Nightly Roundup #516
by Calpain
How about some Applejack this time around you guys? Poor girl doesn't get enough time in the spotlight it seems.
Time for the news folks! Check it after the break.
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"And Sethisto went wild." -Pre-reader who likes sky pirates
"Pretty Much" - Sethisto
Author: TheBandBrony
Description: The Great and Powerful Trixie does not trust wheels.
Wheels: Not to be Trusted
Additional Tags: the wheels are watching usop 6:00 PM
Labels: Author: TheBandBrony, Complete, Fanfiction, Random, Star-Needed, Story, The Great and Powerful TRIXIE -
Times have changed! Merch has evolved! We have more random stuff being dropped over at Hot Topic than ever before. Pretty much everything they stock has a pony version.
There are some items missing though, one thing we still don't have is access to high quality plushies for example. Thats where you come in! What do you want to see companies start making with pony in mind? High quality Action/Adventure video games? Rainbow Dash fighter jets? Its up to you! -
[Normal] [Comedy]
Author: xjuggernaughtx
Description: When Pinkie Pie ignores Zecora's warnings about the proper preparation of chuckleberries, she ends up locked in a struggle with Sugarcube Corner's kitchen. Not just IN the kitchen. WITH the kitchen. Only Pinkie could be in a situation this ridiculous.
Easy As Pie
Additional Tags: Ridiculous, Pinkie vs., Magical, Comical, Like the Showop 3:00 PM
Labels: Author: xjuggernaughtx, comedy, Complete, Fanfiction, Normal, Pinkie Pie, Spike, Star-Needed, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
Out there in Europe, Anneli Heed has sort of become the big name in pony voice work for the non-US audience. If your mind is stuck in the states, you might be able to compare her to Tara Strong.
She has recorded up a quick christmas song for all of us. Head on over here to check it out, and go like her on facebook! -
Music: A Warm Place / The Cutie Mark Crusader Conclusion / Babs Seed Silva Hound Trap Mix
by Sethisto
We have a completely crazy remix of So Many Wonders that reminds me of something out of Final Fantasy 13, followed by a bit of original vocal Cutie Mark Crusader stuff, and finish with another Babs Seed remix! Check them out below!
1.) A Warm Place [So Many Wonders]
2.) The Cutie Mark Crusader Conclusion (Original Song) [Remastered]
3.) Daniel Ingram - Babs Seed (Silva Hound Trap Mix)
I love me some magic. Unicorns are best ponies. It's like the old 2nd edition Dungeons and Dragons. You might have warrior earth ponies that absorb and deal a ton of damage, or rogue pegusai that can quintuple backstab for a huge amount, but only a wizard can stop time, summon a rogue warrior angel hybrid, drop a meteor shower, throw 30 magic missiles, stop time again before time restarts, summon an elder demon, and teleport to another dimension while the world explodes.
And then wish the world back into existence.
Anyway, have some art while you ponder unicorn supremacy.
Source 1
Unstable spell
Nightly Roundup #515
by Calpain
Today was PK's birthday, so let's all wish him a happy bithday on his special day! Don't worry we'll make sure he gets extra special laundry to munch on tonight in celebration of the event.
News time folks! Check it out after the break!
Thanks to Red Pear for the pic!
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