I was told I needed to post this picture of Rainbow Dash with her supposed brothers. You know, I can see them all being a bunch of muscleheads really, though their colors make me want to go and eat some candy.
Time for a quick Roundup you guys! Check it out after the break.
Blistered Thumbs Reviews Fighting is Magic
The gaming review podcast called Review a Day on Blistered Thumbs has put up a review of Fighting is Magic on their site. Check it out at the link below.
Applejack Added to MUGEN
The incredibly customizable fighting game engine MUGEN has now had a little bit of pony added to it with the inclusion of Applejack by a resourceful gamer. As of now she is complete even though the video above shows a work in progress. To get Applejack or MUGEN itself take a look at the links below.
Chilean Newspaper Reports on Ponies
Another Chilean media source has reported on ponies! Seems like the foreign press is starting to get on the bandwagon for reporting on pony related events now. Take a look at the article in the embed above!
MLP Transcripts: Seasons 1-3
An awesome brony by the name of Alan has transcribed each episode of MLP, starting from season 1 all the way through season 3! A very helpful resource for those of us who want to see exactly how everything was said in an episode or if you need a handy guide at hand if you're parodying lines of dialogue. Take a look below to find links to the appropriate seasons!
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Cloudsdale Cafe - Episode 23
This week we interviewed Pony Ace! Find him at Ponyville Live and Luna Radio! http://www.ponyvillelive.com/ http://www.lunaloves.us/schedule Welcome to CloudsDale Cafe, where Ragin didn't know Aunt Jemima was black... Like what you see? Join us next week on March 9th at 9:00 PM EST! at http://www.livestream.com/cloudsdalecafe and join us with our pre-show at 8:30! Like us on Facebook and follow us on Tumblr to get some reminders before we stream! https://www.facebook.com/CloudsdaleCafe http://cloudsdale-cafe.tumblr.com/
This week's Cast: Ragin Pinkie Pie Silver Blaze TheCanadianBlizzard (Nick) Technic Shadow
--------------------------------------------------------------The Brony Outlet - New Podcast!
Copy Paste:
Hello my name is Rocknrollpony, and I am, along with some friends, making a podcast called The Brony Outlet, we of course have a soundcloud and youtube account, our podcast will cover everything this fandom has to offer. We will cover music from all types to lengths, have a section called Fluttershy's Bedtime Stories about fanfictions and writing. We will also cover Brony fan art such as ones made by Blue Flame and DarkShinethepony, it will be called Picture Perfect. Along side that we will be doing some other stuff, we are still looking for people to join us so any brony can come and join the podcast.
Successful Meetups
Charleston Brony Meetup
Copy Paste:
The Charleston Brony Meetup Group met at a local bowling alley to have
some fun and enjoy a Saturday night with friends. We grabbed our balls
and took to the lanes to have one awesome night of bowling. Together
we bowled away the competition and made complete pinheads of ourselves
while doing so. The night ended with a few rounds of beers and a lot
of greasy French fries. (pictures removed for the foals.)
Link to our website: http://www.meetup.com/
Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More
Clarion Scholarship for Ponyfic Writers
Hey! Isn't that Neil Gaiman?
Yeah! And did Christmas come early, or is
that Samuel Delaney?
that Samuel Delaney?
Why are they on EqD? Are they bronies?
Not as far as we know. They're part of the teaching staff this year at Clarion West. Clarion, Clarion West, and Odyssey are famous summer workshops for authors of fantasy and science fiction, each taught by six different famous authors of fantasy and science fiction. But they cost a lot of money. So some bronies on fimfiction have raised $1400 to help pay the tuition for any author on EqD, fimfiction, or ponyfictionarchive who's accepted into Clarion, Clarion West, or
Odyssey. To learn how to apply, or to donate money, see the full story here.
The deadline for Clarion has passed, but Clarion West and Odyssey are still taking applications for summer 2013.
Visit Your Local Theme Park to Meet Bronies!
Copy Paste:
Ok so I am a normal brony who works at his local theme park (Thorpe Park if that helps you in any way). I love my job and I am a big fan of bronies and MLPFIM in general. However, I have got one problem with it. I never get to meet any bronies at where I work. this sort of makes me feel a little lonely in the fandom (non of my friends are bronies either). SO what have I decided to do. Organize an event for every theme park in the world for bronies to attend. This is a unofficial event I am organizing.
Merch/Ebay Stuff
Pony Commissions and Customs
This Day in Pony History - March 5, 2011-2012
2011 - Not much went on this day two years ago, so have a Weekly Wrap-up from that week two years ago!
2012 - Adult Swim does a Derpy bump and Adweek reports on the Hub.