Rarity won out in voting tonight, which is poetic justice considering that horrible outfit Katie Price wore in that article last night in the name of 'fashion'. Well, Rarity heard that paper's challenge and she is ready to show them how it is really done!
While she gets to it, have some news guys!
Music Listened to While Making This
ToysRUs Running a Buy One Get One 50% Off Sale
For those of you looking to add to your pony collection, it looks like ToysRUs is running a sale this weekend where you can buy one get one 50% off! Sounds like a good deal to me so go check out a ToysRUs near you.
Finally, some cake!
Various News Outlets Report About Build-A-Bear Ponies
Looks like the anticipation over the Build-A-Bear Workshop ponies has been enough to garner the attention of the media! The first article does a good job describing the fanbase, anticipation around the toys and even mentions EqD though they seem rather confused as to why such a phenomenon like this fandom exists. Check the article out below!
Article Link
The second is much shorter and pretty much reflects the info of the first. Have a look below.
Article Link
Rainbow Dash Dog!
This dog was spotted at Anaheim Comic Con, dyed to completely look like Rainbow Dash. Wings included! Guess that makes this dog about 20% cooler.
Parasprite Panic! Board Game Updated and Digitized!
We reported on this awesome little game some months ago and it received a very positive response. Now the author has updated the game and also made a digital version of it you can play using a program called VASSAL. Check out what he has to say about all this below!
I'm the brony that designed Parasprite Panic!, that FIM board game from a month ago. I'm happy to announce that the game has been updated, and (more importantly) is now available for download as a VASSAL module.
VASSAL is a board game emulator for PC, that can translate the physical components of tabletop games to a digital format. This has many advantages: it is free, easy to set up, and you can play with friends and strangers over the internet.
Parasprite Panic! is a an original fan-made board game based around the MLP:FIM episode "Swarm of the Century". The parasprites are out in force, and the Mane 6 must bring their talents to bear saving Ponyille from the swarm. This is a cooperative game, meaning that all players are on the same team, united against the game.
The game, VASSAL module, and rules are available from my DeviantArt page here. To play the module users must first download and install VASSAL. Tutorials for the game are included with the module, and can be opened from the Help menu.
The Inventory Radio Show - Episode 5
Copy Paste:
Even with the previous broadcast not being a complete failure and somewhat of a success. Sound FX is being put back into the audio booth to make sure that there are no foul ups this broadcast, but this leaves the show again without a presenter... But lucky for the cast at KPNY a pony by the name of Cover Story, a journalist from Manehatten, has arrived at the station to uncover whether or not this show is real or just big fake and he isn't completely thrilled about it. TO his miserable job worse, the crazy ponies at KPNY thrust him in front of a microphone and force him to present their material for them. What some reporters will do for a cover a story...
Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More
Magic the Gathering Pony Project
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Hello everyone! So, not too long ago I finished the first of three Pony MtG (magic the gathering) sets. As such, I've just started working on the second one! However, for this, having more people to help out would be MUCH appreciated. If you have any experience in MtG, no matter how small, please consider helping out. There are a lot of different things that need to be done to make this as good as possible, much of which only requires a bare minimum amount of knowledge!
If your interested, or want to learn more about it before deciding, please make sure to add rowcla on skype, or you can check out my previous works (including the first set in the block) at http://rowcla.deviantart.com/ . Thanks!
Journey of the Spark Seeking Animators
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Hello there! This is Eric Ridenour, the Writer/Director of the upcoming fan-animated feature film based on the Friendship is Magic universe: Journey of the Spark. I'm sending out this message because the team and I behind the film are sending out a massive recruitment for animators that might be interested in signing onto the project.
In addition to Animators, we are also looking for additional Concept Artists specialized in working with backgrounds we plan to use for the animation. Anyone interested in applying for the project can take a look at our application sheet right here: https://docs.google.com/forms/--------------------------------------------------------------
Texas Panhandle Meetup
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It has begun! Bronies Of The Texas Panhandle invite you to join in our first Meetup, which we have dubbed "Meetup Part Teh First One!" Join in on an awesome night of pure awesomeness, hosted at the Pizza Hut located at 5101 South Western St. in Amarillo, TX (the store located next to Western Bowl). We will have pizza, games, collections, playing pony chess, watching pony videos and episodes, and even nummy cake!
Let's make this thing huger than huge! You wanna meet bronies? This will be the place in Amarillo to do it!
--------------------------------------------------------------Legends of Equestria Recruiting
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Legends of Equestria is now recruiting Concept Artists, 3D Modelers, 2D Artists, and Public Relation Bronies!
More info here: http://forum.
Rainboom Reactions
Reactions are Magic will be accepting reactions for Double Rainboom so make sure to record your reactions if you want to send them in. Here's a short video with some submission tips.
Merch/Ebay Stuff
Pony Bookmarks!
Perler Mystery Bags
Pony Plush Giveaway
Fluttershy Plush
This Day in Pony History - March 30, 2011-2012
2011 - EqD hits 1000 posts (we're now somewhere around 15,000 now), Jayson Thiessen pops up on Ponychan, an extensive shipping chart is released.
2012 - In a twist of fate, Double Rainboom is announced today with an accompanying animatic.