In the same vein as other media networks such as Everfree Radio and Celestia Radio, a new kid has shown up on the block in the form of Ponyville Live! Starting February 14th, the network hopes to go live with a variety of entertaining content ranging from marathons, gaming tourneys, special interviews, and much more. Curious? Check out the full details on the launch after the break!
Today, we have a very special announcement for the pony community.
Over the last year, the leadership and staff of several pony radio and video streams have been working together to assemble a network founded upon a simple goal: to unify the artists, creators and consumers of rich multimedia content in the pony community. By bringing attention to the brilliance and talent of our artists, providing world-class coverage of brony events and conventions, and maintaining a wide array of unique and entertaining radio and video streams, we hope to achieve this goal for the greatest number of ponyfolks possible.
This February 14th (Hearts & Hooves Day), we will be officially launching the culmination of our efforts, the pony world's newest media network, Ponyville Live!
PVL is a central media resource, featuring four distinct radio streams (Fillydelphia Radio, Luna Radio, PonyvilleFM, and Alicorn Radio), a video stream (BronyTV), an audio/visual team who will be attending a number of major conventions in this coming year, and over 85 of the community's finest artists, including fan favorites like The Aviators, WoodenToaster, Blaze, Forest Rain, Assertive Fluttershy, Omnipony, Rina-Chan, The Combine, Yelling at Cats, and dozens more.
Our February 14 launch celebration already includes special interviews with guests across all of our stations, "mare"athons of artist-created content, gaming tournaments, and more, with additional special announcements happening over this coming week.
For more information, come visit our web site:
or follow us on one of our social media platforms.
We look forward to adventuring right alongside the phenomenal brony community in this coming year!
- Silver Eagle
Director, Ponyville Live!