Story updates! We have a ton today, so go read!
Story: Population: One (Update Part 7!)
Author: Trials
Description: It's been eighty-nine days since the Day of Darkness, and Twilight Sparkle is still on her own. Eighty-nine days since she talked to anyone other than herself. Regardless of how lonely she feels, she prefers the company of herself to the vicious "lurkers", as she calls them, roaming around outside of her library. Whatever friendly, loving creatures they were before the Day of Darkness, something changed them. Something created these insane creatures, and nothing, not even Twilight, can stop them. All Twilight can do is live — live to fight another day.Population: One
Story: The Conquering of Love (Update Book 2 Chapter 10!)
[Adventure] [Dark]
Author: Littlecolt
Description: Inspired by the fan video of an alternative ending of season 2. Twilight Sparkle finds herself inside a cocoon in the throne room of Canterlot Palace along with her friends and many other ponies. She is thrust into a dream world by Chrysalis who is feeding on the feelings of love and friendship she and the others will experience in their alternate realities. Twilight's happy dream doesn't last long, though, when a strange yellow gem brings her back to reality...The Conquering of Love
Story: The Age of Wings and Steel (Update Sequel Part 7!)
Author: DSNesmith
Description: Three hundred years after the fall of Princess Luna, Equestria teeters on the brink of disaster. Bitter political infighting and power-hungry nobles threaten to tear the country apart in a bloody civil war, while in the south old enemies prepare to reclaim their ancient homeland from the ponies.
As Princess Celestia desperately strives to hold together her splintered nation, she sends a young pony on a quest to the northern lands that border Equestria in order to plead for aid against the threat of Grypha. This unlikely messenger is Rye Strudel, the flightless, magic-less half-breed son of a guard and a baker. Rye must do the impossible and unite the thanes of the north... for if he cannot, there may be no home to come back to.The Age of Wings and Steel
Story: Snow and Shadows (Update Part 10!)
[Adventure] [Dark]
Author: The 24th Pegasus
Description: It has been twenty years since the fall of the Cirran Empire, and Commander Hurricane has led the pegasus pony tribe into a comfortable role in accordance with the Tri-Pony Compact. But a supernatural blizzard without end brings forth the suppressed hatreds that have festered among the three tribes, and the resulting famine threatens to eradicate all; earth pony, unicorn, and pegasus alike. With a bloody war looming on the horizon and the fate of their ponies at stake, the three tribes must find a way to survive together, or they will assuredly die alone.
Sequel to "Of Skies Long Forgotten." Reading of that story is not absolutely necessary to understand what is going on, but it is strongly recommended for you to get the references.
Snow and Shadows
Story: Therapist Visit (Update Part 11!)
Author: ABagOVicodin
Description: Luna's disposition worsens after Twilight Sparkle once again outdoes the Princess by fighting back another evil foe. Princess Luna wishes to speak with somepony, and finds that a therapist is her only possible choice.Therapist Visit
Story: Dungeons, Dragons, and a Little Friendship (Update Part 15!)
Author: Lawrence Gander
Description:After vanquishing a cruel tyrant, a group of seasoned adventurers find themselves within the world of My Little Pony. Can they find their way back home? Have they brought danger to Equestria with them? Read on to find out in this action/adventure tale.
Dungeons, Dragons, and a Little Friendship
Story: Mother of Invention (Update Part 13!)
Author: Zaponator
Description: Awake and alone, Applejack will find a way to survive.Mother of Invention
Story: The Longest Night (Update Sequel Part 12!)
Author: Tundara
Description: Everypony has one 'Longest Night', a night that just never seems to end,The Longest Night
whether they want it to end or not. For Celestia, her Longest Night began
on the first night she had to raise her sister's moon.
Heartbroken and filled with despair that she may never see her sister
again, Celestia makes a wish upon a falling star to see her sister one more
time. Little did she realise that the stars listen.
Story: The Garden Beyond (Update Part 4!)
Author: Autumn Wind
Description: The tale of the Imprisoned Sister has been told and retold for centuries, but no Little Pony knows of it as it unfolded in realms far and above. What is the moon to do when her mother and guide loses her way?The Garden Beyond
Story: The Monster Below (Update Part 9+10!)
[Sci-Fi][Dark] That image is straight up creepy!
Author: Greenback
Description: One of Equestria's greatest traits is tolerance. Every pony, whether Unicorn, Pegasus, or Earth, is accepted for who they are, and have their own parts to play in keeping Equestria running.The Monster Below
But what if an Earth pony decided he didn't want to play his assigned part? What if he wanted to rise above everyone else, and become an Alicorn? Such a thing is possible...but the path to fulfilling one's dreams is never simple. Risks must be taken. Sacrifices must be made. And the question is always asked: How far would you go to get what you wanted? And would you be willing to pay a terrible price to get it?
Story: Journey of the Graves (Update Sequel 6!)
[Comedy][Adventure][Slice of Life][Humanized] - We don't usually take humanized fics, but this is apparently really good! So up it goes.
Author: GentlemanJ
Description: The sixth story in The Journey of Graves.When the Man Comes Around
Spring has come and gone, Graves remains in Ponyville, and for once, all is well. No monsters to slay, no damsels to rescue, nothing: just nice, relaxing days passing in easy leisure. Or, at least as relaxing as Ponyville ever gets. A collection of short stories, the marshal takes a break from fighting and learns a little more about his friends and neighbors, one lazy summer day at a time.