• Nightly Roundup #600

    Time to party you guys! It's our 600th Nightly Roundup! Vinyl Scratch has the beats so lets get down to this short, but sweet Roundup tonight. Check it all out after the break!


    Brony Clubhouse Special - Las Pegasus and Eurobeat

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    The Brony Clubhouse takes on Vegas in this one-of-a-kind Las Pegasus Special!

    Spenser, Cayci, and Kevin share some of their memories from the weekend, and we get to see some of the events happening right through the eyes of... whoever had the camera at the time! We're also very happy to present an interview with Eurobeat Brony (Odyssey)!


    Subscribe to us on YouTube for all our latest Specials and Exclusives:

    Please share if you like our video, and remember to follow us on Twitter for all the latest updates!

    Like us on Facebook for news regarding the Brony Clubhouse:

    We also stream on Tuesdays and Thursdays on our Twitch.tv Channel, so follow us on Twitter to get the latest on when we plan to go live!


    Brenda Crichlow Interview

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    Upcoming interview with voice actress Brenda Crichlow which is this Thursday at 11PM EST. We're going to also be talking listener calls and questions in our chat.


    Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More

    Be Nice to Someone on the Internet

    We're a little late on this, but the idea is still valid regardless of date!

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    This Monday, March 4, is Be Nice to Someone on the Internet Day. This holiday is, depending on your preference, either a celebration of kindness or a defiant, quixotic stand against the cruelties running rampant across the Internet. It's also an idea inspired in part by EQD and bronies at large, who have already done tons of stuff to make the Internet awesome.
    The plan is for everyone to take a couple of minutes on March 4 to send someone an appreciative note, message or e-mail, or else to leave a sincere, encouraging comment on someone's Facebook profile, blog page, YouTube channel, deviantART page, Twitter profile or Tumblr account. It's an opportunity for everyone to find someone they appreciate -- whether an artist, a musician, a blogger, a friend or a total stranger -- and let that person know he or she is appreciated. It's a chance to out-Fluttershy Fluttershy for showing kindness.

    My life was once brightened by a slip of paper: a random note of encouragement. It must have taken five minutes to write. I kept it for years. Simply letting people know they're admired or appreciated can make all the difference in the world.

    CRISIS: Equestria Audio Play

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    Greetings Everypony!

    I am Gutius Serenade, one of the directors for the CRISIS: Equestria Audio Play. We are looking for voice actors, writers, audio producers and artists interested in bringing this amazing story to life! Want more info? Check out the video provided OR send a Skype contact request to Heathrin18 or Gutius Serenade!

    Bronies in the Park - Update

    The pony fan who came up with this idea saw you all liked it so he created a Facebook group for people to join!

    Facebook Group
    Drakeal Network LLC Looking to Promote Artists for Free

    Copy Paste:

    I am here to inform and let fellow brony artists that my service that I am offering for artists to be promoted for free at conventions that I am planning on attending cloudsdale congress and big apple pony con.

    What is this service about.

    Many skilled artists. May it be drawing or crafting... Can't normally attend for many reasons (family, work, money or distance)... This is where Drakeal Network LLC comes in... we allow an artist that wants to get their commission slots promoted (So they earn money.) by designing a page like these: 

    Inline image 1

    Artists can make it that Drakeal Network will not recieve any funds and must direct any inquiries to a page or a payment gateway that the artist operates... If the artists wants to have the company to collect funds at the convention then there will be a fee of 1% to 5% based on the transaction size unless the artist has made arrangements how we collect money on their behalf.


    1) If its not a quality I would personally commission... I won't accept it.
    2) Artist must have a history that is publicly visible, 6 or more months with reasonable amount of commissions or requests completed.
    3) Page requirements must be ment and the page must be a image that is submitted more details on the deviantart Journal.

    Thank you,
    Alicorn Radio Head
    Drakeal Network LLC owner.


    Merch/Ebay Stuff
    Perler Ponies

    This Day in Pony History - March 6, 2011-2012

    2011 - The Hub notifies a viewer that no DVD or Soundtrack are in the works. We fixed the DVD issue, now to fix that soundtrack problem!

    2012 -  Shining Armor is revealed to be Twilight's brother, and a fan does an analysis of Fluttershy's 3D scene from Putting Your Hoof Down.