Loads of pony conventions coming in! You know the drill, have some headlines:
- Grand Brony Gala
- CrystalCon 2013 Video Promo
- Sac Brony Expo Promo
- PonyConAU (Unnofficial) Travel
- Big Apple Ponycon Extends Discount Hotel Rate Deadline
- PoniCon Argentina Postponed
- Cloudsdale Con Press Release
- Cutie Mark Con Announced
Grand Brony Gala
Hey, y'all! C'mon down to the best dang brony gatherin' since the last barn raisin'.
No, Silly! We're not raising a barn! It’s the Grand Brony Gala! There'll be games, panels, karaoke, dancing, costume contests, ooh! And balloons and all kinds of fun fun fun fun fun!! All Day Long!
Just when you think it can't get any more awesome, the Grand Galloping “Brony” Gala makes the night 20% cooler!
But, Darling, it’s a formal event in the evening with a buffet, a stage show and dancing. Personally, I prefer the slow songs, but I hear they’ll also have all those pony-remixes that all those other ponies make such a fuss about.
And to do it by the book: you can Purchase the Day Ticket or the Ticket to the Evening Gala Event, or the Combination of both at - http://grandgallopingbronygalacon.com/registration-2013.html. So come out and enjoy the magic!
This is open to ponies of all ages, and children under 5 are admitted free with a paid adult admission, if that’s all right with you.
This mini convention is for the benefit of the Children’s Miracle Network. For details visit: http://grandgallopingbronygalacon.com or find us on FaceBook: http://www.facebook.com/TheGrandBronyGala
CrystalCon 2013 Video Promo
Sac Brony Expo Promo
PonyConAU (Unnofficial) Travel
Hello. Nikki De speaking here from Melb/Vic Bronies on FaceBook
We at Melb/Vic Bronies are organising a group bus trip and hotel stay for PonyConAU from Melb to Sydney.
The Bus is $160 both ways, including travel over the weekend to and from the con.
The hotel will be $116 for the two nights including breakfast.
You can opt for just the bus or just the hotel or both.
Bookings and payment are due BY the Saturday 23rd of March.
We will be leaving 9am from Fed Square in the city Friday 5th of April and returning straight after the con on Sunday to arrive back at Fed Square around 7am on Monday 8th of April.
More information available at the event page https://www.facebook.com/events/194184180712218/ (Yes, you will have to join Melb/Vic Bronies to find out more details)
Or you can contact me directly at dawn_allies@hotmail.com
Looking forwards to see you all at PonyConAU!
Big Apple Ponycon Extends Discount Hotel Rate Deadline
Brooklyn, New York - Big Apple Ponycon has extended the deadline for hotel
block discount rates. Originally set to expire this Friday, March 1,
guests will now have until March 8 to book at the lower rate.
A limited quantity of discount rooms are available. Rates are as low as
$209 for a 4-person room, or $52.25 per person.
To take advantage of the discount, visit www.bigappleponycon.com/venue/
PoniCon Argentina Postponed
Debido a los pronósticos que anuncian lluvias para todo el fin de semana, nos hemos visto forzados a postergar el evento. Como estaba planeado para estas circunstancias, la fecha del mismo se traslada al dieciséis (16) del mismo mes.
Lamentamos mucho las molestias que esto vaya a ocasionar. Estén conscientes que el evento aún se realizará tal como estaba planeado, sólo que en otra fecha, y sus entradas seguirán siendo válidas. Los mantendremos al tanto de las novedades.
Cloudsdale Con Press Release
Our website - http://cloudsdalecon.weebly.com/
Twitter - https://twitter.com/brony2468
Cutie Mark Con Announced
Ladies and Gentlemen, Fillies and Gentlecolts, Cutie Mark Con is pleased to be bringing Cincinnati, Ohio a unique and wonderful experience. Cutie Mark Con will be May 31 - June 2, 2013 at the Crowne Plaza Cincinnati North. There are many guests announced, with more yet to come. visit us at www.cutiemarkcon.com for more information