With the start of a new year comes the opportunity to reflect on the year that has just passed us by and the people behind the Brony Herd Census aren't wasting any time! Refining their methods from last year, they are raring to get started with this year's count and want as many people to participate as possible.
Check after the break for the official press release as well as information on how to do your part in the great 2013 Brony Herd Census!
Greetings Everypony!
Last year, over 9,000 bronies took the initial Brony Herd Census,
and we learned a lot about who bronies really are. This year, we want
the census to be bigger and better than ever! There's more than twice
as many questions this year, covering every topic from employment and
education to brony activities and (of course!) favorite pony.
big difference in the census is that this year, we'd like you to start
by taking a simple, free, 5 minute personality assessment test before
filling out the census. This is the famous Briggs-Myers personality
categorizer, and it is available here:
be sure to write down your 4-letter personality code before starting
the census. Taking the personality test is totally optional, but we'd
like as many bronies as possible to do it, as it will give us some
insight as to how bronies differ from the general population in
The census itself is online at:
beefier than last year, so give yourself a generous 20 minutes to
complete both the personality test and the census. We'll be keeping the
census up through February 15th, so there's no rush. And be sure to
tell your friends and spread the word.
year's census served as background research data for a number of studies
and helped inform the media just how big and diverse we are as a herd,
with your help we can make this year's study as successful.
I remain,
Coder Brony
Demographer by Appointment to Her Majesty, Princess Celestia