Amazon has listed the volume one book for the Friendship is Magic comic (not to be confused with issue #1). It looks like it will be releasing at $17.99 with a whopping 104 pages. Pre-orders are now available if you want to grab it now, but we won't see it until May 21st.
Find it here!
Thanks to Keegan for the heads up.Share This!76 Comments
For those in the business of collecting show cast signatures, this week's prints have been tossed up on the ever growing Kiki charity auction site. You know the drill! Head on over here to check them all out. -
Trailers and Openings: My Little Power Rangers / Luna (Daria opening) / The Crystal Empire - Theatrical Trailer
by Sethisto
You guys love ponifying things apparently. Have some trailers and openings, with ponies.
1.) My Little Power Rangers (Spoof Opening)
2.) Luna (Daria opening)
3.) The Crystal Empire - Theatrical Trailer
Thanks to Whatshisgame for the heads up!
Music: Summer / Double Loyalty / I Wasn't Prepared For This (20% Cooler Orchestral Arrangement)
by Sethisto
We have an acoustic vocal track, an instrumental rock song dedicated to Rainbow Dash, and a remix of I wasn't Prepared for this. One from everything! Check them out below.
1.) Summer - Zatslol (Original)
2.) Double Loyalty
3.) I Wasn't Prepared For This (20% Cooler Orchestral Arrangement) (No Embed)
I have been told that tonight something odd is happening with the moon. Clearly this calls for a Luna header.
Have some art.
Source 1
On the 7th of December when the EDEL MLP DVD releases for all you European bronies, the limited edition version will also include a pony toy. We don't have any specific information on what exactly this toy will be at this time, but hopefully images of it will appear soon!
Thanks to Galacon for the press release! Find it below:
Double-surprising x-mas-gifts from “My Little Pony” December 7th! Friends of “My Little Pony” should mark this special date in their calendars. Just in time for Christmas, Edel:Kids offers an exclusive package: New DVD episodes come bundled with a special collectors pony toy in an affectionately designed box. For the first time, all of the four episodes are available in original language (English) on the German market. The fourth episode “The Cutie Mark Chronicles” is unreleased so far. The package with DVD and toy pony will be available for approximately 15 Euro. It will contain one of six different toys for pony fans of all ages. With this Limited Edition, you'll get bright eyes shining as bright as your Christmas tree!
(Update: Toy Located)
(Thanks to That Guy in the Corner for the image) -
This image is too perfect not to use again
Extra Note: There was a rumor floating around, primarily on Reddit (and consequently the submit box) about the duration of this episode being an hour long. The Hub has confirmed that it is the normal duration.
Little, Brown books has sent over a full press release for the upcoming My Little Pony books in Spring of next year. As you can see from the images, we have some beyond interesting stuff on the way, especially that Under the Sparkling Sea book up above. While the art style appears to be different than what we are used to, that definitely a seapony. Have a synopsis for it:
Celebrated artist Mary Jane Begin introduces fans to a brand-new land in the world of MY LITTLE PONY – the underwater city of Aquastria, ruled by KING LEO. When TWILIGHT SPARKLE receives an invitation to visit the underwater world, she invites all her pony friends and SPIKE to travel with her. Together, they learn of the long-held rivalry between the seaponies and the mermares, and must navigate the oceanic world, confront danger, make new friends, and race to the finish in this adventure that takes place in a shimmering new MY LITTLEPONY world that has never been seen before!
And along with that, the Crystal Heart Spell appears to be an ongoing brand new story that will jump from pony to pony across multiple books. And the synopsis:
TWILIGHT SPARKLE AND THE CRYSTAL HEART SPELL is the first book in a brand new chapter book series. Each book will feature a different pony character and an original story that ties in with events in the MY LITTLE PONY: FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC, animated television series. Books will be released every three months and will feature bonus activity pages
We also have a bit of expansion on Meet the Ponies and Welcome to Equestria:
In MEET THE PONIES OF PONYVILLE, a Level 1 Reader (part of Little, Brown Books for Young Readers’ leveled reading program, Passport to Reading), the youngest of pony readers can read all about their favorite characters
WELCOME TO EQUESTRIA is a four-color illustrated storybook that explores all of Equestria, from Ponyville to Canterlot ($3.99 / Ages 4-8).
And finally, the guidebook:
And perhaps one of the most anticipated releases for Pony fans of all ages is MY LITTLE PONY: THE ELEMENTS OF HARMONY (“THE FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC” OFFICIAL GUIDEBOOK), which includes extensive character bios, a complete episode guide and a map of Equestria, which will appear in print for the first time. Don't miss the complete lyrics to all the songs, a guide to the friendship lessons TWILIGHT SPARKLE and her friends have learned, and get Pony Words of Wisdom – so you can live your life in harmony with all other creatures ($14.99 / Ages 12 & up).
I'm just going to assume these will see huge expansion if we support them similar to the way we absorbed the comics. Next year is going to be crazy!
Head on down past the break for the full press release.
And just in case you arent in the mood for symphonic rock, Silva Hound and Rina Chan teamed up for this excellent electronic track. Rina's vocal bits competing with the heavy sections provides a great contrast. Check it out below!
[Normal][Shipping] "An excellent combination of first-person narration, canon characterization, and just the right amount of O.C. development!" -Prereader #13
Author: Lysis
Description: I, The Great and Powerful Trixie, have been reduced to performing magic tricks in a Trottingham tavern. One would think I'd never sink this low, but it's not as bad as it could be. The food is good, the beds are soft, and the company plentiful. The only problem? I'm stuck here until I earn enough bits to buy another caravan so I can get back on the road where I belong.
In A Tavern, Down By The River
So imagine my delight when one evening, a conpony walks through the door and starts cheating at cards. It was a golden opportunity: a chance to line my purse, play the heroine, and teach an amateur magician a thing or two about misdirection.
I had a perfect plan. My only mistake was getting a friend involved.
Additional Tags: Trixie Isn't A Weak Ponyop 12:00 PM
Labels: Author: Lysis, Complete, Normal, OC Ponies, Shipping, The Great and Powerful TRIXIE -
Time to clone yourself! Pinkie Pie has fractured space and time, appearing on your doorstep with a portal to the mirror pool room (Don't tell Twilight Sparkle!). She is offering to let you clone yourself freely for your every day life.
Do you take advantage of the offer? How many clones do you create? What do you do with your newfound clone army?
Pony Mode: One of them comes out as a pony, and Pinkie allows it to stay in Equestria. -
Welovefine has added a massive amount of stuff over in their pony section. Everything from new bags to a ton of shirt designs. Head on over here to check it all out!
Has Colgate been officially related to toothbrushing yet? I haven't been paying attention. That is a pretty badass shirt though.
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