• Story Updates - March 7th

    Story updates! Go read!

    Story: Of Age (Update Part 6!)

    [Adventure] [Shipping] "A story that uses strong characterization to portray an unlikely heroine facing something which she does not know how to deal with... and also preventing a war."
    -Prereader 13

    Author: paleowriter
    Description: When Rarity writes to Princess Celestia inquiring after how dragons age, she gets a plea for help in reply. A war is brewing, and Princess Celestia thinks Rarity's the one to stop it. Now, still completely uncertain what her feelings for Spike are or if they're even plausible, she's off to meet with his distant relatives to negotiate a truce between the dragons and the sea serpents before the world gets caught up in their destructive clash.
    Of Age

    Story: Liberate the Sun (Update Chapter 4!)

    [Adventure] ADVENTURE! I love adventure.

    Author: Seether00
    Description: During an expedition to The Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters, two ponies stumble upon the origin of the alicorns, the state of Equestrian governance before the Princesses' ascension and the truth behind their father's disappearance.

    Blackmailed by Discord, Wallflower and Mayflower are forced to embark on a quest to free the sun from Princess Celestia's control.

    In response, Celestia sends Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash to stop Discord's plans at all costs.

    If having Equestria's most powerful unicorn and fastest flyer in hot pursuit weren't enough, the siblings must contend with a rookie agent of the Changeling hive out to prove her worth, an untrustworthy spirit of Chaos bent on his own amusement and their own strained relationship - all in a game of chess to liberate the sun.
    Liberate the Sun

    Story: Past Sins (Update Side Story 3 Part 8!)

    "Dark and foreboding. A stirring tale that shows us that even those touched by darkness can shine" - Pre-reader #12

    Author: Pen Stroke, Assisted By Batty Gloom

    Description: On a dark night filled with even darker magics, an insane cult attempts to give Nightmare Moon a body and life of her own, utterly separate from Princess Luna. But, when the spell is interrupted by Celestia, something unexpected is created.

    Now, an little black alicorn filly named Nyx finds herself living under the care of Twilight Sparkle, only to be haunted by memories and emotions from her past. Is she Nightmare Moon reborn or is she simply a doppelganger with a soul and mind of her own? Can Twilight Sparkle protect Nyx from those refuse to see past her dragon eyes and black coat?

    Or, will Nyx be forced to inherit the sins that may not even be hers and become the greatest evil Equestria has ever known?
    Past Sins

    Story: On the Line (Update Part 4!)

    [Sad] [Adventure] [Random]

    Author: Big Bob
    Description: As a Royal Princess, it is Luna's responsibility to watch over the subjects in her kingdom. One of the ways she helps the common pony is to inhabit their nightmares, helping them to overcome their fears and anxieties in order to live stronger the next day. However, one night Luna steps into the dreams of a young filly and finds out that the pony is dying. With nopony else able to help the child, the Royal Princess realizes that she has no other choice but to help. Can Luna save the filly walking the line between life and death?
    On the Line

    Story: The Monster Below (Update Part 7!)

    [Sci-Fi][Dark] That image is straight up creepy!

    Author: Greenback
    Description: One of Equestria's greatest traits is tolerance. Every pony, whether Unicorn, Pegasus, or Earth, is accepted for who they are, and have their own parts to play in keeping Equestria running.

    But what if an Earth pony decided he didn't want to play his assigned part? What if he wanted to rise above everyone else, and become an Alicorn? Such a thing is possible...but the path to fulfilling one's dreams is never simple. Risks must be taken. Sacrifices must be made. And the question is always asked: How far would you go to get what you wanted? And would you be willing to pay a terrible price to get it?
    The Monster Below

    Story: Flash Fog (Update 12!)


    Author: Kwakerjak
    Description: When Fluttershy received her certification as a fog specialist, she only wanted a plausible excuse to write off the expenses associated with her ground-based house on her taxes. However, when an accident in Cloudsdale sends a blanket of industrial-grade clouds rolling towards Ponyville, Fluttershy suddenly finds herself in charge of coordinating the response, mostly because she's the only fog
    specialist in the area. Can our heroine step up to the challenge at hoof, or will she risk facing the wrath of the Equestrian Revenue Service?
    Flash Fog

    Story: Mission: Implausible (Update Story 3 Complete!)

    "An intriguing concept, one that is handled both with a light touch and gentle smirk at the same time."
    -- Pre-reader 13


    Author: John Perry
    Description: One is a cellist playing at Canterlot's most elite parties. The other is a DJ-for-hire looking to make the big time. Both are secret agents. And together they'll team up to take down a powerful baked goods cartel.
    Mission: Implausible

    Story: Pony Gear Solid (Update Part 8!)

    [Crossover][Dark][Normal] Yep, I think we have officially crossed over everything at this point. 

    Author: Posh
    Description: (Metal Gear Solid crossover) "Metal Gear has fallen into the hooves of an Equestrian revolutionary, who, with the backing of his human mercenary allies, intends to use it to depose Celestia and crown himself ruler. Now, the legendary Solid Snake must ally with the residents of Ponyville to prevent this monster from unleashing a nuclear catastrophe."
    Pony Gear Solid

    Story: Biblical Monsters (Update Part 3!)

    [Dark] [Humans]

    Author: Horse Voice
    Description: At 3:15 AM, Adams woke me with a loud knock on my front door.

    "Put your boots on," he said when I answered. "There's a biblical monster in my house."
    Biblical Monsters