• Story Updates - January 27th

    I still say this is one of my favorite fanfic covers.

    Have some story updates!

    Story: Flash Fog (Update 8!)


    Author: Kwakerjak
    Description: When Fluttershy received her certification as a fog specialist, she only wanted a plausible excuse to write off the expenses associated with her ground-based house on her taxes. However, when an accident in Cloudsdale sends a blanket of industrial-grade clouds rolling towards Ponyville, Fluttershy suddenly finds herself in charge of coordinating the response, mostly because she's the only fog
    specialist in the area. Can our heroine step up to the challenge at hoof, or will she risk facing the wrath of the Equestrian Revenue Service?
    Flash Fog

    Story: Sharing the Night (Update Part 6!)

    [Normal] [Shipping] [Comedy]

    Author: Cast-Iron Caryatid
    Description: Twilight becomes alicorn of the stars. This is sort of a problem, because Luna kind of already was alicorn of the stars. Oops!
    Sharing the Night

    Story: World of Ponycraft (Update Side Story!)

    [Crossover][Comedy][Adventure] It made pre-readers laugh, but they failed at giving me any good quotes =[

    Author: Capn Chryssalid
    Description: Worgen? Try Ponies as the new Alliance race instead! Deathwing’s Cataclysm breaks open the seals separating Equestria from the rest of Azeroth, allowing in the insanity that is World of Warcraft (and WoW players). Can the mane cast adjust? Probably. Will they get Tier 11 and a Realm First Heroic Nefarian kill? Probably not. Will Twilight Sparkle’s obsession with Archaeology ever pay off? Also probably not.
    World of Ponycraft

    Story: Researcher Twilight (Update Part 9!)

    [Sad] [Adventure] [Dark]

    Author: NATOstrike
    Description: Twilight Sparkle has been a student, personal protege, and friend of Princess Celestia for many years. However, when the Princess appoints her to be the new Grand Magus of the Equestrian Royal Court everything changes. Celestia becomes reluctant and unwilling to teach Twilight anything more advanced than what is absolutely necessary to perform her new duties.

    What is Celestia hiding? What is the Princess protecting?

    Celestia's attempt to withhold knowledge from Twilight tragically backfires, pushing the student to learn everything she can about magic and the workings of the world. No matter the cost, no matter how forbidden these areas of study are, Twilight is determined to learn the truth.

    Twilight is taking the first steps of a journey that once started cannot be taken back.

    Researcher Twilight

    Story: PONY Legacy (Update Part 4!)


    Author: RBDash47
    Description: Ten years ago, Celestia disappeared with no warning nor trace. When Twilight receives a message from the lost princess, calling for help, she and Rainbow Dash speed to Canterlot, where Rainbow Dash is accidentally transported to a strange world – but in her race to escape the Grid and return to her loved ones, she faces an enemy she never expected.
    PONY Legacy

    Story: Paradise (Updated Part 17!)

    Source: Madmax
    [Normal][Adventure] Oh hey! It's still alive! 

    Author: Slywit
    Description:  Celestia and Luna were born as unassuming foals in troubled times. But already marked for greatness, the simple earth ponies stand to face a world set against them, full of danger, fear, and sadness. A world they will change forever.

    Story: Luna's Dreamscape Journey (Update Part 8!)


    Author: Ugugg93
    Description: Just over two years after her banishment ended, Luna now rules over her night with Celestia's day. However, the night can become a very boring place, and when you have way too many hours of nothing to do, you tend to make... interesting choices in terms of activities.
    Luna's Dreamscape Journey

    Story: Three Hundred and Fifty (Update Part 6!)

    [Slice of Life]

    Author: Void Chicken
    Description: My name is Twilight Sparkle, and 350 years ago, Sweetie Belle and I vanished without a trace.
    Now here we are, in the future.
    Equestria has become a utopia, with everypony living in peace and harmony.
    Everything is perfect. All a pony could ever want, and more.
    My name is Twilight Sparkle, and I want to go home.
    Three Hundred and Fifty

    Story: Days of Wasp and Spider (Update Part 14!)


    Author: Luna-tic Scientist
    Description: In the distant past they were magically and genetically engineered to
    be the perfect servitor race. They are powerful, adaptable,
    intelligent and completely under the control of their creators. A
    laboratory accident frees one such pony from her mental chains, but
    how can one mare save herself and the rest of her people if she
    doesn't even know she's a slave?
    This is not the Equestria you know and these are not your little ponies.
    Not yet anyway.
    Days of Wasp and Spider

    Story: II (Update Part 18!)


    Author: Adcoon
    Description: When Rainbow Dash called for help on her dying breath, she never imagined she would be rescued twice at once. Now she is neither dead or alive, and she definitely doesn't remember wearing all six Elements ...

    Rainbow Dash is divided, and she doesn't have much time. To save herself and her friends she may have to convince them to give up the Magic of Friendship, or she can fight ... but how does one fight destiny?