Seth may be the number one Trixie fanboy, but it doesn't mean others can't appreciate her as well. Then again, knowing this fandom every single character no matter how big or small has their own group of fans. Says something about the quality and malleability of these characters if we can do all that, right?
Anyhow, time for the news guys. Check it out after the break.
Before You Ask, Yes, We Have Cake
Awesome Pony Graffiti
The story behind this really cool piece of art!

Hi! I'm Shinoda (,
I've painted Vinyl Scratch and Octavia graffiti in Trelew, Chubut,
Argentina, with two of the best Graffiti Artists of my city.
Here a link on DeviantArt
Apart from that photo, I've created an album on my new Facebook page with lots of photos of the step by step , and I've made a video too!
Pony Pillow Project Needs Help
Mind you, the photo included is of prototypes and NOT the finished product
A pony project looking to raise enough money to start production of cute pony pillows is currently a little short of their goal on Kickstarter and could use the help finishing their push for some startup money. Check the details and the prototype picture below.
There are only five days left to the Pony Pillow Project and we are still a bit short of our $750 goal.
What we hope to do is make a type of plushy that is both high quality and affordable for more people. Not just of the mane six, but of all of our favorites. If we manage to exceed our goal there is even the possibility of creating a "Pony Creator" style customization system that will allow for people to have their very own OC to be made into a pillow plush for an affordable price.
Plushies ordered through the kickstarter are a low, low price of $36 and that includes shipping and handling to US buyers!
There are also t-shirts, cutie mark ties, and digital art commissions as rewards.
Youtube Video
Pony Fan At Avon UK Product Marketing?
Considering ponies are popping up everywhere for quite some time now, it isn't surprising that an eyeliner called Twilight Sparkle at Avon could be a subtle reference to pony. Could always be a coincidence, but you never know nowadays!
Successful Meetups
Buckeye Brony Associate Meetup
Copy Paste:
The Buckeye Brony Association had its first meetup January 8th near the Ohio State University Campus in Columbus, Ohio. The main topic on the agenda was getting to know each other and setting up the group as an official OSU function. Anyone around the Columbus area is more than welcome to join us, just Facebook search Buckeye Brony Association. Our next meetup will be on Tuesday, January 15 at 6:30pm. Hope to see everyone there!
Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More
Melb/Vic Bronies Meetup
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Melb/Vic Bronies are having another big ol' Beach Meet for all your Melbourne/Victoria Australian Bronies and others who wish to attend!
Get yourself down to Chelsea Beach on Australia Day (that's Jan 26th!) for Call of the Seaponies 2: Aquastria's Siren.
If you don't know how to get there, there'll be a big bunch of peeps meeting at Fed Square between 10-11am to hop on a train down the Frankston line together to Chelsea.
Once you're at Chelsea it's just a short 2min walk to the beach. Look for pony!
We'll be having games, activities and prizes through out the day, or just chill and hangout, it's up to you!
Bring swimwear!
Bring sunscreen!
Bring money to spend for lunch on one of your many food options.
Bring yourself!
Become a Melb/Vic Brony:
FB Event Page:
Croatia Post a Pony Meetup
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We had a great idea for a new type of meetups its a post a pony meetup!
Meetup time and date: 16:00, 12th January 2013
Location: Zagreb, Ban Jelačić Square
Plan: We go around and place pony pictures around town and watch the reactions of random people who find them!
All the pony pictures are prepared (there is more than enough of them) and we will take care of the extra meterials we need!
Link to facebook event:
Merch/Ebay Stuff
Unicon Mousepad Pre-Orders
Plush Giveaway
Pony Keyrings
Derpy Plush