honor of Earth Day, Fluttershy got into our servers and gave our new attendees a deal! Buy your badge between this Thursday at noon and Saturday at five til midnight and get five bucks off the badge price! She is only taking a break from her animal friends for this three day period, so hurry up and confirm your attendance to what is shaping up to be the event of the year!