• Everfree Northwest Announces Sherclop Pones

    Loved the latest Friendship is Witchcraft? Then you might be excited to hear that a certain team is going to be at this year's Everfree Northwest! That's right, Sherclop Pones is going to be making an appearance this summer at the premier west coast event! Considering how awesome Everfree was last year I think we can expect to see more of the same this coming summer.

    Check after the break for the full press release, plus a special message from a certain young, purple alicorn!

    Greetings, Everypony!

    A certain young alicorn left this in our voicemail box, which we found peculiar until we found out that Griffin Lewis and Jenny Nicholson--the collective comedic duo known as Sherclop Pones--would be coming back this year to attend Everfree Northwest! For those of you who don't know, Sherclop Pones is responsible for the wildly popular abridged series "Friendship is Witchcraft." Last year, at their standing-room-only panel, they unveiled their hilarious short "Star Waving Mad." Also in attendance was a certain robotic filly who just wants to be loved. Come and join us this 4th of July weekend in Seaddle and meet the brains behind the Witchcraft. Be sure to book your hotel room at our special rate from the link on our website before they're all gone!

    Sherclop Pones is just the first of many who make up our lineup of the awesome community guests that make our convention what it is. What's that? You like special guests? Stay tuned…

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