Sparklepeep has created an imgur album with both the fronts and backs of all the MLP trading cards in much better resolution than the earlier post we tossed up. If you are curious about what the backs of each card say, this is a good way to find out. Some of the references are pretty ridiculous.
Head on over here to check them out!Share This!103 Comments
The final day of the Canterlot Gardens kickstarter has arrived, and they are only about 1/4th the way to their goal of $20,000. If you were a past attendee, or want to experience what past attendees originally experienced, head on over to their kickstart page and toss some support in! There isn't a whole lot of time left, so do it quick!
Kickstarter -
Yep, they totally did it.
"Competing in contests and going on campouts together, Sweetie Bell is happy to be closer to her sister Rarity than ever before. On the other hoof, her cutie mark acquisition program hasn’t really made any real progress. Her hopes for an adorable bunnysiting cutie mark didn’t work out at all! Poor Sweetie Bell is an amazing singer, but she’s just too shy to show off her talent in front of a crowd, even though they’ll surely love her voice. Oh, why does life have to be so ironic?!"
(A reference to Sweetie Bot from Friendship is Witchcraft for those confused) -
Spotlight Music: David Larsen ft. Mandopony - Double Rainboom / Calm Seas and Blue Skies / Cloud Diving with Rainbow
by Sethisto
We start this one off with a new vocal track dedicated to Double Rainboom starring David Larsen and Mandopony, followed by some Daring Do orchestral stuff, and finish with trance! Check them out below!
1.) David Larsen ft. Mandopony - Double Rainboom
2.) Calm Seas and Blue Skies (Daring Do) - CommandSpry
3.) Cloud Diving With Rainbow
Custom Compilation #101
by Calpain
It's truly amazing that someone can take an official product and turn it into something completely, and stunningly, different! Each time I do one of these custom compilations I'm just blown completely away. Keep it up custom crafters! We've got a long pony hiatus ahead.
Check out the rest of the goods after the break!
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Trade: Crystal Twilight and Spike Custom
This image reminds me of something, but I haven't a clue what it is. I do know I managed to snag two wallpapers out of this one though!
Onward to art!
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Tamer Trixie - Leo, Part Two - The Approach
Happy Birthday Maddy, Ashleigh, and JDL!
by Calpain
Lots of birthdays this month and you guys pulled through with some great gifts! Happy Birthday to Maddy and a belated happy birthday to both John De Lancie and Ashleigh! We hope you all had or are having fantastic birthdays and from the community to you all we appreciate the work you have put into the show.
Go wish them your best on their Twitter accounts!
Hey Ocean Twitter
JDL Twitter
Maddy Peters Twitter
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Birthday Cubed
In the year 20xx, a brony named Khao Mortadios poured a great deal of energy into creating a new video game combining the classic platformer action of Megaman with everybody's beloved pony figures from Friendship is Magic. The game showed some promising design sense and attempted to emulate the classic NES series, but was unfinished and needed the help of many wonderful people like yourselves to provide feedback and help it reach its true potential.
8 months later, it's time to see how that promise panned out. Episode 2 is more accurately considered Version 2, and it's bigger, better, and pony...er than its original counterpart. Awesome! So what is it?
Megapony puts you in the iron-clad horseshoes of an appropriately named robotic equine sent forth by Princess Celestia to combat a certain six ponies who have been warped by Discord, and return them to the light of friendship. With your laser shooting horn. It's a fully custom designed game in the classic 8-bit Megaman milieu. Fully designed stages, bosses, and music that combine classic NES feel with unique equine charm. This version contains playable stages for each of the mane six, with the promise of some potentially epic boss stages to come.
If you think this sounds awesome, you're right and you should download it in the link provided below. If you'd prefer to see more of the game in action first, I've started a video review of the game which you can find below the page break. But please, play it, give your feedback, and help make this game the best that it can be!
Megapony Episode 2 Download
We have had two episode style fan animations release this month. The first was Snowdrop, rolling with a very emotional and story driven style. It set out to explain the history of snow flakes, and did a pretty damn good job of it! The second was Double Rainboom, which seemed to focus much more on gags and specific scenes than the overall storyline. I know I wasn't expecting Power Puff Girls to show up.
So what type do you prefer? Do you like the silly fandom references and nostalgiatastic crossover style? Or is the story driven type more your thing?
What kind of topic would you like to see fan animation explore?
Hit up the comments below! -
Join us once again this coming Monday night for Stay Brony My Friends with Dustykatt, Screwball and Cowboy Dave!
This week's guest is none other than your big brother best friend forever, Andrew Francis!
Andrew comes back to the show for a second round of Q&A from the gang where we will delve into all things Crystal Kingdom and Liquid Pride!
And don't forget to check out www.manliestbrony.com for the ongoing Manly Challenges for charity put forth by our guests.
Andrew picked KiKi as his charity and we want to give her and Ami a good push!
You can find the reair's off all the past episodes here: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL38A9F19CDFF2C5FD
Join us Monday evening LIVE!
After over a year of production, the first full-length fan-made episode of Friendship is Magic- Double Rainboom- has finally hit the internet in all its glory. It's been a long, arduous journey, and I'm sure you're all eager to catch the film. As the director Zachary Rich describes it:
Double Rainboom is a Senior film written, directed, & produced by FlamingoRich (Zachary Rich) for his college curriculum – and it is the first-ever fan-made episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Through the combined efforts of bronies across the internet and other students from the Savannah College of Art & Design – the episode features a full orchestral score, studio-quality sound effects, voice actresses for the ponies, and 100% show-accurate animation.
Catch it on Youtube here, or below the break!
And expect an episode followup some time in the next few days!
And have some badges, you can get these here.
This one comes from over on Meghan McCarthy's Twitter page. It looks like we might see an episode revolving around disability in the future. Who will be targeted with said disabilities and what exactly it will be remains to be seen. As far as I know, the Scootaloo not being able to fly thing was wiped out a while back (though was the original plan according to Lauren Faust), but who knows! Maybe they decided to bring it back?
Thanks to Pablo for the submit ! -
What ever happened to airships? Why am I not living in a steampunk world filled with giant cruise liners floating around in the sky? Clearly the creative population wants them! Just look at all the fantasy stuff out there!
Have some art while I go open an airship petition on that White House website you guys keep spamming me with. (Seriously, Derpy isn't going to be the president anytime soon! Stop petitioning it!)
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Saturday Livestreams and Drawfriend
by Calpain
Yet again it is time for Saturday Livestreams, featuring pony artists from all across the fandom doing what they do best: create pony! Again we've got an extensive lineup to check out including a new episode of My Little Millioniare. We've also got a special treat for you all in the form of our first Livestream Drawfriend so go check that out after the break!
As always with this event, if you want to partake in the madness make sure to send an email to me at calpain@equestriadaily.com with your name, the type of art you'll be doing, a gallery link (optional) a link to your livestream and a banner (also optional). Make sure that your stream follows our content guidelines as laid out under our submit tab and also make sure to that you can be ready to stream at our standard time of 4pm EST / 1pm PST on Saturday. Also, if you participated in this week's stream event please send me the art you made so I can include it in next week's Livestream Drawfriend.
Author: RazedRainbow
Description: In the heat of the moment, some ponies have a habit of letting things out. Sometimes they are minor things that most just shrug off and forget about in a matter of milliseconds. Sometimes they are things that, once revealed, shake the very foundation of their existence.
Third Time's a Charm (New Part 8!)
Rarity's latest revelation falls into the latter.
Additional Tags: Magical mishaps, free falling, RariDash
op 1:31 PM
Labels: Author: RazedRainbow, Complete, Fanfiction, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Shipping, Star-Needed, Story -
The first Friendship is Magic blu-rays have begun to arrive for those that ordered them. If you aren't way over in Europe, or already have enough HD pony to last you a lifetime, have some images courtesy of McDenis of what exactly is included.
If you want to pick up one for yourself, hit up the Amazon page for it!
Hopefully most of you have recieved your copy of the fifth MLP comic by now. If you haven't ordered it at all, go do that (or the physical Trixie one cause it's amazing).
So what did you think of the first part of the new moon arc? It's about time we got more Luna.
Hit up the comments with your thoughts!
[Comedy] [Adventure]
Author: BronyWriter
Description: When Fluttershy's chicken, Elizabeak, finds the opportunity to escape from the coop and search for The Promised Land on the other side of the Everfree Forest, she takes it and begins her search.
She gets a little more than she bargained for.
The Trials of Elizabeak the Brave Little Chicken
Additional Tags: Stare Master from Elizabeak's perspectiveop 10:00 AM
Labels: Adventure, Author: BronyWriter, comedy, Complete, Fanfiction, Fluttershy, OC Ponies, Pinkie Pie, Star-Needed, Story -
Nightly Roundup #621
by Calpain
Rarity won out in voting tonight, which is poetic justice considering that horrible outfit Katie Price wore in that article last night in the name of 'fashion'. Well, Rarity heard that paper's challenge and she is ready to show them how it is really done!
While she gets to it, have some news guys!
Music Listened to While Making This
[Random][Dark] Quote: "I'm pretty sure the only way I could love this story more would be if air pirates were actually in it." -Pre-reader who likes sky pirates
Author: Wingless13
Description: Rarity wasn't so sure of her life walking into this little night club on the East Side of Canterlot. But one stallion changes her unstable composure into one of pure desperation. Will she do anything, to achieve that long sought after dream of being the most respected and known designer in this bristling city?
Just Pull the Trigger
Additional Tags: Rarity gambles with her lifeop 9:00 PM
Labels: Author: Wingless13, Fanfiction, hoity, Incomplete, OC Ponies, Random, Rarity, Star-Needed, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
We Love Fine has seven more shirts up over in their pony section, including another one of those 3D pony designs.
They also sent this teaser thingy saying expect it next week. I know the majority of them are currently at Wondercon, so I don't see anything on their facebook page. It looks a little Lunaish though.
Now that Everfree has a venue, let the announcements of special guests commence! Kicking off their effort, Everfree Northwest is pleased to announce the attendance of Andrew Francis, voice of Shining Armor! Not only that, but Everfree will be at SakuraCon, so if you're going go say hi to the staff members at their booth.
Check after the break for the full press release.
Outside of wasting way too much time talking about/searching for colorful cartoon equines, I'm sure a bunch of you have seen some kind of improvement in your daily lives. Maybe the magic of FRIENDSHIP forced you to try out a meetup, where you made some new gaming buddies? Or maybe the creative side has improved your writing or art skill?
I personally eat way more apples than I used to. That's a bonus!
Hit the comments up with your pony caused self improvements! -
Click for EPIC!
Following the trend of season one, Jiayi has created an epic collage dedicated to all the major events. You should probably go check it out!
And after you are done basking in the nostalgia, hit the comments up with your favorite episode of the season. We haven't discussed that in a while! -
The long-awaited Double Rainboom will be popping up for the internet audience tomorrow! If you haven't had a chance to hit up the conventions they have been displayed at, this is it right here.
If you are going to be around at 9:00 PM EST tomorrow, you can watch it live here, otherwise they are uploading it on the Double Rainboom Youtube page thirty minutes later!
Can you handle one more day of waiting?
They need to use this city in other games. How about some Grand Theft Mechanical Horse: Colombia? Or maybe a Colombia Noire?
Have some art!
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The Possibilties are Endless...
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