War. War never changes, not even for the Equestria Inquirer. It can involve Scootaloo's war drums. a Crystal Pony war, or war-style traumatic flashbacks, but war never changes. We suggest you strap on your edible boots and brush up on your produce puns because life in Equestria is about to change. Kind of. Sort of. Okay, not really. I was just trying to be all dramatic and stuff. - TechRat
You know the drill! Video embedded after the break, text version here! Charge
Author: Grif
Description: Angel seemed like any other pet bunny a pony would have. A little odd, maybe, but otherwise perfectly ordinary. But what kind of life does he have beneath that innocent cover?
More Than Angel
Additional Tags: Angel, spies, pets, conspiracy, undercover -
Luna ate all your cookies. What are you going to do about it? That's right, give her more cookies. You couldn't hurt Luna if she accidentally destroyed your uninsured Ferrari.
Welovefine has another swarm of shirts added to their shop, along with some new tank designs for those of you that aren't into the shirt thing!
You probably know the drill at this point, full listing is here, and more images after the break!
Author: Commissar-Rarity
Description: Everyone has a journey in their life, a place they have to go. A road they must walk. But all journeys must come to an end.
Additional Tags: Old Twilight goes to Everfreeop 18:00
Sildid: Author: Commissar-Rarity, Complete, Fanfiction, Sad, Star-Needed, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
The same person that released the Derpy mod a while back has hacked some Trixie into Solomons Castle for the NES in celebration of her new episode. We posted a video about it yesterday, and for the sake of getting it out on time, he already completed it! Check the release trailer out after the break. You will need an NES Emulator to play it, be that on your phone, tablet, or whatever other device you are browsing EQD on.
As many of you have pointed out over the last few days, North Korea has announced their discovery of the burial site of the unicorn ridden by the esteemed King Dongmyeong (Who apparently hatched from an egg). Said site had a full on sign at it's entrance saying "Unicorn Lair"! How the Korean government will use their newfound unicorn powers is unknown. I am not sure the hermit nation can handle a pure dose of friendship without collapsing, but lets wish them well regardless in their new age of equine domination!
More historical information on the beast can be found at the Huffington Post, or pretty much any non-pony news site on the internet!
And then someone debunked it. -
In a trail of fire, I know we will be free again.
In the end we will be one.
In a trail of fire, I burn before you bury me.
Set your sights for the sun!
One instrumental and two remix tracks to round out New Episode Day. It's like icing on a cake, except all ponies are made of icing.
1) Equestrian Space - Daggin HeartClaw
2) StormWolf - Perfect Picture (Ozzwald's Remix)
3) Replacer - Babs Seed (Cover)
Livestream Saturdays
by Calpain
Quite awhile back we tried out a series of posts highlighting a number of artist streams who had volunteered to draw and stream on a specific day. It went well at first, but due to a variety of problems faded away unfortunately. I always liked those posts so I've decided to take a crack at it to see if we can get this feature started up again!
The way this works is that each Saturday at 4pm EST (1pm PST) we will have a Livestream Saturday post hopefully filled with people who have volunteered to stream at that time onward. Any artist is welcome to join in on the fun as long as whatever work they are streaming follows EqD content guidelines. Artists will be separated into two different categories: those working on general art (tumblr updates, commission work, or just whatever is on their mind) and those running request streams. Artists who are interested should send me their information to [email protected] which would include your artist name, a link to your stream, what category of art you are working on that day, and a link to your art gallery.
With that, lets get started! Check after the break for a small list of artists we have livestreaming today for you to drop in and say hello to. Also, thanks to Template93 for the header!
All the Trixie in here is filled with spoilers, but do you know who else was awesome this episode? That pegasus right up there. Have one dedicated to her instead! Trixie edition can go up tomorrow.
This is a pretty massive one, so older comps might want to give it a bit to load.
Source 1
Lullaby Fluttershy cover art
The Greatest and Most Powerful episode of the season has arrived! Trixie is dancing. Are you dancing? Cause I'm dancing. I don't think I can last all night waiting for it. Have some streams. Technically the entire reason for this site was to display Trixie and Trixie related fan projects, so I'm probably going to move to the Galapagasus and live off the land for a bit after this episode. Goals complete and all. See you in a few years!
And have a comic.
Go get your Magic Duel sticker on Getglue! (Spoiler)
iTunes -
Nightly Roundup #512
by Calpain
It's been awhile since we've had a Fluttershy header, she's been off busily attending to her animal friends getting them ready for winter I bet.
Time for the news folks!
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