Not really the best space filling picture, but it's probably one of the best pictures Apple Fritter is going to get! And considering how hard it is to find art of her I think she deserves another chance at header just this once.
Yep, Calpain is back with the news. Did ya miss me? Check out the news after the break folks!
"Past Sins" Audiobook Complete!
A massive 300+ hour audiobook project has finally come to an end after much recording, editing, and all sorts of odds and ends. Now you can listen to the fanfic epic thanks to these fan's hard work! You can find the audiobook in its entirety below.
Audiobook Link
Brony Flagship Station (WTVY) Reports on Bronies for Good Livestream
I don't think our friends over at WTVY would mind us borrowing their logo for this little piece considering all the Brony news they report! Our favorite local news station has struck again with a little article noting about the recent Bronies for Good charity livestream. You can find the article down below! Props to the reporters at WTVY, keep up the good work you guys and gals!
WTVY Article
Ponies Appear in Another Gameshow
This time they have popped up in the British show called 'The Chase'. Now that ponies have been on 'Millionaire' I guess the floodgates have been opened, eh?
I'm Hungry and There Just Had to be Cake
Applejack License Plate
My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Season 1 DVD Review
For you review fans out there we have a new review of the season 1 DVD for you guys to chew on.
Review Link
Escape to the Moon - Episode 28
little delay on this one but it's worth the weight, we talk about our
favorite characters, Discord, theories, our picks for best music and why
the hell Pon-3 and Octavia are so popular.
Brony Clubhouse - Episode 6
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The Clubhouse had a fairly slow weekend, but fear not - Episode 6: Sidekicks and Slackers has been released! Tune in for some pony history and check out our review of the latest episode, Just for Sidekicks. We also have an exclusive interview with Summer and Matt Hayes, My Little Pony collector and event coordinator for the My Little Pony Fair. Swing by to check it out, and be sure to share our episodes on Facebook & Twitter!
Ponyville Roundup - Episode 18
Just for Sidekicks Discussion
Last Exit to Ponyville - New Episode
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New episode
Previous audio error has now been fixed
Welcome back fillies and gentlecolts to the last exit to Ponyville!
In today’s special interview episode we sit down with one of the executive producers behind Bronies: The Extremely Unexpected Adult Fans of My Little Pony, John DeLancie.
Birdman and John get a chance to talk about what goes into the documentary film making process but also go in depth into the stories behind production and beyond.
Sit down with a couple of apples and get comfortable as we learn a little bit more about the fandom that embraces all with a smile and a hug.
As our intro says…Bronies forever!
Successful Meetups
Bath Bronies Meetup
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The Bath Bronies had there first meet of 2013 on saturday 26th january (our fourth meet in all) and it was our best yet! For the first time we all watched the new episode live together and played an unexpectedly successful drinking game (unexpectedly in that every drinking rule we created came up about every 20 seconds!) We got a new member called Rhi and even had a guest appearance from a furry who was lovely and came complete with ears and rainbow tail! The night ended at the Hobgoblin pub (as usual!) with a singalong that was somewhat hampered (or helped) by rather a few too many beers! The group is getting better with each meet and we now have our own facebook group to help arrange our meets and stay in touch (the facebook page we created having been short lived due to the almost immediate parasprite invasion!)
Here the link to the video
Also here’s a link to our facebook group
Poland Meetup
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In Zgorzelec, Poland we had Great and Powerful meetup with 22 bronies. Blind Bag hunting, pizza eating, fun-having time ;-)
Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More
Flim and Flam Project Seeks Help!
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"Flim & Flam: Make it Big" will be an animated musical starring the title characters in which they attempt to discover their talent for, who could have guessed it, singing! Right now, we're currently recruiting everyone we can possibly get to have this thing made, which includes storyboarders, animators, background artists, voice actors and even composers. Mainly, however, we're putting out this initial call to voice actors since we currently have an audition thread up on the Voice Actor's Alliance. We can just as easily be contacted through email, though!
Flim & Flam: Make it Big (Official Announcement Video)
Flim & Flam: Make it Big needs Voice Actors!
Merch/Ebay Stuff
Chrysalis Themed Bracelet