100! That's how many episodes of Bronyville Podcast has produced for the fandoms enjoyment! It is a monumental day and we wish to celebrate it with all of you though the art of game! So we shall play for 12 hours straight with all of our guests and friends from Noon Pacific to Midnight Pacific time!
This is awesome! I want in!
Where: justin.tv/bronyvillepodcast (now fixed!)When: In thirty minutes! Saturday, April 6th from Noon to Midnight Pacific time
How: Everything you could need to know is in this Google Doc! Connection, Times, Guests!
Amy Keating Rogers, Sibsy, IDW MLP:FiM Comic Writer Ted Anderson, Pixelkitties,Suzannah Rowntree from Unspecified Comic Company #4, Dennis Du from Unspecificed Animation Compaby #13, Coderbrony from the Brony Thank You Fund, Dustykat, John Joseco, Poni1kenobi, Tetrapony, Members of Derpy Hooves News And don't forget pretty much all of your favorite Equestria Daily Staffers!