I can't remember the last time Rarity was a Roundup header so let's give her some time to shine. Plus she made cookies! Everyone loves cookies!
Roundup time you guys! Check out the news after the break.
Something to go With Those Cookies
Cloudsdale Congress Highlights
Seems like we've gotten some footage from Cloudsdale Congress highlighting a bunch of the fun events that went on at the convention! Check above for the compilation!
Pony Toys on Sale at Kmart
A lot of the large pony items are on sale this week at Kmart, up to 50% off! This includes items such as the wedding castle, Princess Cadance, and Pinkie/Twilight RC. Go get them while the sale lasts!
Twilight Sparkle Dress Up Game
Like Twilight Sparkle? Like putting clothes on ponies? Like putting clothes on Twilight Sparkle who just happens to be a pony? Well, we've got a game for you! Click on the link below to test your hand at being Rarity for a moment and putting all sorts of clothing on Twilight.
Halle Berry Throwing MLP Themed Party for Daughter
I guess someone's daughter is an MLP fan! Actress Halle Berry is throwing a MLP themed party for her daughter on the 16th this month. Always cool to see the target audience loving the show, eh?
Gameloft Pony Game Updates for St. Patricks
Gameloft is getting in on the St. Patricks fun with some new updates, celebrating the holiday with two new ponies (Lucky Clover & Mr. Breezy) for you to buy. Go check it out!
Francis (boogie2988) Does a Pony Video
Popular Youtuber Boogie2988 has created a pony parody video! Go check it out.
"Magical Mystery Cure" Review
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I am a passionate MLP-reviewer who just finished his final Season 3 review.
This one turned into twice as long, two part co-lab with my fellow reviewer Voice of Reason aka henmo24.
I thought: if any of my reviews has a chance on getting a spot on Your media section it is this one!
So, fingers crossed and here You go:
Or my entire S3-playlist...
Double Rainboom Crew Interviewed
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Hey guys! Mason here! Before and after our Double Rainboom panel at Momocon and the HUUUGE success of the first part of the film, we were interviewed by Kilik of the Soul Eater Podcast about our general thoughts, ideas, and impressions of before and after the premier! Regardless to say, we're all SUPER proud to be able to show you this first half, and if you liked what you saw at Momocon or Cloudsdale Congress (or both if you have a TARDIS), then you NEED to tune into our Youtube Channel on March 30th for the second half!
Before the Panel:
After the Panel:
Double Rainboom Official Website:
Youtube Channel:
Michelle Creber Interview
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During Cloudsdale Congress I was lucky enough to interview the amazing Michele Creber alongside my friend Stormy Specter She is the voice of MLP’s very own Applebloom for those who didn't know.
We talk about her voice acting work and what the inside experience is like interacting with the infamous cutie mark crusaders. And since you’re all thinking “I WANT IT NOOOWWW”, here it is for your listening pleasure.
Also don't forget to check out Luna Radio: http://lunaloves.us/
--------------------------------------------------------------Bluescreen Bronies - Episode 20
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Greetings folks, the Bluescreen Bronies are back again to bring you your weekly dose of gaming news with a brony flair.
This week we have a special suprise in the form of an interview with the creator of the Journey of the Spark project, Spitfire Eric as well as the talented Meredith Sims.
For our news roundup we have:
- What we know about the Playstation 4
- Several pony games including
- Moonstuck
- Rise of the Clockwork Stallions
- Pinkie's Balloon Patrol
- Temno
- Pony Slug (Crossover)
- Cyberpunk 2077
- New Disgaea game coming to the US
- Remember Me gameplay trailer
Successful Meetups
Boston Bronies Meetup
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"The Boston Bronies continue their museum circuit with a trip to the New England Aquarium! About 15 of us attended in total, enjoying the sights that the aquarium had to offer and the food at Faneuil Hall. We will be doing more of these in the future, so stay tuned!"
Royal Guards Tournament
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Greetings from the Guard,
Once again, we Guards stepped up to the plate and showed the paintball scene how awesome us Bronies can be. We represented the Elements of Harmony to the highest extent, making new friends and having a wonderful time doing so. We fought hard, and it payed off in the end. We made it to the semi finals, but were eventually knocked out by our good friends Riverside Optimistic. Out of the 14 teams that entered in the Walk On Nation tournament event #3, we placed 6th overall. Our team is growing at a exponential rate, and we are learning so much from each other! Our hopes of becoming the #1 Brony sports team are coming to light.
We'll continue to support the growth of both the paintball and Brony communities, For Equestria!
-The Royal Guards
Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More
PAX East Meetup
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PAX East is almost a week away! Are you planning on attending the biggest video game convention this year on the East Coast in Boston?
We will be planning an informal meetup at the Boston Convention Center on Saturday March 23rd. If we can gather enough Bronies we will put together several gaming tournaments with MLP prizes including the likes of Super Smash Bros Brawl, Halo 4, Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, Gears of War: Judgment, and other great fighting games just to name a few. Please check out our Boston meetup page for more information:
If you are interested in joining us for tournamnet play please email at SullMaster41@gmail.com and we will put together a tournament schedule for the evening. We look forward to seeing you this year at PAX East!
--------------------------------------------------------------Free Art Requests!
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Hi, my name's Georgie (Sherbet-Boo) and I'm a beginner artist. After being in this fandom for a couple or years and seeing the amazing art and other creations people have made has inspired me to try too. However, I'm just starting out, but I really want to improve my work which at the moment is not too great.
I'm hoping that by offering free requests I can get better at art and make other bronies happy at the same time! Everyone is welcome to request things, I have a deviantART journal here: http://sherbet-boo.deviantart.com/journal/Free-Requests-359127749 with more information and a couple of rules on. It also contains a couple of examples of my work
Radio Play Needs Voice Actors
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Hello ladies and gentlemen! This is Octaviapus once more here for PEP (Project Equestria Productions.) What we require today is any voice actors who can do the following voices: Breaburn, Little Strong-heart Bon Bon, Caramel, Derpy, and Daring Doo.
If you think you have the skill to join up, (or even if you dont, but are interested in a different job with us) please send us an email at: Projectequestria2013@gmail.com
Thank you and have a nice day!
Merch/Ebay Stuff
Pony Pins
Perler Pony
This Day (and Yesterday) in Pony History March 12-13, 2011-2012
March 12, 2011 - The OC Pony creator was released, allowing everyone to have an OC of their very own!
March 13, 2011 - Before Meetups were common we had the Brony Google Map effort. Ah, memories.
March 12, 2012 - MLP Friendship Express DVDs that had audio problems are replaced.
March 13, 2012 - Amy Keating Rogers asks for help to fund one of her projects!