Hey everyone, hope you all are having a pleasant evening or day in some cases! As usual we've got some news for you all to dig into tonight, so let's get cracking!
Check out it all out after the break.
Discord Can Do Whatever He Wants...
Never doubt the Master of Chaos!
Shipping and Handling Audio Play - Update!
Awhile back we posted a call out for talented VAs to help with an audio play version of Shipping and Handling. Since then the team behind it has made great progress and has some news to share with you guys tonight. Take a look below for the full scoop!
About 5 months ago,
Silentmatten's Creations took on a new type of project, creating an Audio Play
of the story: Shipping and Handling, and now we bring to you some updates to
say: "We're still workin'!"
Firstly, we have
some things that would naturally come with a project like this,
And after listening
to some of our fails and randomness, we have some music for all to hear.
All music was either
re-orchestrated by Vivace Capriccioso or was made originally by her. Not only
does it sound amazing but everything in this Soundcloud set will also be played
during the actual audio play.
The project has made
great headway and we plan on releasing it sometime in late February.
The radio station we
plan on airing from will be Celestia Radio (http://ponify.me/) every Sunday at 7:00 PM Central
time and will then release the following Wednesday on the Shipping and Handling;
Audio Play YouTube Channel. http://www.youtube.com/user/SnHAudioPlay
When the audio play
will be ready is still unknown so we won't be setting a date for a
And now for
an announcement:
are currently in need of an artist who is able to do decent traditional
pony art and is able to make up to 13 chapter cards very quickly, if you
are interested in joining, please send a message to the director: Silentmatten@gmail.com
Another Pony Coin Project Emerges
For you coin collectors out there another pony coin project has crept out of the shadows into the light of day! Featuring a set of six different coins, one for each of the main six, the project hopes to supply high quality coins to fans out there seeking more pony merchandise. Unfortunately, the project needs a little help to make that a reality and has started a Kickstarter in hopes of getting the backing it needs. If you're interested, please pay a visit to the link below and donate if you can.
Kickstarter Project
Pony 411 - Episode 22
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It's a 2 man operation on Pony 411 this week starring Nemesis and Four String. They have a lot of news to share this week, including Fighting is Magic appearing on the main stage at EVO 2013 (or... not) and much more. Oh so much more.
They also decide to discuss the 2nd issue of the My Little Pony comic, and basically spend the entire time gushing over it. If you want to avoid spoilers, skip from 15:05 to 31:03. Finally, the show is wrapped up with some music, including the song "Kindness" by MandoPony and AcousticBrony. Tune in!
Download: http://pony411.libsyn.com/
All Things Brony: Parents and Ponies
As the title says, this little vlog is about all things brony where a fellow pony fan shares his everyday thoughts about things in and outside of the fandom.
Parents and Ponies
Successful Meetups
Bronies Australia Anniversary Meetup
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In Australia life isn't easy. We have bushfires, unpredictable cyclones, floods, killer snakes and drop bears, but we managed to hold our first Bronies Australia Anniversary meetup in Adelaide, South Australia on Saturday 12 January 2013. Amongst the survivors, we managed to hold a singalong, pony quiz event, games session and an auction (including a bit of a fundraiser for Doctors Without Borders/MSF).
As we had a fire ban, dragons in general were barred from the venue for tidy up duty, but we had maids to help out. Thanks everypony who could make it from coast-to-coast: Victoria, Queensland, New South Wales, Western Australia, Tasmania, Northern Territory and the ACT. It was a fun weekend for everypony, thanks for coming!
Royal Guard Kick Flank in Paintball
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Greetings from the Royal Guard paintball team!
everypony is doing well. The Guard has some exciting news! We have been
training for multiple tournaments, and recently took part in the Almost
Famous Paintball Leagues Walk on Nation event #2. Through the power of
friendship and teamwork, we managed to place 6th out of the 11 teams
playing, putting us in 3rd place on AFPLs 2012-13 WoN standings! Pretty
awesome for a team of Bronies! Check out the pictures from the event on
our Facebook!
We will be playing in the next WoN event, as well as
the new Chaos Ball 5man by AFPL. Along with that, there has been talk
of us possibly playing some bigger events this season such as NPPLs
open, as well as attending some of the local pony conventions! EQLA,
Our team is dedicated to sharing the magic of
friendship through the fun sport of paintball, bringing Bronies together
to make new friends as well as new memories. We play and host these
events to show how awesome we Bronies truly are in hopes that the world
will see us in a positive light.
As always, check us out on Facebook or Twitter!
We’re doing as much as we can to promote the growth of the Brony community, so come join us at one of our events!
For Equestria!
The Royal Guards
Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More
UNT Bronies Group
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We're UNT Bronies, a small brony group at the University of North Texas looking to expand. We've noticed there are several bronies there, but we seem to be scattered and isolated at the moment and we want to fix that.
Merch/Ebay Stuff
Pony Jewelry, Phone Charms, and More!
Applejack Plushie
Perler Bead Filly Twilight
Derpy Hooves Flying Plush