Have some nightly roundup!
BBC Radio Pony Call
Unicon Drama on Young Terks
Just in case you wanted a quick newsy overview!
My Little Millionaire Commercial
Check it out here!
Successful Meetups
Dancer Group
What group is the least represented? The dancers. We are the bboys, the jazz dancers, the choreographers of the community. Even if you are not a dancer, and would like to learn, that is alright, Like this page and subscribe to our youtube channel!
If you have any videos, please send them to [email protected] and state whether you want your video to be uploaded via the group youtube channel.
A video and trailer of the community from the channel of an admin (Skip to about 1:43):
Facebook Page
The Lightning Round #37
This is the 37th episode of my My Little Pony podcast The Lightning Round. I'm gonna tell you the biggest news of the last week and highlight some of the best media. Technological difficulties ran rampant this time around,but we did manage to get an interview with Digibrony. However, the very end of the interview did get cut off. Special thanks to Joel Linsk for the wonderful opening theme and Mytho for the new title card.
Brony News Network Episode 9
Way of the Hoof Interview
"Hey there everypony, DJ Shamrock here with an exciting interview this evening! Be sure to tune in to Celestia Radio at 8 PM CDT (that’s 9PM EDT and 1 AM GMT/2 AM CEST) to hear yours truly interview the two creators of the amazing fan project Way of the Hoof, a competition to determine the best and brightest in fan animation! Joining me will be creators Ian Ballinger and Isaac Noe, ready and willing to talk about this new amazing undertaking! Be sure not to miss out, only on Her Majesty’s finest, Celestia Radio!"
Link: http://ponify.me/interview-

Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More
Redheart Birthday Bash
Hey! My name is Michelle but here in the Sacramento area I go by Redheart! Just wanted to spread the word about the most epic birthday I had last night. I had 20 bronies over to my tiny appartment for cake icecream and games. I plan on holding many more events in the future! Another picture to follow!
Washington Meetup
I just got back from an ultra fun meet up within the DC Bronies meet up group. It was called "Winona's Pack: A day at the dog park"
Washington D.C. area Bronies/Pegasisters and their "Alicorndogs", or dogs who also love my little pony, FIM got to meet up and play on what has been the nicest day in weeks! We parked at the Alexandria Library and went to Duke Street Dog Park from there. It was a ton of fun, albeit small since there is another massive meet up happening over the weekend, but the pups really seemed to enjoy each other's company and the company of caring humans.
I know you all report on successful meet-ups in your round ups sometimes so I figured I'd let you all know and send over some photos. There will be a few attached just in case the group settings won't let you into the album.
Meetup event page: http://www.meetup.com/ Bronies-DC/events/101908852/
Meetup gallery: http://www.meetup. com/Bronies-DC/photos/ 13860552/
Canberra Meetup
The Canberra bronies and BoNSW (bronies of New South Wales) joined together for a meetup!
everything was fine, do not alert the authoritees.
here is a sample of the days events
Video here!
Merch/Ebay Stuff
Wonderbolt Dash Custom