This is a pretty light nightly roundup, so lets discuss Tsundere Trixie instead. Why is Tsundere Trixie the best Trixie? I haven't a clue. Shes pretty cute with the pouty expression though.
Honestly it's all podcasts and meetups tonight, so enjoy!
End to End
End to End is a podcast about the show, fandom, fancontent as well as more general content about the world at large. What sets us apart from the flood of other fans doing the same thing are 3 fold.
1. Thanks to the fact that attest two of us are connected to tons of people in the fandom, we will be having allot of interesting perspectives and interviews with verses
2. We all of use know how to work sound and video, so after some technical troubles in the eerily episodes, things rapidly smooth out a relativity high quality fan show with a bit of original art and music provided by our friends in the community.
3. We are dedicated! There may only be 3 Hesiod online, but we have already recorded double that in back ups and have set up back ups and B plans in insure that a new episode of the show will go up every weekend for the foreseeable future!
3. We are dedicated! There may only be 3 Hesiod online, but we have already recorded double that in back ups and have set up back ups and B plans in insure that a new episode of the show will go up every weekend for the foreseeable future!
Brony Bookclub Special Announcement
Well guys and gals, next week is our 20th episode, and we're doing something special on it! And we'd like YOU to help make it the best it can be! More information in the accompanying video:
Check it out here!
Brony Show Episode 90
"The Brony Show 90 - Ponify this PC
Hello everypony, Big Apple Ponycon is over and we're on to another great week with your hosts of
The Brony Show. This week we're going to talk about how to ponify your pC. From just getting
that background you always wanted to having princess Celestia welcome you every time you turn
your computer on we'll go through it all. Also you can share your ponified PC with the rest of us
Along with that we'll be showing the fan animation Snowdrop, as well as lots of fun news and
crazy videos to get you up and eager for your week.
Be sure to join us at at 6PM PST/ 9PM EST. You can also join us an hour
early for the Brony show preshow and get your brony show starting early. Also be sure to stay
after for Crimson's oatmeal galore afterparty. Want to know what The Brony Show is up to every week?
Just email [email protected] and ask to subscribe to our weekly sendout.
If you want to be part of the show, let us know! Email Circuit at and ask for a spot.
They fill up fast so be sure to reach
us quickly. Also be sure to tune in to our affiliate Ponyville live for the show and more fun
things after the show at"
Successful Meetups
West Texas Meetup
Hello! West Texas Bronies had an excellent first meetup at a pizzeria. We ate pizza, had cake and played games like Equestrian Chess! We were serenaded by Brony musicians via YouTube and even squeezed in some PMVs. Everyone had a wonderful time (to quote Pinkie, "well duh") and our group looks like its off to a great start. See you at Brony Fan Fair and Fiesta Equestria!

Meetup in Poland
"V Zgorzelecki Ponymeet" in Zgorzelec, Poland :)
Inland Empire Meetup
Dear Equestria Daily.
I am pleased to inform you that Inland Empire Bronies held another meet up on Saturday March 23 in the city of Redlands. We all met at Shakey's for pizza time to catch up. We all talking about how great the season three finale and what we hope to see in season four. After a few hours of delightful conversation we went across the way to a local bowling alley. We tried to get our cutie marks video gaming and air hockey, but sadly it wasnt one of our talents. So we figured maybe bowling was our things. We had three teams of four people all bowling against each other. The Solar Empire, New Lunar Republic and the upstart Crystal Empire all trying to out bowl the other. Im not sure who won the smart bits are on NLR(my team). After bowling we went to Denny's for dinner and more talk of ponies. The last of us ended up leaving at 2 in the morning, making this the longest meet in IE brony history.
Like always you can find the meet up groups facebook at
Kansas City Bronies Meetup
We had a meetup on Wednesday that unfortunately got cut short due to snow, but we still had a good time! We met at Wendy's, traded cards, watched some videos on various laptops, then headed over to Hot Topic to pick up some Pony swag. We were going to go see Trix-er, Oz the Great and Powerful afterwards, but the snowfall started getting nasty. We did manage to snag a photo or two before the group completely broke up! (Happy to report that everypony got home safe!)